HomeMy WebLinkAbout927335 " , ' , .'. :'j , i ~ (f ¿~ ., .j 'I 000163 File No.: 60 H/7I)] 4856 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY l11ESR PRESENTS THAT: Dorothea Hem.Dltrt~/Äc made. constituted and appointed, and by these pl'Cllmts duldoes make, cOl1llitu1e and appoint ðU S~ ~~Ii:. Y ,true and lawfullltamey f~ mwsand in my/our narnt.(I}. pl8iJC and mild. kJ sell, convey and mortAe realty and tö execute, a~\Nledge and deliver deeds of real )!Operty. ootes. IOOrtplles, releases. satlsfact!ons and other instruments relalin¡ realty which heI,hc considers necessary; 10 do business with banks, 8Jld J\Irticularly to endorse all checks and a1\l mllde payable to my/our order and ¡;ollect the proccws, to mllke Sl Ch payments and expenditures IS may be ncce5Slll)l in cooneclion with IInY of the furegQing 1TIIItte1S; and Ilwe kon::by sive lO}'foW' 4ttömD)' full po\\er to do eVllrythin¡ whut9œver requiaiœ and rn:cesSIII')' to be done in said tnlruiaction, of the followÌßg described property: A lIIrtlon !If the Hcn))lIcl't Properly, 8.., ref'eJ'l'td to in ¡be Affidavit .fSul'vivol"Hhll' recorded in Duok JOJI>R, on page 36. wltb UII: Oft1er of the Clerk of LiJlcoin COllllty, Wrominp,,, wllhin tht 8\\-'lf4Sta/4 of SetlloG 14, Towo..~hlp 3~ Norch, ~m~e 119 'W~t, or tile 6111 P.M,. Thayne, J.JnMhl COllnt)'. Wyomlag, tb~ houndary ..dog more l»lrt (u'arl~; dtstl'lbed a& tlJn(l~: ßJ<:CINNING ot tl1~ Nurtltwest cor'ner I)t:tbe WO(IJltyPro~rtj'l tiS referred to In the! Deed recorded In Book 291PR, 011 p.'.' ~97, with !laid Oinee,also !laid point being poín1 in the EIIsterly line IIf ~Iemmert Drive, as r~ferred to in the ll()l dway ER~ement, rec€II'ded In nook 26SPI~, on pngt274, with said Oftl(lI, said pO!lIt of beginlling !lelng 526.27 feet North 1"01 'S¡¡" Easl, along the :East Ible (If tbe SWlf4 Ilr yuki :iettion 14, Iud 42..34 leet South 8~1'03" EII~t to Ute J'OlN1' OF Bl~GJNNL~G !!'Om the l'aul N. Stltcrbtl ]{IB 164.19116 I.oratlonfol' Ibe Soutl\ell.~1 Cornel' oftbe swYt of saId Se1:tion .14; thtuce North 1"41'46" }i;l1st. :along '1lid F.J1sterly 1¡lIt, 90,99 reet t(1 the beglllllillgof¡¡ :JO.OO I~I I'Ødius curve to tbe I;gbt¡ thcollce N(lrtbtll~terIYIIII( ng 5 \ ¡ curve tu the right tl/mugl¡ II ott:ntral angle of 17"28'03", an IIrt lelletll 0(9.15 feet, froln width the radius point bellf8 South 7.1 "41')(\" ¡¡;ut, suit! curve having 1\ 'bDl-rt bearlrl!! ofNortb 119·34'23" EII.~t for !I.U l'l!i!t; Ih.ne~ Soutll 89°01'03" l~ut, 150.84 feet to It IlOiÐt III the we~t lille () ' ih. IJIII'ry pI'Oplll<ty, a~ nd'erl'ed to ur tbe Noti~' oCE"istJlIg ReaIEs~~t P.llrdll~se Agr(\~mtllt, roc.rded IIIUou ¡ 303PR 011 puge 39, wltb ~lIld offi(ej tboute South ]04~'J2 West, ¡¡Ioog .aid WcstlJne, 100.00 feet to Ihe NOlillea,t corner \tf~lIid WClOUt)' propertJ': tl1eDce North 890m 'OJ" WeM, along the Dorth HDe ohald W()(llIey property. lSl.87 fel!!, II) tb~ I'OINT Olr BEC::ìJI\"NING. Giving and granting unto my/our said atfmney. full power and authority tD do and perfonn aJl and every act iU1d thin¡ whatsoever requisite and neccssary to be done In and about the prcmises as fully to alllnœnts W1å purpooe~. as 1/1'10 might or tould do if personally þresent witb full power of substitution and revocaticn. hereby nw1)line and cOlÛumiog a[1 that my/our 8aJd attorney ~halllllwtìdly do or CIUse to be done by virtue he~f. !J} Fitness Whereof, [/we have hereunto 3Ct my/our hMd(s) and ,..I(s} trus f"fiJ Itt-U iI-¡I. Y . 2007, (,~, &1 --" / ~ ~l( i c'...A..(',...(..'ít,ú:t.. ",=:::,'\l.c"tvm...u Dor..tlu!a Rl!m/J1l!rt J!~m dftyof StBteOfW1jðM; '~ Coumyof LìV'"'\c,\ln ) ) :5, ) /) gf'h The foregoing Íll8trumftlt">WI acknowledged befole me tiJisOt' day of J)oroCh.. HemØlut, Fé bOjf1r:J . 2007, by Witness my hand and of!\ci'll seal. My commission expin:s: Lf -3D -D9 CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION eXPIRES 04/30/2009 RECEIVED 3/5/2007 at 2:22 PM RECEIVING # 927335 BOOK: 650 PAGE: 163 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY œ'B Str....ull. Pow... OC Aeorney WY co a..." 1/1:1/2006