HomeMy WebLinkAbout927850 ......---.--- -------_. -... ...--...... RECEIVING # 92785Q BOOK: 652 PAGE: 245 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF IDENTITY D245 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTIES OF SUBLETTE AND LINCOLN } } Know All Men By These Presents: Affiant on oath swears that the following statements are true: My name is Casey Nikoloric (f/kIa Casey N. Bybee and Casey N. Hine) and I am of lawful age. I was personally acquainted with Elizabeth McClintock for over forty (40) years. Elizabeth McClintock was an assignee (or party of the second) in an Assignment of Royalty dated November 10, 1950, recorded in Book 2 Page 339 of the Oil and Gas Leases of Sublette County, Wyoming, which instrument describes and affects the following described lands and interests in that county: Z 7 An undivided forty percent (40%) of one-half (Yz) of one and one-fourth percent (1.25%) interest (or .0025) in all of the interest in and to all oil and gas produced or the proceeds of said oil and gas produced form the following described leases and lands: 1',~J Township 27 North. Ramie 1 I3 West. Sublette Countv. WY Evanston 07674-A FJ2 NW/4, N/2 SW/4 Section 34 Evanston 07674-B W/2 NW/4, S/2 SW/4 Section 34 Evanston 07675-A SW/4 NE/4, W/2 SE/4 Section 34 Evanston 07675-B N/2 NE/4, SFJ4 NE/4, FJ2 SE/4 Section 34 Evanston 07675-C FJ2 FJ2, Section 34 --, , And an undivided forty percent (40%) of one-half (Yz) of one percent (1%) interest (or .002) in all of the interest in and to all oil and gas produced or the proceeds of said oil and gas produced form the following described leases and lands: j Township 27 North. Range 1 I3 West. Sublette County. WY Evanston 07478-A FJ2 SW/4, SW/4 SW/4 Section 27 Evanston 07478-B NW/4 SW/4 Section 27, and W/2 SW/4 NW/4 Section 35 Township 26 North. Range 113 West. Lincoln Countv. WY Evanston 07675-C Lots 1,3,4 in Section 3 I testIfy and positively affirm that Elizabeth McClintock and Elizabeth McClintock Nikoloric are one in the same person, Elizabeth McClintock having married Leonard Artur Nikoloric in 1950. FURTHER Affiant saith not. STATE OF C0':ßRADO COUNTY OF en \Jet" Affiant ' ~ c~~JtJ (!~~~;n~d Cn"y N. By''') BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared CASEY NIKOLORIC, (f/k/a Casey N. Hine and Casey N. Bybee), known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes expressed herein. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE THIS L day of trfAr, \... ,2007. (NOTARY SEAL) NATHAN RAIZMAN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO My Commission Expires JUNE 19.2010 .325B65 Rt(b UU )~ 101)1 .~ ~.sQ£..M IN lOOK,... J1 r'J f).rLPAOr. 4r~ tUs ..... [.. e tJ COUNTY CLERK $LlIUnr - u~ I OMING ill ¥~?q-~ After recordinl!. Dlease forward Ihis oril!inal recorded documenl to: Deeds Processing P.O. Box 1015 Midland, TX 79702