HomeMy WebLinkAbout927825 IIIUU....Q. File Number: 61129 Name: Address: PETER 1. BURTNESS 437 Stinson Avenue Pisom Beach, CA 93449 RECEIVED 3/23/2007 at 2:44 PM RECEIVING # 927825 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 187 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: QUIT CLAIM DEED (Individual Form) PETER J. BURTNESS, a single man, MATTHEW L. BURTNESS, a single man, and CHRISTOPHER G. BURTNESS, a single man, with an undivided 1/3 interest each, GRANTOR(S) of-Shn LMls Dbl~' State of CCÎ(."~..ID._ . , hereby QUIT CLAIM to ~ETER J. BURTNESS, a single man, ~ø ~'1 5I-;M~ön GRANTEE(S), whose address is, 497 Sti1l50i1 Avenue, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 for the sum of One Dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: See "Exhibit A" attached hereto Subject to reservations and restrictions contained in the United States Patent and to easements and I rights-of-way of record or in use. '-\ / Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantor this ~ day of February, 2007. ~<~~ PE ~TNESS CHRISTOPHER G. BURTNESS ~~t:'~--- MATTHEWL. B TNESS - STATE OF C~Jìforn',Ol . COUNTY OF SanÚJí~ Obl7pÔ The' foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;;J..(o"1h day of February, 2007, by PETER J. BURTNESS, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ~&1 Notary Pub' . My commi sion expires (/'51 I (ß , I ~ ~ :..: ~, -. ~ ~ M~J. PONòEf~' -. .- t æ .. COMM. #1460021 :> a: II) · NOTARY PUBLIC - CAlIFORNIA :D « SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ~ j '-' ~ 'r~..""", M:co,~,m,;x,:eS~A~3~~ Land Title Company File Number: 61129 Quit Claim Deed - (Individual) Page I of2 STATE OF CalìlbrrJì~ . COUNTY OF ': QIIÍJ,I/90/))'jPO VI tho -J (o'f day of February, 2007, by . kn wledged before me IS C7 d The foregoing Instnunent was ac 0 '!hi . !rument who duly acknowledge to me MATTHEW L. BURTNESS the sIgner of the WI n illS , that he executed the same. WITNESS MY HA AND OFFICIAL SEAL. OS;i:?S2S ~~ ~..~ ~ ~ ~ M~J. poNòEÍ~~ ~ Þ m · Þ COMM. #1460021 » cr G:> : NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA ~ « SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY m My Comm. Expires JAN, 31, 2008 Notary P lie: II~, l1)q My commIssion eXPires~. STATE OF Cali.foml OJ , COUNTY OF 9aYlÚÙ-;,Db,.~pú tho éJ/';;fhda,y of February, 2007, by . kn wledged before me IS (£/ d d t The foregoing illstrument was ac o. th 'th.. trument who duly acknowle ge 0 G BURTNESS the sIgner of e WI ill illS , CHRISTOPHER . me that he executed the same. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. ¡}31 I Df I ~"'"' :..: ~ ~ ~ ~ M~J. PONòER ~ Þ m COMM. #1460021 » cr G:> : NOTARY PUBLIC _ CALIFORNIA ~ « .. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY m l ,,' ,~~~M~:o,~m:x~es:A~3~2~ -; . EXHmIT "A" rhe Soutbetuterly one-linlf of 101 4$ of Alpine VIUøge 'obdiYiBlnA No.1, """'mod as ¡1)S1fUm.", # '45 J6.15~ in.LineaJn Cøunly. Wyomlnu, furthcr described asf{)jlows: Beginning .1 · found S18" ¡¡". "'4 .Mho South oolner .ea'ld lot 45, said poiul being S89"34' 5'''B '6 J 6.68 tc., okrAS ¡;"I- W... O!'JIlorUDO of ...Iion 19 IIDd Nortb 407.11 feet !Tom' tho b...i., Well! III ¡;II DOmOt (being a Bm.. Cap MoAUmll t) of Sectlon.I~, T ow,u,hip 37 Nònh, Range 118 Wes\ 01 lb. 6"'Prmctple M.rid¡1Ul LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING, IIJ1d running , thGn.. N16"3 4' 5] "W 300.24 CeDI to ".1 S18" tio~ rod wllb an alwn1n1101 cap P 1. S. 3520; ih'h"" NS:J"I J' 49"1! 443.63 feet 10 a i,DISIR" hoe ro~ with an oIumi."", ..p p .L.S. 3520, tbcnoc S36°44·40·nE 300.04 feef '1) a found' SIB" iron rod with an altui1inum cnp #~26; thence S5J.D 11'17"W 444.Æ~1 ID the point of beginning LkCAL DlSCRIPTrOA'f SOUTHEASTERLY ~4U,F OF LOr 45 . ALPJNE VILLAGE SUBDIVISION Land Title Company File Number: 61129 Quit Claim Deed - (Individual) Page 2 of2