HomeMy WebLinkAbout927851 ASSIGNMENT OF OVERRIDING ROYALTY INTEREST 000246 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTIES OF SUBLETTE AND LINCOLN Know All Men By These Presents: That CASEY NIKOLORIC, (f/k/a Casey N. Hine and Casey N. Bybee) dealing in her sole and separate property, whose address is 6125 East 6th Avenue, Denver, CO 80220, hereinafter called Assignor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and more dollars ($10.00) cash in hand paid and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey, assign, and deliver to the fo11owing parties in the percentages set forth below: J.M. Mineral & Land Co., Inc., a Te"as corporation P. O. Bo" 1015 Midland, Tens 79702...............................25% Eric D. Boyl P.O. Bo" 2602 Midland, Te"as 79702....................,...........25·;. Ashlin Minerals, Ltd. P. O. Bo" 10703 Midland, Tens 79702...............................25% HemJan Clifford Walker, III P.O. Bo" 10135 Midland, Te"as 79702 ...............................20% lIT Minerals & L.,nd, Ltd. P.O. Bo" 10135 Midland, Te"as 79702...............................5% hereinafter co11ectively called Assignee, whether one or more, an of Assie:nor's rie:ht. title and interest in Sublette and Lincoln Counties. Wvomine:. includine: but not limited to the lands and leases described below, all of which lands and leases being situated in Sublette and Lincoln Counties, Wyoming, together with a11 of Assignor's interest in royalties and overriding royalties payable out of production (including the LaBarge Unit and Green River Bend Unit) under said lands, leases and property, and not being less than the interest herein described: An undivided forty percent (40%) of one-half (Yz) of one and one-fourth percent (1.25%) interest (or .0025) in all of the interest in and to all oil and gas produced or the proceeds of said oil and gas produced form the following described leases and lands: 27 Township 27 North. Range 113 West. Sublette County. WY Evanston 07674-A - Section 34: El2 NW/4; N/2 SW/4 Evanston 07674-B - Section 34: W/2 NW/4; S/2 SW/4 Evanston 07675-A - Section 34: SW/4 NEl4; W/2 SEl4 Evanston 07675-B - Section 34: N/2 NEl4; SEl4 NEl4; El2 SEl4 Evanston 07675-C - Section 34: El2 El2 325866 ( ;~ Zl Township 27 North. Range 113 West. Sublette County. WY Evanston 07478-A - Section 27: El2 SW/4; SW/4 SW/4 Evanston 07478-B - Section 27: NW/4 SW/4, and Section 35: W/2 SW/4 NW/4 And an undivided forty percent (40%) of one-half (Yz) of one percent (1 %) interest (or .002) in all of the interest in and to all oil and gas produced or the proceeds of said oil and gas produced form the followinl! described leases and lands: RECEIVED 3/26/2007 at 11 :29 AM RECEIVING # 927851 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 246 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY " ) Township 26 North. Range 113 West. Lincoln County. WY Evanston 07675-C - Section 3: Lots 1,3,4 Assignor oes hereby irrevocably appoint and constitute Eric D. Boyt, whose address is P.O. Box 2602, Midland, TX 79702, as its Agent and Attorney i Fact for the limited purpose only of executing division orders, transfer orders and all other instruments as may be necessary to make fully effec ive this conveyance of interests, so that Eric D. Boyt may act in Assignor's place and stead for this limited purpose only. Assignor agrees to xecute such further assurances as may be requisite for the full and complete enjoyment of the rights herein granted and likewise agrees tha Assignee herein shall have the right at any time to redeem for said Assignor by payment any mortgage, taxes, or liens on the above described and upon default in payment by Assignor, and be subrogated to the rights of the holder thereof. In additio to the foregoing, Assignor does hereby transfer, assign, and set over unto Assignee all of Assignor's interest in and to all monies, proceeds, ncome, and other personal properties now on hand or in the possession of any third party, bank, trustee, pipeline company, or purchaser which have heretofore accrued to the mineral andlor royalty interest of Assignor in said land that has been herein conveyed to Assignee. TO HA V AND TO HOLD The properties described above with all and singular the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunder or anywise belonging to said Assignee herein their heirs, successors, and as'signs forever, and Assignor does hereby bind herself, her heirs, executors, administra ors, successors and assigns to warrant and forever defend aU and singular the said property unto the said Assignee herein, their heirs, successors and assigns against every person whomsoever claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Additionally, Assignor hereby grants and transfers to Assignee the benefit of and the right to enforce the covenants and warranties, if any, which Assignor is entitled to enforce with respect to the property against any predecessors in title. WITNESS MY HAND this the E- day of MO..ll..Ý\ A. D. 2007, but effective March 1. 2007. ~ NllLototJC!-J CASEY NIKOLORlC, (f/k/a Casey N. Hine and Casey N. Bybee) dealing in her sole and separate property STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF D~'(t"~("' BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared CASEY NIKOLORIC, (flk/a Casey N. Hille and Casey N. Bybee) dealing in her sole and separate property, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the forgoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes expressed herein. (NOTARY SEAL) My Commission Expires JUNE 19 2010 After recordinE. Dlease forward this oriEinal recorded documenl 10: ' Deeds Processing P.O. Box 1015 Midland, TX 79701 NATHAN RAIZMAN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO ,)... '2007'~ß No.', Pob¡;" ,." OfCol~~ r>. Notary Printed Name: ¡V~'!!1A" ~ }z:.Ma r1 My Commission Expires: Tv tit!!. J? J Z,610 GIVEN UNDER MY HAND