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This is a MILITARY POWER OF ATTORNEY preparedpursuanlto Tille 10. United States Code. Section I044b and executed by a person authorized to
receive legal assistance from Ihe military services. Federal law exempls Ihis power of attorney from any requirement of form, subslance. formality. or recording
lhal is prescribedfor powers of attorney under Ihe laws of a stale. Ihe Dislrict of Columbia. or a territory. commonweallh. or poss~ssion of Ihe Uniled Slales.
Federal law specifies lhallhis power of atlorney shal/lie given the same legal effecl as a power of attorney prepared and execuled in accordance with Ihe laws
of the jurisdiction· where il is presented
I, . '\:.:) ()ï.. ym ~'oe ( )(' ~ . . hereby designate and appoint
as my Agent and Attorney-in-Fact, to temporarily manage my property or assets and conduct my personal affairs in my name, a
tenns of this document, with the same authority and discretion as I could exercise myself, and with the same legal consequences.
I. INFORMATION. To assist my Agent in using this document, the following infonnation is provided:
a. My presentresidence address is lq 32. E1cd.. € "'?cr~d I (o¡ tìQ 1~"iJ 1'\ t\ Vì, C 0, gOr 17
b. My Agentresides at LitO k.b \k\-~ 132.. F a~-+ ~5h:f·Jl0IîE It "Zß35 z
An example of my Agent's signature is provided at the end of this document.
c. (If applicable) I am currently on active duty with the United States r:\1r N\.L( stationed at Fon Carson, Colorado. My
BPI) / r:. - <-I
. My present rank and pay grade arc ¡ '-- C
social security number is . _. My state oflegal residence is _\ C\o...Yl 0
pennanent Home of Record address shown in my military personnel records is¿/20 ~M'v ì I~ -2- EG.~-J
unit is HrI (~1i¿8m
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2. LIMITED INTERPRETATION: This document is to be interpreted narrowly as a Special Power of Attorney. For the
specific subjects and powers listed below, my Agent is granted full and complete authority to do anything I could legally do
myself. The listing of specific powers below is a specific limitation on .the powers granted to my Agent.
3. GENERAL GRANT OF AUTHORITY. I specifically ratify and confmn anything my Agent does in my name and that is
within the scope of, and in reliance upon, this document, provided that any third party shall have, in fact, relied upon this
document as evidence of my Agent's authority and shall have retained a copy thereof as evidence of such reliance.
4. THIRD PARTY RELIANCE. Third parties may rely upon representations by my Agent as to all matters relevant to the
powers granted herein. No person who relies in good faith upon those representations, and upon the original of this document,
shall incur any liability to me or to my estate as a result of permitting my Agent to exercise any power conferred herein. I have
signed only one copy of this document before a Notary Public and I specifically prohibit any reliance upon certified copies of this
docwneul. However, to assist my Agent in exercising those powers, I expressly authorize any third party to retai'! a suitable
reproduction of this document without the necessity of obtaining a certified copy, provided such third party can examine this
original copy which bears the raised seal of a Notary Public.
5. DISABILITY OF PRINCIPAL DOES NOT TERMINATE. This Power of Attorney shall not be terminated due to my
mental or physical incapacitation, notwithstanding the specific expiration date contained herein.
6. SPECIFIC POWERS. My Agent is granted the following limited powers and authority: To buy, acquire, sell, convey, lease,
mortgage, encumber, re-fmance, improve, repair, or otherwise manage qr dispose of any legal or equitable interest upon such
tenns and conditions as may be reasonable under the circumstances, in the following described real estate, and any improvements
thereon: 13 t'CK 3Y;
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FC FORM 1976·8, 1 SEP 96 f
REC~IVED 3/29/2007 at 4:09 PM
~ECEIVING # 927983
BOb K: 652 PAGE: 784
Edition of 1 Sep 87 is obsolete
7. LlM1TATIONS ON POWERS. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Power of Attorney, my Agent shall have no
rights or powers hereunder with respect to any act, power, duty, right or obligation, relating to any person, matter, transaction or
property, owned by me, or in my custody as a trustee, custodian, personal representative or other fiduciary capacity for someone
8. TERMINATION DATE. Unless I am incapacitated, or unless sooner terminated by me, all powers granted to my Agent by
this Power of Attorney shall expire and this document shall have no effect on and after J2Jv\(\ d h '2(J:2: .
(If Principal is Active Duty) However, jf at any time before the stated expiration date contained herein, I have been determined by
competent military authorities to be "missing," "missing in action," or "a prisoner of war," this Power of Attorney shall be
automatically extended and shall remain in effect until 30 days after I have returned to United States military control.
9. TERMINATION PROCEDURE. This Power of Attorney may be revoked by written notice to my Agent or to any other
person dealing with my Agent. In addition, any revocation filed in the public records shall be effective against any third party
doing business within the county in which such filing shan occur.
The foregoing Power of Attorney was acknowledged before me in person this
by ~)l 'i...~)ns ~CC"--
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have set my hand and seal this I 2- day of ~)~(ln'~ V\
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COUNTY OF F \ ?o.~
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(NOTE: When using this document, the Agent should sign as follows: "Principal·s Name) by (Agent's Name) as attorney-in-fact for (principal's Name) under
power of anorney dated (date)".
Page 2. FC FORM 1976-8, 1 SEP 96