HomeMy WebLinkAbout876229I. Recitals: A. This Personal Representative's Deed is from , Jay Sparlin' Personal Representative of the Estate of Mollie P. Spaulding 7040 E. Girard Avenue, ~301E Denver, Colorado 8.0224, Grantor B. Mollie P. Spaulding in'her lifetime made and executed her Last Will and Testament dated August 26, 1986, which Will was duly admitted to info,al probate by the Prgbate Ccurt for the City and County of Denver, State of Colorado, Case No. 00PR1793, and Jay Sparlin was appointed Personal Representative thereof, on February 1,200 i, and is now qualified and acting in said capacity. Pursuant to the powers confe~ed upon Jay Sparlin by the Colorado statutes and the orders of the Probate CouP, and for consideration of Ten Dollars, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, Jay Sparlin does hereby convey and quitclaim to Colorado Seminaw (University of Denver) P.O. Box 100869 Denver, Colorado 80250 all of the interest, including all mineral interests of all kinds, owned by the Grantor in the following described real property: See Exhibit B for description ofprope~y. Jay S~"rlin,?ersongt Repre~nt~tive of the Estate of ~llie P.~paulding City and County of Denver ) The foregoing instrument was ac~owledged before me on September 19, 2001, by Jay Sparlin, Personal Representative of the Estate of Mollie P. Spaulding, deceased. My commission expires ~- / ~- ~ /] Township 21 North. Range 113 West Section 36: All Section 16: All (Resurvey Lot 44) Lincoln County, Wyoming E~SE~ of Section 45, It&TC RR. Co. Survey, Block 4, Abstract 219 Eastland County, Texas Township 33 North. Range 113 West Section 16: All SUblette County, Wyoming Townshi[} ? North! Range 2 East, · qectio'n 45: Northwesterly Half of the E~SW~ lying West of a diagonal line running from the Northeast corner of the SW¼ of said Section 45 .to the Southwest corner of the SE¼SWk of said Section 45. Township 6 North, Range 2 ~ast Section 1.' Lots 2, 3, 4; Also, begin at a point where the Northern boundary line o.f the Illinois Central Railroad right-of-way intersects the common section line between Sections 2 and 3, and go north along said line a distance of 3000 feet; thence go in a Westerly direction at a right angle a distance of 1500 feet; thence go in a southerly direction at a right angle to the northern boundary line of said Illinois Central Railraod right-of-way; thence go easterly along said northern boundary line of the Illinois Central Railroad to the point of beginning, containing approximately 96.5 acres and being located in Sections 1 and 3. · Franklin County~ Mississippi.