HomeMy WebLinkAbout927784 000 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That 15t Bank ---____·___·_.____.____..__...ø. __...'0_.' A corporation, of the County of_1!~,Ç-ºIn and State of WYOlning. . docs 1m eby eerLilY Lhal a certain mortgage. bearing date the 2') _____ day of May . A. D. 2006 -.- made and executed by ___David Barber -----..----.-.----.--. as mortgage _, to 1st Bank aka First National Bank West as lllortgagCl:, conveying certain real estate thercÌn mentioned as security I() ' the payment of $ 111.874.00 .________, as therein states. which mortgage was recorded in the oflice of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of _ Linen 1 n __ County. State of Wyoming, on the __30._ day of May 2006 in Book _~...?l.._ of MOrlgages. at page ~30 __, and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to wit: All lands described in said mortgage. RECEIVED 3/22/2007 at 10:18 AM RECEIVING # 927784 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 95 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with aillOte secured thereby. and the a (JI'l~mentioned debt. fully paid. satisfied. reh~a5ed. and discharged and in consideratiun thereof the said mortgagee docs hereby release and quitclaimul1to tlH: said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. , fN WITNESS WHEREOF. the 1 st Bank has caused these Presel1ts to be signed by its Branch President --.----.--- 20 _.___ day of March . A. D, 2007 $~ BY" ./ Its Bran Pre~ent cashier. Note: lfit is not desired to described lands in spaee therefor. insert the l'olJowing: "AlJ lands described in said mortgage. TI·IE STI;I.TE OF WYOMING County o:r Lincoln } ss. : On lhis __.___ 20 day of March ____.___.______._____ Penny Jones .20_ 07 . before me persunally appeared ------------- to me personally known, whu, being by me duly sworn. did say that he is the _ 5t 1 Bank Branch President of ---------...-.-- ._-._-~--- and lhatlhe seal aJlìxed to said instrument is the corporate seal of scoration, and that said instrument was signed and scaled on belmlf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said,A-"K ~ leI-- acknowledged said instrument to be the ITee act and deed of said corporation. day of 2007 My commission expires on the _ .A. D. '20(() TIlE STATE OF WYOMING, County oJ' . _....._________} ss. This instnlll1cllt was lilcd lor record at A. D. 20_ , and duly rccorded in Book o'clock _M., on the ___ day or 011 Page Coullty Clerk and Ex-Ollicio Register or Deeds No. ----- Fees. $ By Deputy Clerk