HomeMy WebLinkAbout928041 IŒI.!·:^SI': OF IH':^L r~ST^TI~ rvIOlnC.ìJ\Cjl·: (By COI' )(1raLiol1) Partial Release .--.-..-..... - _.___.. . ._..n._____......_._._____.."' ..--..-.-...,--..-.--.....-.-...-.-.---...-.--.. .---.-..-- -..o.0006B "NOW /11.1. rvlEN ny '1'1 f:SI~ I'RI::SI·:NTS. ThaI st .._....__._....... .. . ..._.___..J...:_.12.ank .... ....._.._... .....__...__u.._......_ _.......___..... ..._._...._,..._____......._._.__..._..___..._____....._ /1 corporaLiol1. o/"hl: COllnly or_...;L;inc~).n.. ._._......__ _ (iI1U SliILl: 0/'.._. WYOll1in.l?: ... _ ...._.... _...._..._._.____. Uoc:s hl:r<:hy .. --~-_..._--_.__.....~. --...----....... .....-... . \:<:l1il~' Ihal a \:\:11;1111 IIHII1~a~.<:. hl:ill'll1!! Uill<: Ih~' .. ...___.~~ . . d;l> or .._-!~:':l.!:........ "..._._.." ...__.' t\. [). _2005.__._...__..__, Il1iHk ílnd ~\\.·\.'tlll.·d h~' .~.~. tatel~~.e . .~st~t;e~ ~_. .~~Q..~__.2_...!'!yç!R.:!-.~g.. ..1~mi.~.~_º_ .ÇQ~J!ª!!-Y '_. ~_~. _~Qrt:g~g~r.... as I1HH1gag.\: u.,' In lst Bank . ....-...-.-..----.-.. .... - .----------.---..... -.- ...~..~----.-.-.. . ..... --....-- .... ..- a:; mOI'I)!.a)!.<:<:. <:Ol1v\:.ylng c'<:rLUII1 r<:,¡ c:SI;IL<: th\:l'<:il1 l11t:nLi(1I1<:U as seelll'ily (ill' Ih<: payl11<:nL oJ'$_lSQ..'OOO"'.OO .' a~ Ihl:r<:il1 ~lall:~. which l1Iortgage WilS I'l~<:()r~kd il1 [hl: onï\:<: or Ihe COllnt)' Clerk and '::\-Oniein R<:)!.islcr or Ik"ds nr .. ~.. -... ... u...J.inc..o.1n. .. . (\HlnLy. Slal~: or WYOl11il1g. Ol1lhl·,_.~. 24 di\~' nr June i ._.. ...... . . ...... 2005 in B(1ok _ :·5"8...1...... orrvlong.agl:s. ¡Il pag..: ..i3.tj~...._.._..._. and I1H)ngagi1\g Ih<: li¡II(1l1'lIlg tkScrlh~'d l'l:all:Slalc 11\ ~;ili'¡ Coul1Ly. I() \\'11: Unit 503 Building 500, STATELlNE CONDOMINUMS. as show on the official plat thereof filed on September 12, 2006, as Document NO. 922381, as plat NO. 362-A. in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County. Wyoming. also being a part of Lot 5. STATID,INE ESTATES, as shown on the offical plat thereof filed on November 17, 2005, as Document NO. 913797, as Plat NO. 293-E. in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Cou.nty, Wyoming, and further defined and described in that certian Declaration of Covenants, Covenants, Condîtion~ and Restrictions for Stateline Condominiums located in Freedoml. Lincoln Cou.nty, Wyoming, created by Documents NO. 922380. in Book 633, at Page 513 or set forth in the related bylaws in any instrlument creating the estate or interest insured by this policy;and in any other allied instrument referred to in any of the instrumen.ts aforesaid. Partial Release IS, \lilh a I1I1L,· "·CIIl'nlll1c·rl.'bl. and Ih<: aIÙI'<:1\II'1\IIIII1l:d u<:hl, J'ully paid. ,;.Hlsli<:u. r<:kils<:d. and disl'iwrg,<:u ,lIld in \:\ll1sld<:rali\ln Ih<:r<:ol Ih,' ~ald IIhll'lgaµ<:<: dill', h''I'<:hy r,:ka~': and ql1ilclalll1 1111111 Ih<: said lI1or[gugt1l Lh,' pr<:l11isl:s Ihn<:hy ,nll"e) ~'d ilnu mortgaged. sl IN WllNI:SS WIII·:RI:OF. Ih~'.LBanl~ __...