HomeMy WebLinkAbout927790 ~_.I f-(I File Number: 61200 .....-.---- Name: Address: TODD ESSENMACHER 601 Batavia Orange, CA 92868 RECEIVED 3/2212007 at 10:49 AM RECEIVING # 927790 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 109 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: WARRANTY DEED (Individual Fonn) ELLEN H. HEINER, Trustee of the ELLEN H. HEINER REVOCABLE TRUST, dated November 3, 1994, GRANTOR of LINCOLN County, State of WYOMING, hereby QUIT CLAIM to TODD ESSENMACHER, a single man GRANTEES, whose address is, 601 Batavia, Orange, CA 92868 or the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: The Bedford property ofthe Ellen H. Heiner property as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 369 P.R., on Page 94, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within Lot 4 of Section 5, the E 'l1 NE ~ of Section 6, Township 33 North, Range 118 West, and the SE ~ SE ~ of Section 31, Township 34 North, Range 118 West all of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly cilescribed as follows: see attach3ed legal for parcels 2 and 3 7) 1, ,,,/ _/ i '0 Beginning at the Paul N. Scherbel PLS 164, 1976 location for the Southwest comer ofthe SW ~ of \.' Section 32 of said Township 34 North, Range 118 West; Thence South 89°26'00" East, along the South line of said SW ~, 657.50 feet; Thence South 00°51'43" West 1331.04 feet, to a point in the North line of said SW ~ NW ~ of said 2 V Section 5; ./ Thence North 88°25'21" West, along said North line, 657.54 feet, to the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS, 1997 location for the Northwest corner of said SW ~ NW ~; Thence South 01 °51 '43" West, along the West line of said SW ~ NW~, 656.34 feet, to the Northeast comer ofthe S Y2 SE ~ NE ~ of said Section 6; Thence North 89°05'44" West, along the North line of said S Y2 SE ~ NE ~, 1313.34 feet, to a point in the East line of the W 'l1 NE ~; Thence North 00°48'20" East, along said East line, 1976.48 feet, to the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1982 location ' for the Southeast comer of the SW ~ SE ~ of said Section 31; Thence North 00°33'05" East, along the East line of said SW ~ SE ~, 327.35 feet; Thence South 89°03'55" East 1315.15 feet, to a point in the West line of said SW ~ of Section 32; Thence South 00°31 '39" West 327.35 feet, to the point of beginning. Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and rights-of- way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this '~~7/;;¿~~ ELLEN H. HEINER, Trustee . Cjt; 1--1 day of March, 2007. ð&//G ~)P~bL ELLEN H. HEINER, Individually Land Title Company File Number: 61200 Quit Claim Deed - (Individual) Page I of 2 , STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN 0927790 000110 f} cJt £--.1' day of March, 2007, by The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ELLEN H. HEINER Known to me, to be the Trustee of the ELLEN H. HEINER REVOCABLE TRUST, dated November 3,1994 a signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNES( ~F. ICIAL SEA. L. ~~~Q-~ -t ~ C0-\~ Notary Public: Ie ! My commission expires 01 0 l 01 I , ,1 .L;"')'v\,:,nna {~'ras¡er - NQtJ.ry F;jlL~:~~;;:':> " ~ ~ i" coyri'l:j 01 State.of 0~ ,V UrræJn \JVyonung ':) ;) :'.:) :;3 ~,n)i: COlnnll.~;SIC'¡, E:r.P!1¿\~'; ,¡uly ì j ~:~Od! -:7~ .\;,.-~. ".....~~~r''\,¡S~1V ~1M' .,."..~ STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN 11 c. t. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t-l '7 day of March, 2007, by ELLEN H. HEINER a signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same. WITNESsr H~~!:.,~N~FICIAL SEAL. )~ C-~ L 41~"·4 ~ ð~j'a.À- Notary Public: / / My commission expires 01 0 l 01 ! f . ".... '.. -, ,-". _: :.:.,,,.,:,.'-.,,-:":-,.t;<:. ¡e ~""'-"~-'''':~:{<''''''''''':-~''~''--'' --,.-, '., " d lJeVo~n~·F;asi·~; - ~loi~;Y Pubììo ;~ '.~. County of Slate of . I Uncoln Wyoming Iì My Commlssic,n Expires July 1, 2007 ~ - Land Tille Company File Number: 61200 Quit Claim Deed - (hldividual) Page 2 of 2 O~2~i'79Û EXHIBIT "A" 000111 PARCEL 2: Beginning at a point on or near the North boundary line of Lot 4 of Section 5, Township 33 North, Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, where an existing road (extending Westward along the North boundary line of said Section 5 from the County road near the Northeast corner of said section) turns Southward (said begi~ing . point being approximately 40 rods East of the Northwest corner of said Section 5) and running thence Southward and Westward along the centerline, of said existing road to the East boundary line of grantees' property, in the West half of said Lot 4, extending 10 feet on each side of said centerline. TOGETHER WITH the right, to be shared with LeRoy L. Heiner and Mary S. Heiner, husband and wife, and their heirs, successors and assigns, to improve and maintain the road along said right of way, for reasonable access, such improvement and maintenance to be at the expense of the one doing the maintenance or improvement unless mutually agreed otherwise with others sharing the roadway easement PARCEL 3: A portion of the property as referred to in the Quit Claim Deed and Assignment, recorded in Book 406 P.R., on Page 424, as Receiving # 847869, in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Wyoming, within Lot 1 (NE 14 NE 14) of Section 5, Township 33 North, Range 118 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: BEING the North 60 feet of the East 663.47 feet of said Lot 1.