HomeMy WebLinkAbout927783 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) 000094 -------~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That 1 st Bank -.--------... ... -. ~-- -----_. ^ (;Orporation, oflhe County of_----1.11l.,.Çoln and State of Wyoming . uoes helcby œrtilY thal a œrtain mortgage. bearing date the 25.----- day ol·_-lIa.y__ . A. D. 2006 -_0-- made and executed by __ ]!':yid Barb~L. , .-...,.------..---.---,- - as mortgilge _, to 1st Bank -.---.,.-....-------.---. as mortgagee. conveying cel1ain real estate therein mentioncd as security for the payment of $ 137.874.00 ---~----- , as therein states, which mortgage was recorded in the ollice of the County Clerk and Ex-Orticio Register of Deeds of __.____._d....__._....... _..Linea] n ._._ County. State of Wyoming, on the _._18-___ day of -Se.ptemb.ex:.---..-..-.- -2006.-----.-. in Book _~~l_ of Mortgages. at page 87º-.____, and mortgaging the fo:iowlIlg described real ..::;tate in said County, to WII.: All lands described in said modifation of mortgage. RECEIVED 3/22/2007 at 10:17 AM RECEIVING # 927783 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 94 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with ai note s..:curcd thereby. and the af'orenH:ntioned debt. fully paid. satisfi..:d. r..:lcased. and discharged and in consideration th..:reof the said morlgagee does her..:by n:lcase and quitclaim unto Ihe said mortgagor the pr..:mises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the 1 st Bank has causSd these Presents to be signed by its Branch President ______.__._ _ ·______.·___..__..h.__ __~_________ day of.. Karch . Å. D. 2007 ----..-.--.- e presence of ßy. presr ./ ----- Its cash ier. Note: I r it is nOllksircd to described lands in space therefor, inserllhc following: "Alllands described in said 111011gage. TIlE STATE OF WYOMING County oJ_ Lincoln } ss. On this ___________ 20 day of Karch _.______._.__.___.___._. Penny Jones . 20~. bcforc mc pcrsonally appcared ----~-_._------ tOI11C persunally known. who. being by l11e duly sworn, did say thaI hc is thc ._ st l' Bank Branch President -..-..--.-.-........------. or --.--_..._- ---.,--.------.-.....--..--... - .------.- ------.,..- ..-. amI that thc seal allixcd 10 said instrumcnt is Ihc corporate seal of said . ration, and that said instrumcnt was signed and scaled on bchalfofsaid corporatioh by authority of its Board of Directors and said ~. k::::.____. acknowledged said instrument I deed of said corporation. C~RIS W. KOLP NOTARY ~c Ulycn unacr m.and llo.llÏ¡;¡¡1 .. 'al is ¡ COUNTY OF aTAn: UNCOlN WYOMING MY COMMtSSION EXPIRES AUGUST 21, 2010 20 day of U~,\cï¡AD..ZQQZ \ my Public LS_t ,A D. 2-D! D My cOl11mission explrcs on thc_. day of . TIlE STATE OF WYOMING. Coullty of __._._._._.._.____._} ss. . This instrul11ent was filcd lor rccord at. ^. D. 20 , and duly rccorded in Book o'clock _M., onlhc onl'agc day of __. County Clerk and Ex-Oftìcio Regisler of Dceds No. -----------.--- Fees. $ ßy Deputy Clerk