HomeMy WebLinkAbout928064 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By COfPOraUon) 0001.22 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS. That WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS a corporation. of the County of KING , and State or WASHINGTON certify that a certain mortgage; bearing date thA .,;' :'26TH, .,~, "'" day of APRIL made and a.ecuted by 'SALT RIVER HOMES, LLC, A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY u ~rtg8~__ ~ WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS a.s mortgagee. conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as sècurity Cor the payment 01 $ 176.800.00 therein stated. which mortgage 1nUI recorded in the ocru:e of the County Clerk and Ex'()fficlo Register of Deeds of LINCOLN County. State of Wyoming. on the 5TH day of MAY in Book. 618 of Mortgages, at pitV' 86q . 8J1d mortgaging the following described real estate in said County. to-wit: . does hereby . A. D. .l.Q.Q.6. COMPANY .0$ LOT 222 OF NORDIC RANGES DIVISION NO 13 SECOND FILING LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICAIL PLAT THEREOF RECEIVED 4/212007 at 2:01 PM RECEIVING # 928064 BOOK: 653 PAGE: 122 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ':,. "".' . -~. is. with a note SKured thereby. and the aforementioned debt. fuUy paid. satisfied. released. and dischar~ed :Inn in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby rdease and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby cnnvlIYM and m.,rt. gaged. IN W1TNESS WHEREOF. the WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS he! caused these Presents to be signed by its MANAGER and its corporate seal to be affixed. this 30TH day of MARCH . A. D. .2.O.Ol. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of A tt:est Seal: B~2~r ~ as AGER Secretary. Note: If it is not desired to describe lands in space therefor. insert the following: "All lands described in saId mort~age." THE STATE OF County of BONNEVILLE On this--1QTI!.. JUSTIN POND l ss. j. ".". ð"y of MARCH 2.O.Ol.. before me per~unally appeared to me penoDlllly known. who. being by me do1y ltWorn, did say that he Is the MANAGER of WASHINGTOft\\~HDOO~ SAVINGS , .,..:~\~Ñ HOr ~" . and thaL ~affix .~ ÌDstrument is the corporateJ¢¡Ù of said corpora lion. and Ulat said Ì1utrument was signed and sealed of~~åif~~~~~~ by aut.hority of its ~o~~ of Directors and said.. Dckn~~g~~d'insth{rneq~ t€be th~rrec act and doed of s,Q,Ì4 c;,orporation. Gi!en ~nde.1r;~d.an~ n~aJ seal this 30TH '~lt¡~äJ\.o~, ',', , MARCH ~ i·.., PUB\..\v......* ¡ ·"';~"'~'-2R) "- (21 ~.., .... :.... o~ \ My C6~ì~i~~~i)1: the 10TH'" /1 .. day oL JULY h.._ I~'I".I".'~~ ---- .~ ~_... ··\·'··..,Nntary Public:. \ ,,~ , A.\p. ."-2.Ol2... \',,",\' ~ "......~ -~..:... THE STATE OF WYOMING. County of This instrument was filed for record at A. D, __ and duly recorded in Book }ss. n·clock--M.. on thp. on Page .day of Counr)' Clork and Ex.QWciQ Rtgistllr of DlHIds No. Fees. $ By Deput)· Clerk