HomeMy WebLinkAbout927927 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) 000514 -----...---------- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That 1 st Bank ----.-----.-.--. ......- œrtiry that a certain mortgage. bearing date the 3 and State or Wyoming ___day 01'_ Novem~~~_ . does hereby ^ corporation, or the County of____tincoln , A. D.2005 .-- made and executed by _-.J~_ª~.I!.'" H Sender l!-nd Debbie ~~_!!.c!er as mortgage _, to _.___..~st Bank aka First Nationa~ Bank West . ._u__.._"_______n._. .______ _ __. _, , .-.------- as mortgagee. conveying cel1ain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of $ 34.617.68 . -------------. . as therein st'ates. which mortgage was recorded in the ollice of the County Clerk and Ex-Oflicio Registcr of Dceds of ____._._..___w.._. --Lin~nln County. State of Wyoming, on the _18--__ day or....Novembpr ...___._..__._ 2005 in Book _§Q~_._.._ of MOl1gages, at page _~~L__. and mortgag.ing the following described real estate in said Count;.'. to wit· All lands described in said mortgage. RECEIVED 3/28/2007 at 8:40 AM RECEIVING # 927927 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 514 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with a' note secured thereby. and the albremcntioned debt. fully paid. satisfied. n:leClsed. and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does herehy release and quitclaim utHo the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. the 1 st Bank has caused these Presents to be signed by its Branch President _.__._____~..____.._ _._ ..._ _.__~_·.~_d.~~_ . .~..__..._.. his _ __._?L_________________ day of__~rch ____.__' ^. [) ..~O~!________ sence of -----,- 1 st Bank ßY~~ Its Branc resident cash icr. Note: If it is not desired to described lands in space therefor, insert the following: "All lands described in said ·mortgage. TIlE STATE OF WYOMING Count)' of Lincoln 27 } ss. On this day of Penny Jones March , 20~.. helì¡re me personally appeared -----.-..---.-.----..--- -- .-----.- to mc pcrsunally known. who. hcing by mc duly sworn. did say that hc is thc .__ 1 st Bank Branch President ...__._-._---~._--._~ or ·_____·_·__·__u___ .__ .~,_.__________._~.._ _.' .... '.._ ,...._. ___ and thaI Uie seal uJ1ixcd 10 suid instrull1ent is the corporate seal of said co ~ion. und thut said instrull1cn( was signcd and scaled on behalf of snid corporutio1l by uuthority of its Bonrd of Directors and snid ~~ ...._.____..__ acknowlcdued said instrull1ent to be thc tree act and dccd of said corporation. CIffl~I~il~Pc~~.~~lrnlPM~ lis COUNTY OF STATE OF UNCOlN WYOMING ~COMMtSSIOH EXPIRESAUGUST21, 2010 ,My commission expires onthc ."_ _ .~. 27 dny of CO~~AD- N nry Public , A. D. 1.QltL 2007 duyof TIlE STATE OF WYOMING. County of___..___.___....____.__} 5S. This instnnnent wus tilcd for rccord ut A D. 20 , and duly recorded in Book o'clock _M.. on the on Page __duyof County Clerk and Ex-Officio Regist~r of Dceds No. --------..------- Fees. $ By Deputy Clcrk