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32 ttialeab Roml :.-. NOFIL.E OF INIENFION TO FILE LIEN (W.S. ~ 29-1-107) Call Ready' Mix &'Lumbe. r, hie. of 786 N. ~Vashington, Alton, ~Vyoming 83110 hereby gi've~ notice pursuat~t to ''~ © e 29...2407 I~..~ ~ of their intent lien parsuant, lo Wyoming Statutes, against the real Land situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Vi/yoming, more particularly described as lbllows: BEGINNING at a point wMch is t91~}.56 feet North 89~35' East of tl~e Southwest Corner of Section 6, Towmdfip 3t NOrlh, Rang¢:~ ~ i 8 West; dtence 330.0 feet' North 0 °25' West; thence 132.0 feet North 89o35' East; thence 330.0 feet South 0 °25' East; thence t32.0 i'i~et Soui'~ 89°3y West to the pol.nt of begim~ing. TOGETIiER wifl~ all itnprovements and appmtena, nces thereon. Thereon releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of however., to ali reservations, restrictions, excepti]ms, easements, and rights-of-way of record. For the ~mts/andi~g b,dm~ee on their account al _.,m Ready Mix & Lmnber, 10c, phis i · C.' nle~ es~ and coat:s. Cii;Ri-llqC tTE OF l Ins is lo certify that: on the 2.7th day of September 2001, at ,yommg, I sera, ed a copy of the fiqregoing Notice Of hatention To File Lien by serving a true and correct copy/hereof by Umted ~. rotes Mail, postage, prepaid, as addressed lielow: '