____.__.__________.._. has ,al1sl:d lht::;e I'rl:sel1lS LO be: SiP.lI,t! by lis Branch President 28 __.~_ .___n _.__.... .__.. ..' .... . .-..... -, ... .... . -.--..-. ......-. -... --.-..... -.-.'-' dayer March . i\. I). __~~_o.! ____._.._. -, '.. ......~-_._----_...._- ..... ..... ._.._-.-...... _....~._.lSI ank.__~....._._.. .__._. ._......._.___._....... BY ~ -.- . . -.. .. . . --.. --~. ..._---------_._..~-_..- Its Bran Pre cnt .........ø..._ _ a._...._._.__..__...._._ .__._____ "Alllill1ds ¡kscribl:d in ~ilid 1110rlg,agl:. ' 'llr~ STAn: OF wvnrVllNCj ('011111)' Dr ... J.JiD~o!n.__ } Ss ()II 111" .?~..---_._...____._ day of __~--=-~~__..._..__._.... ___, :!U...~~.. . "cline IIIC persOIHllly ilppcmed J:_Çl®~ Jones -,- -.....-----.---.----.- ----.--- 10 IIIC p<:l~olwlI\' klllmn, 11'110. b<:II1¡\ I)~ 111<: duly SI'."III'I1. did sur Llwl h<: Is Ih~' ".__._ Branch President ....... .. "'. ..-LJ1ank ... .....__....._.. ....... "I ,... .-_..~.._....__._~-.. .........-. . ................... . .. ...... ..~.. .........-. .,........... and IlIallllc s<:al am.x<:d h' said II1Slr\lll1l.'nllS Ih~' cllrporal<: ,,:,,1 0" s:lId eurpnrallt\ t ; nd Ih>ll s>lid il1Slrnll1<:nl "'>IS ,j"l1cd '\')" 'C" ",I ",. '. .[",11' .r . " I . . c' . . U. .1.. . ,.~. ~ .~; H wrp"'illl\J1I by alllllnnl)' 01 liS (I>lrd or Direcl() 's ilnd said ------..---. .--.---- .. ....__.....~_._.._-------_.. ~- - "-.-'---. adnowkd;t<:d Sind jltsll'lll11l.'Ollo he Ihl.' rrl.'C Hcl alld deed o ' Silid corpllrallon. Ctl9JS,w'IIKGUly halld NOfAIinI,flUlUC IS COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MYCOMMIS$ION ÐCPIfI£SAUOO$1'21, 2010 )' I.:OI1UnlSSIOI 1.:.. J l::\ t I ?n -- ""~.~\(=\)'::::' A" ....2007 ___ ::~;Yï)u¡;i,'c· .-----... .' S...... .... ..1\. D.1JQ .D. Till; ST/\TI: ()j' WYOrvIlN(ì. ('OUIII\, \I ' 1. . --...... -'-. J ss. Tills II1sLruI11cOI was Ii/cod I(¡ ' r~~·md al ^ 1.). 20...... "..__.' alld dill\' r<:cllrdl.'d ill Bonk RECEIVED 4/2/2007 at 11 :38 AM RECEIVING # 928041 BOOK: 653 PAGE: 68 JEANNE WAGNER I:m. :I; LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY .. .__.._~.__._ ~... ._.... n ",r ._._.___._.___..... '1)~I;l;[;: Clerk . --_. ......a____._ ... --"--.--...- o ' Ikeds Nn . .._n_______...... ......._..._..__~.