HomeMy WebLinkAbout927810 0001.37 WA.RRANTY DEED PATRICIA E. LOONEY, toe survivind s~ouse of V. L. Looney, deceased, Box 322, Pinedale, Wy., 82941, County of Sublette, and State of Wyoming, grantor, for and in consideration of Ten and NO/100 ($10.00) Dollars and other ~ood and valuable consideration, in hand ~aid, receipt whereof is herebf acknow- ledJed, does convey and warrant to MILES W. STEWART and WILLIA.M T. STEWART, grantees, whose addresses are Box 42 and Box 163, LaBar~e, Wy., 83123, the followinJ described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyomind, hereby releasin~ and waiving all ri~hts under and by virtue of the homestead exem~tion laws of the State, to-wit: That part of the SW~NW~ and NW~SW~ and SW~SW~ of SEction 2 and the S':Ë~NE~ and NE~SE~ and SE~SE~ of SEction 3, T26N, Rl14W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described as follows: :' J BEGINNING at the southeast corner (SW 1/16 corner) of said NW~SW~; o thence NOO -13.4'E, the base bearinJ for this description, 1336.83 feet rec., 1337.07 feet meas. along the east line of said NW~SW~ to the northeast corner (c W 1/16 corner); o thence NOO -05.9'E, 1336.26 feet along the east ,line of said SW~NW~ to the northeast corner (NW 1/16 corner) thereof; o thence N89 -26.0'W. 1336.11 feet a1on~ the north line of said SW~NW~ to the northwest corner (N 1/16 S2/S3 corner) thereof; o thence S35 -4l.l'W, 1282.96 feet alonJ the east line of that tract of record in Book 256 of Photostatic Records on ~a~e 662 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Countf to a ~oint; s~id 0 thence continuinJ along/east line S25 -35.0'W, 1286.27 feet to a J?oint; o thence continuin~ along said east line SOO -3l.3'W, 543.05 feet to the center-line of Guyette Drive as shown on the plat of the Viola Subdivision-Phase I of record in the said Office as Plat No. 300, said center-line marked by 3/8 x 12 ins. steel spikes witnessed on the right-of-way line by 5/8 x 24 ins. steel reinforcing rods with aluminum caJ?s inscribed "SSLTD BIG PINEY WY RLS164" and appropriate details; thence coursin~ the said center-line of Guyette Drive as follows: o S68 -14.3'E, 1164.23 feet; o S83 -55.8'E, 129.71 feet; o N74 -18.6'E, 121.24 feet; RECEIVED 3/23/2007 at 11:12 AM RECEIVING # 927810 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 137 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY O~Z?81.0 000138 o N18 -01.8'E, 181.84 feet; northeasterly, 106.47 feet alon~ the arc of a circular curve to the ri~ht throu~h a central an~le of 860_30.9' with radius of 106.27 feet; o S75 -27.3'E, o N15 -07.l'E, 297.12 feet; 353.56 feet; 220.04 feet; 236.01 feet; o N08 -58.3'W, o Nll -16.4'E, southeasterly 225.59 feet a1on~ the arc of a circular curve to the right through a central angle of 1250_30.7' with radius of 102.98 ' feet; o S43 -13'E, 213.12 feet; o S44 -02.9'E, 531.64 feet; o N89 -48'E, 41.60 feet to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 139.97 acres, more or less; each corner found as described in the Corner Record filed in said Office; each ~oint marked with a 5/8x 24 ins. steel reinforcin~ rod with aluminum ca~ inscribed, "SSLTD BIG PINEY WY RLS164" and a~~ro~riate details; EXCEPTING therefrom that tract of record in said Office in Book 200 of Photostatic Records on pa~e 434 for the Viola Cemetery; "ëñè6mpàšsing an area of 1.88 acres, more or less; SUBJECT to the easement for the VIOL~ CEMETERY COUNTY ROAD NO. 12-343; ENCOMPASSING an area of 138.09 acres, more or less, net area; all in accordance with the fo1lowin~ plats filed in the said Office; Plat titled, "V.L. LOONEY PLAT OF TRACTS AND EASEMENTS WITHIN SECTION 3 T26N Rl14W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 27 Se~tember 1983; Plat of Viola Subdivision- Phase I of record in the said Office as Plat No. 300; Plat of Viola Cemetery County Road No. 12-343. 29 April 1994 ws5des 100neypatti O~Z?810 000139 TOGETHER WITH all buildings, fences and improvements situate thereon or appurtenant thereto, AND TOGETHER WITH all water and water rights, ditch and ditch ri~hts, and reservoir and reservoir ri~hts situate thereon or appurtenant thereto; I BUT SUBJECT, NEVERTHELESS, TO the ~rovisions of United States patents, AND SUBJECT FURTHER TO easements and ri~hts of way of record or in actual use for telephone transmission lines, electric transmission lines, irri~ation ditches and canals, and roads and ways, and sUbject further. to all outstandin~ mineral interests. AND SUBJECT TO -. accrued and accruin~ taxes, ~~ DATED THIS ~O DAY OF MARCH, 2007. . ~QL~ ~ PATRICIA E. LOONEY ~~~ STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ) ss COUNTY OF SUBLETTE The fore~oin~ warranty deed was acknowled~ed before me by Patricia E. Looney this ~ðTh day of March, 2007. My commission q eX.t?ires: ~'8'...ð I 1f~~~ MARGO PARROTT - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF SUBLETTE STATE OF WYOMING My Convnission Expires 08/0812009