HomeMy WebLinkAbout927312 000.12S UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] Diligenz, Inc. 1-800-858-5294 B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) [24623062 Prepared By: Diligenz, Inc. 6500 Harbour Heights Pkwy, Suite 400 Mukilteo, WA 98275 I RECEIVED 3/5/2007 at 11 :19 AM RECEIVING # 927312 BOOK: 650 PAGE: 128 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY L Filed In: Wyoming Linco~ THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1a, INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FilE # 882141 Bk493 Pg219-220 1b, This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT is I r-I to be filed [for record] (or recorded) In ihe II I REAL ESTATE RECORDS. 2. rl TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Financing S1atement iden@ed above is terminated with respect to security inierest(s) of the Secured Party euthorlzing this Termination Statement. 3. ~ CONTINUATION: Effectiveness of the Finencing Stetement identified above with respect to security interest(s) of the Secured Party euthorizing this Continuation Stetement is continued for the additional period provided by applicable law, 6/27/2002 4, ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of assignee in nam 7a or 7b and address of assignee in nem 7c; and also giva name of assignor in itam 9, 5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): This Amendmani affects Debtor J!L Secured Party of record, Chack only !1DA of thasa two boxas, Also check !1DA of the following thrae boxes iIl!I provide appropriate information in nems 6 andlor 7, CHANGE name endlor address: Please refertothe detailed instructions DELETE name: Give record name ADD name: Complete nem 7a or 7b, and also item 7 c: inr ardstochan in ihename/addressofa a to be deleted In item 6a or6b, also com letenems7e-7 if a licable, 6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: 6a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME MICHAEL R DECKER / Debra M Decker OR 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIK 7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: 7a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR 7b, INDIVIDUAL'S lAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7c, MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE I POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 7d, SEE INSTRUCTIONS I ADD'l INFO RE 17e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 7f, JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL ID #, if any ORGANIZATION nNONE DEBTOR I 8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE): check only 11M box, Describe collateral D deleted or D added, or give entire Drestated collateral description, or describe collateral D assigned, 9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (neme of assignor, Wihis is an Assignmant), If this is an Amendment authorized by a Debtor which adds collaierel or adds the authorizing Debtor, or W this is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here and enter name of DEBTOR authorizing this Amendment. 9a, ORGANIZATION'S NAME Community First National Bank OR 9b, INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 10.0PTIONAl FilER REFERENCE DATA 562/7040020680 24623062 FILING OFFICE COPY - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. OS/22/02)