HomeMy WebLinkAbout927881 OnOf')~3 u c...I:.'wrJ" WARRANTY DEED Donald G. Larson, Trustee of the Donald G. Larson Revocable Trust dated March 4, 2003, and Bonnie R. Larson, Trustee of the Bonnie R. Larson Revocable Trust dated March 4, 2003 grantor(s) of Co keville, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To Mary Katherine Paytosh and Paul Anthony Paytosh, Wife and Husband, grantee(s), whose address is: 128 3rd Avenue East, Jerome, ID 83338 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: ) ~. See attached Exhibit A for Description. IY L¡ Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness my/our hand(s) this...? ¡, day of March, 2007. Donald G. Larson Revocable Trust 4~$·r~ Donald G. Larson, Trustee Bonnie R. Larson Revocable Trust ~~ t ;¡;~ Bonnie R. Larson, Trustee RECEIVED 3/26/2007 at 3:37 PM RECEIVING # 927881 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 383 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY State of Wyoming ) ) ss. County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J&~ay of March, 2007, by Donald G. Larson and Bonnie R. Larson. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Od-òër{O g¡J 8HEUEY 8NÞLL . HOTMY PUBlIC .,'" &\ ..01 ~-WyaåII ~ StreamLine Deed - Warranty WY © Rev. 6/8/2006 Wafatch Surveying Assocíales L. L. C. Professional Land Surveyors 906 Main Street Evanston, wY 82930 (307) 78ß1~4545 (307) 444-4555 fax 00038/4 O~Z·78S:t r reO T. Taggart P.LS. Fred W, Coles P. L.S. Stanton G. Taggart P.LS. c'" Don Larson 7.234 Acre Parcel Legal Dcsc:ription . . . -J. .,¡. J. (,i, "." , A parcel of land 1 cated in Trac(Np..~7 of~ectlop 4, T26N, R118W, of the 6TI¡ P.M., Lincoln . ,.): '" 00 I ~. o,¡ Counly, Wyoming bcing ore partieularlx ~~~cf~be4.a.~.follows: Commencing at the seuthfne-quarter c~;~'õ~ ~~'~~~;¡on 4, a I " iron pipe wi th brass cap inscribed "AP4) TR37 1932" and a "iron pipe with brass cap jn~cribed 1'114 R4/S9 1932", tmd running thence N 00··]5'49" E. 50.00 tèet ong the North-South centerline of said Section and the East line .of.sai~ ~ract No. 37 to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said poil'\t being n1arkcd with a 5/8'1 steel bar with a 1-1121' aluininum cap inscribed II tan Tagg:n't PLS 63861'; thence S 89· 54'38" W,90 .00 feet parallel with and 50 feet North of the South line of said Section to u point lying on the Baste,,] bank ofilia Smith's Fork River, said point being marked with a. 5/811 steel bttr with a 1-;112" aluminum c p inscribed "Stap. Tagg~'PLS 6386"; thcn~~, N., ~S °24'41" E. 46 .61 feet ~l.ö~g· ~~1.f:~~~~ìY ,b~~.~ ,to a point marked with a 5/8" steel bar with a. 1-1/2." aluminum cap ins~ibed "Stim Taggalt~Pt!S' 63'S6i'; thenc:e..N·8~·-55'07!1-E,-l~11.96 feet to the S'öuthWest'corn'er of that tract of land contained in inslrUment recorded June 16, 1976 i Book. 127PR on Page 302 of the r~cords of tho Lincoln County Clerk; thc~èè. 8lQng the Southerl line of sa.id tract the roHewing three (3) courses~ 1) S 56·13'35" ~, 91.52 feet; 2)N D"SI'16"E, 58.S7feet; 3) S 89.4910911 H, 17.07 feet t() R poin~ lying on lh~ East lit'1e of~aid TrBcl No. 37; thence S 00"15149" W, 34t.15 fect along said Uast line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ¿¡~'p:e¡ containing 7.2 Úcres, "'ore:o,Ùe.'i;·:~th, ~~feomers. except lIS noted above, being mad:ed with ~.\l·'. steel T-shnped b r wilh an.id.~,~J!.i~pgtéÄ.'· 'il1s~tibed "LS 164". . "';"\'~LI" . ':M II. . ,_~ ~o" G. N~ cç ~ s,s o~ "" AugtlSt 9, 2006 Filë:- 06.-76 AN.V CHANO¡¡, ADDmON 0 r)1!I.£TJON or />NY r~T Ofl·I:H!~,.I~ $CIUPTION WILL Al:r "() VOl!) ANY WARRANTY on. RESPONSffiIUTY. RX))~t!$~ OR '!"'fP1;mD; 1jiAJ" Lt.1~y ~~~ '('(JWARD THE SUBJEn" "KOPt::KIY. ',' . .\ ~\~..,...,..J ~.: " ,.I '. ,~...~"" . ...._ . .'< ;:;.-~! "1";,. I TOTRL P.02 I