HomeMy WebLinkAbout927474 ~J\t RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) --_._- 000829 . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That 1 st Bank ---_._-------_.__..._~-._....__:.._- ^ corporation. of the County of Linçoln and State of Wyoming , docs hl~reby certify that a certain mortgage. bearing date the -.14---- day of-Hay__ ,A. D. 2005 Illade and executed by _~e1.:~r::t!! Dean & An.&!!.1_a Shoell .-.----.-...--, as mortgage _. to ___._ 1st Bank aka First National Bank West -.- as mortgagee, conveying certain real estate therdn mentioned as security for the payment of $ 6'i .400....o.a._m_._____.____.. as therein states. which mortgage was recorded in the omce ofthe County Clerk and Ex-Ofticio Register of Deeds of _______..___._........_ Lincoln . _____ County, State of Wyoming, on the 19 day of May 2005 ----- --_._-,- in Book 28;>__ of Mortgages, at page 694 ___, and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to wit: All lands described in said mortgage. RECEIVED 3/8/2007 at 3:34 PM RECEIVING # 927474 BOOK: 650 PAGE: 829 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with a note secured thereby. and the albrementioned debt. fully paid. satislied. released. and discharged and in consideration thcreoi'the said mortgagee docs hcreby rclcase and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the prcmises thcreby convcycd and mortgaged. IN WITNJ:SS WIIEREOF. the 1 st Bank has causcd these Presents to be signed by its Branch President ---.------..--.. February ..A.D. 2007 ---- ---- st ß¡¡JLank _ ¿ I¡, Brant cashier. Note: If it is not desired to described lands in space therefor. insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgagc. I , TI·IE STATE OF WYOMING Lincoln } ss. County of . On this _....___.__ 28 day of February _._.____._____...__u.._.____ Penny Jones ,20~, before me personally appeared ~_._._-,_..._-----_.._._- 10 mc pcrsonally known. who. bcin~ by mc duly sworn. did say that he is thc st l' Bank Branch President of --. .-------___......_...... .__'_.4'_ and that the seal unixed 10 said instrument is the corporute seal of said corporation. and thut said instrument was signed and s~aled on behalf of suid corporatiop by authority of its Board of Directors and said Cashier ucknowlcd"ed said instrument to be Ih' tree a ·t and deed of said corporation. CHRIS W. KOLP NOTARY PUBliC ~ ßI~aCr.d '~Á1ft~i¡1 se LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 21.2010 My commission expires on thc __ dL_ day of this 28 day of 2007 ~4- _I')()~ .A.D·L ~ '1'1 IE STATE OF WYOMING. Counlyof } 5S. This instrument was tiled lor record ut A. D. 20 , and duly recorded in Book o'clock _M., on the on Page duy of ____....__ County Clerk and Ex-Ofticio Register of Deeds No --".-.-.- ..----.------.------- Fees, $ By Deputy Clerk