HomeMy WebLinkAbout927898 000420 RECEIVED 3/27/2007 at 10:12 AM RECEIVING # 927898 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 420 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RELEASE OF MORTGAGE Loan # 336391 WCDA Loan # 7046045822 tp) ~""";).\ KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That it is hereby certified by WYOMING COMMUNITY DEVELOPM-ENT AUTHORITY A corporation of the County ofNatrona, and the State of Wyoming, that certain mOligage given by a Jeff Stoker and Christina Stoker. husband and wife. MOIigagor(s), MaioI' Morte:ae:e. a Wvomine: Coporation as Mortgagee, to secure payment of the principal sum of $4.300.00, dated on the 30th day of Aue:ust, 20 Qb and recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the 3rd day of September. 20 02 in Book 498 of Mortgages, at Page 250. Instrument Number mortgaging the following described real property: SEE SCHEDULE C ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. that the mortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled, released and discharged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the below signed mortgagee has caused its name to be signed hereto by its proper officers pursuant to due authority given this J'~'tL day of March ,2007. STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Natrona The foregoing instrumeµt was acknowledged before me by Geore:e D. Axlund. Executive Director, this -l-:+\,-. day of March ,2007. Witness my hand and L, t- . -' ) My Commission expires õ '.~ ..: I . . ¡¡ ·I")¡. ..... :~:::,:1;1:. l¡i¡il . \ J '/.',"1' ., ,......'. .-'.' '. .·l.iiJl. \ ;'., '.' ~J. . . rt.~-': . ~ -t., ::(,.!f,"""'. ::«::'i;. ··:·f'-':;· ":. .:::. :~!11..;,".·'·' :Li&:~$.:' ::,:{~l/ .1 .J "~r." .... ....' . " . ,..' . .. i ~J.' ," ," I ..." JJ oJ ' . fJ :., !: .,:J·t~k\/,:r '. ",' \.:' ,:;: ", ,.:,~'~~:o:. ", <:';:~I';,::·' ~j~f,J4' .:: · ,i' " . ~:iJ.· :X· ..:.:,( " '.' ...... : ., ,~¡t· ~., ',i .'î'¡<.,;!i. ' ' J J.11~f.;·:§~:ii*::; .~ir¡J\:;1~ :¿.<:i~ "'i Æ,vl'.\¡ ..,..... , '. ", t,·{i.,. ',!, .'~ U,~, ..~..J ,/., 'il ,{¡.., . ,";';'" ." d.....·:. '\" :. of';..... ..' .:~. ~;t:-.:\I~~,·:f~,,: :,}l ...:";:- .:....:.i?.,?.~::~:;o~: <~f!~i~~ð" .. '::,~,<',~:::~9927s.~~r/·ir> . .:.' . ..' ~". " '. :_".;'. . ..\. . ". 'J':' ..' ·::.::.·);,ti,:~::" , : .i~1t~ .!' , ¡¡;f~:;t:· . ':;!:~;~D . ¿y ~'~?:-::~ YK~ ALTA COMMITMBNT ~ 1982 - Wy Commitment No.: FA 8982 OM SCHEDULE C . The land referred to in lhis 'commitment is situat~d in the State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and is , described as follows: . . ' 'That part of Lot 2 ,of Block 17 of' the' Original Townsite of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part 'of . that tract' of record in the Office of the Clerk of 'Lincoln County in Book 426PR on page 294, described'as follow~: ' Beginning at the northeast point of said tract, N 88°14'10" W, 10.00 feet, from the northeast point of said Lot 2; thence N 88014'10" W. 96,35 fe~t, along said north line, to a . p'oint; thence S 01048'190" W, 107.66 feet, along ~n exi~ting fence ,~ine, in pari, ~o a point; thence S 03028'07" W. 57.36 feet, along said fence line, to a point . on the south line of said tract; , . thence S 88014'10" E; 98,13 feet, along. said south line, to the_ southeast point of said tract; thence N 01°46'02" E, 165,00 feet"along the east line òfsaid .'tract, to the ,Point of Beginning. ": , . 11./91 -.- ---" -- .--- -. 00042~