HomeMy WebLinkAbout927993 / v v N1L-1195 ROBERT O. BYAM . . PO BOX 233 THÅ~ WY 83127. RECEIVED 3/29/2007 at 4:37 PM RECEIVING # 927993 BOOK: 652 PAGE: 813 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000813 WARRANTY DEED JEANÑETTE E. MAITHYS, Onmtox(s) ofMAIuPOSA, County QfMARlPOSA, State or'CALIFORNlA, hereby CONYEY AND WARlUNTtO ROBERT O. BYAM md FLORDELIZA E. BY AM,HSBANl>.A ND Wll"B Grantee{s) ofTRA YNE, County ofLlNCOLN, State ofWY for the sum ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTImR. GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the followin¡ described tract òflmd in Sweetwater Còunty, State of Wyomln¡L hereby relClllling and waiving all riøhts uudc:r md by virtue ofthc homestead exemption . laws of the State ofWyomlDs, to wit:' STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT SEVENTEEN (17) LOT ONE HUNDRED FOuR (104) AS PLAT NUMBER 235 AND RECORDED MAY 3,1979 AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 523541 IN nm OFFICIAL RECORDS OF·THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING. . . . Subjeetto cisements, restrictions' and rights of way of record" and taxes for the ye~ 2006 BDd thèreaftcr. Witness. the hand(s) of said Granto~i). this J --} ) ~ D ? !(~ j(1I(~ A/ /fFÎ/."v/AC(- JEANNBTI'B E. MAITHYS . /'tl/( r¿/1/v/V/f(?~ 1':: ,/?/177/y// Stateof~~~5 ) .. n Countyof~+r...... )' ¡} \ \ Å.lbc~\oF~d- ~r _ . _ . . . .I"\e.nne..+h 11· mf\~Y~ I .:TeQ ....~1te. ~. tY)ø~ .On ð ~~ ~OC'l ,persona11yappelledbefore.mc·ÆAi-afflf'PE.B. ~f.AmFiS~8Isncr(s)ofthc within in~ent. Who duJy ~owtedged to me that they-executed the same. . Resi_: Lùhòí~~";T~~ Expires: Fc:..\.? \1 ~oo 8 ."-....;-.~~~ -*+-"-,. -.; ". <'AI ·OMON ............ M1cr~.Jt! v..J:. ~U.J, - .0 """',Iff".' .U.."-'I.....I..I '-'ub\tC ......o'~..····...{...C'··.. Nf)tary r !""~....., e'atp of Texas ; : .~'....h . . ,~\ j j. Mv Commission Expires \ ".~~.;....~~.../ -R'n'''''''Y 1ì, 2008 .....~~.~....... ~.=;;~-" J'~·omOd n~~:80 LOOl ~l JII" :Xllj