HomeMy WebLinkAbout927926 OOU:JJ..1. STATE OF JJ/Q~ ~ 9.Ä1/Y\AX'_~ PROOF OF DEATH & HEIRSHIP RECEIVED 3/28/2007 at 8:38 AM RECEIVING # 927926 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 511 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ) ) ) County of AFFIDAVIT OF HEIRSHIP OF Mabel Barty. also known as Mabel Catherine Banv. also known as Mable Barry. , being fIrst duly sworn upon oath, deposes and says: The she was acquainted with bel B also known as Mabel Catherine B also known as Mable B also known as Mabel C. Barty deceased for 3 if years; That he/she is a ..4 ¢1'1..... - . A~) - _ Pc. l.{~".I of said decedent. That said Mabel Barty. also known as Mabel Catherine Banv. also known as Mable Barry. also known as Mabel C. Barty died testate on or about the 29th day of June ,_ A. D. 1980 , at about the age of 76 years. That the said decedent was not married at the time of death. That the said decedent was married ð-yL.e.. / death, is as follows: time(s), and the name of each spouse, with date of ~ Date of De~lth Lester A. Barry November 19, 1976 That the said decedent was not divorced ftom Lester A. Banv That the following children of said decedent were living at the time of said decedent's death: Names Address Date of Hirth Vernon L. Barty Lois F. Ingelstrom Barbara Jean Driskell Now Deceased ,2( 6 I 5 Northland Street, PocateIlo, ID 83201-49 I 5 21032 Fifth Ave S, Des Moines, WA 98198-3629 That the following child of said decedent died prior to her death, and left heirs as follows Name Date of Bitih Marital SI:atus Heirs N/A 0927926 000512 If decedent left no surviving children, give the following infonnation: First: List parents, if living; also list brothers and sisters; if any brother or sister died before decedent, also list his or her children. Second: If no parent, brother or sister survived decedent, list the following if any surviving: grandparents, nephews and nieces; uncles and aunts; cousins; if none of foregoing survived, list nearest of kin surviving. Names N/A AJ!;e Address Relation to Decedent That all of said heirs at law were and are of sound mind, and that none of them are incompetent. That all debts and claims against the estate of said Mabel Barry. also known as Mabel Catherine Barry. also known as Mable Barry. also known as Mabel C. Barry were fully paid and at the time of her death she was the owner of or had an interest in the following described real estate, to-wit: Townshio 21 North. Ran!!e 115 West. 6'" P. M. Section 36: All (also described as Section 36: Lots 37, 44 and 46), less and except the railroad right of way Further Affiant saith not. C;~;yJ 4. -dJnêíM-~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this --L:< Ý day of ~f~. 2006. My commission expires 7-3 -/:;;... STATE OF .27~~ð COUNTY OF ßI1AI~~ ) ) ss. ) lic JOHN B. INGELSTROM I NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF IDAHO 1'/i:~~~)/~:::J:~~~'::;.+ On this ~ay of S1t'J"""'-.¿~ , 2006, before me personally appeared :;;¡,,. Á L,.e/r~~ , who is known to me to be the identical person whose name is affixed to the a"ve instrument, and acknowledged the instrument to be J, ¡.J free and voluntary act and deed. My Commission Expires: (- 3-/~ ~~ --- + I' STROM: JOH~OTARY PUBLIC . ISTATE OF IDAHO r " STATE OF IDAHO O~27926 IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS 000513 :~ ~ I I I ~ I ~ I ~ ~ I ,~ ~ I .~ ~ . I I ~ TYPE OR PRINT IN PERMANENT 'NK DECEDENT NAME lAST SEX State File No. 2 7 0 7 Local Reg. No. I 'I {r. Reg, Dist. No. ,.,'-"j 0 . DATE OF DEATH (Mo., OilY, Yr.) JUL 21 1"920 State of Idaho CERTIFICATE OF DEATH d. TtThi te B. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION OF OEATH > COUNTY OF DEATH Female :-.Tune 29 1980 U. S. A. !k B. Mar. 23 7.. Bannock HOSPITAL OR OTHER INSTITUTION Nam. (J(notin øith", øivfltrut.ndnumbør) c;l. 9 u. k Hillcrest Haven Convalescent Home / MARRIED. NEVER MARRIED. WIDOWED, DIVORCED (SpKify) 'D. Widor,,!ed SURVIVING SPOUSE (If wi'., ,iv. maid,", n.".,.) 15c. B~RTHPLACE 1> KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDU3TRY Ir..HOSP. OR INST. Indicate OOA, O~/Em.r. ".!p., InJ»ltlert/Specify) I 7d. l.npa1i1ent\,¿1 WAS DECEDENT EVER IN U.S. ARMED FORCES? (YIII or No) NOn IF DEATH WAS aUE TO OTHEn TtIAN NATURAL CAUSES, THE CORONER MUST COMPlETE AND SIGN THE CERTIFICATE Pocatello STATE 141. CITY, TOWN OR lOCATION 11. USUAL OCCUPATION f IHI' ind 01 work don. durin .' most of working lif. ~VIJft If ,..iirw11 Housekee er iHH~** COUNTY At Home Idaho IBb. Bpnnock No. INSIDE CITY LIMITS fYn or No) Yes ,... rlilliam Fenn 16b. \'¡yomi ng MAILING AOORESS '8b 1205 Cherry Lane CEMETERY OR CREMATORY - NAME CITY OR TOWN lIP Pocatello Idaho 83201 LOCA nON CITY OR TOWN STATE Ilk Mountainview Cemetery NAME OF FACILITY '9d. Pocate110 ADDRESS OF FACILITY Idaho DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED 2B. I I I I I I I I I J I I ~ I ,ø.....,....""\\\\\""\\\111 ~ /<>" II"III~· ( ~ ~ ,~ M "" Pocatel10 Idaho- 221. On the b'lis of ex.minltion .nd/or InveltlQlltion, In my opmloo death occurrød .t the 'line, dlte and place .nd due to the clulelsl stned. ~c;'::;: ~ DATE SIGNED (Mo., OilY, Yr.} j'.. "P .0 õ.a: EW .Z uo J~ .u ... HOUR OF DEATH 22b. PRONOUNCED DEAD (Mo.. OilY, Yr.} 22c, PRONOUNCED DEAD (Hour) 22d, ON 22., AT M { (I., Int.rv.1 "tWein onl,llnd death \.·<....~O,. (c Interval betw..n onnt IfId d..th Icl OTHER SIGNIFICA T CONDiTIONS Conditlonl contributing to duth but not related to ClUJ' given In PART II.' AUTOPSY (Yes or No) Ace., SUICIDE. HOM., UNDET:, OR PENDING I~VEST. (s¡..r:ify} DATE OF INJURY (Mo.,O.y, Yr.} HOUR OF INJURY No 2)... INJURY AT WORK IY.sorNo} 2711.. 27c. PLACE OF I.NJURY - AI hom., farm, Itrellt, factory, offIce building. !;lIe. (Specify) M 27d. lOCATION STREET OR R.F.D. NO, CITY 01\ TOWN STATE 27f. 27g. This Is· a true and correct reproduction of the document officially registered and placed . on file with the IDAHO f;IUAEAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS, FEB 0 ~ 2007. ~;>d~ . JANE S. SMITH STATE REGISTRAR