HomeMy WebLinkAbout928113 00036B Loan # 240317 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That it is hereby certified by First Interstate Bank, (formerly known as First Interstate Bank of Wyoming, a.k.a First Interstate Bank of Casper, N.A.), mortgagee named in that certain mortgage given Daniel Cerrone and Patty Cerrone. husband and wife. to First Interstate Bank, to secure payment of the principal sum of$126.800.00 dated on the 19th day of December. 20 03, and recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on the 29th day of December. 20 03 in Book 544 of Mortgage Records, at Page 922, Instrument Number 896249, covering the following described lands: SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE C FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. that the mortgage described herein has been fully satisfied by the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby canceled, released, and discharged. '7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, First Interstate Bank, has caused its name to be signed hereto by its proper officers pursuant to due authority given, this 20th day of March, 20 07. ø First Int~e rank BY~~ Sha:1Ï StreitŽ 41~resitt _ Attest: tsf)!!1J""Ct 'tV'. ~ ~"'-' Donna E. Smith - Asst. Vice resident { í~ ',,J STATE OF WYOMING County ofNatrona The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Sharon Streitz. Vice President and Donna E. Smith. Assistant Vice President. this 20th day of March, 20 07. r~-~~~w~ìt~~~~~~ T1 ~" ,,I STATl' OF WYOMING " ~ '" Cou"'TY OF 'IATRONA Mv'Cornmissiol1 E.pi,.. Jun07, 701111 :¡¡"~oIWW4#~""'¡"~~~à ~ Notary Public Rev 12/99 RECEIVED 4/4/2007 at 10:13 AM RECEIVING # 928113 BOOK: 653 PAGE: 368 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY NI)I)-16 09:49 SOUTH,£ST TITLE 31217 87' P.12I9 o 0369 AL TA COMMITMENT· 1982 . Wy O~Z8113 Commitment No. FA 11101 M SCHEDULE C The land referred to in this commitment is situated in tbe State of Wyoming. County of described as follows: That portion of the West half of the North quarter of the SE~~ of Section 13, T32N Rl19W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln Count, Wyoming desoribed as follows: BEGINNING on the North boundary of the said West half of quarter of the SE~E~ of said Seotion 13 at a which is S 89 131.54 feet from the Northeast corner of said West half of quarter of the SE~~ of Section 13; and running thence S OQ10'05" w, 331.24 feet to the South bo of the said West half of the North quarter of the SE~~ thence S 89°15'57" W, along the South boundary, :;;J91.79· feet1 thence N 0°26' 1511 E, 331.43 feet to the North boundary of sa.! half of the North quarter of the SE~E~; thence N 89°17' 55" E, along the said North boundary, the POINT OF BEGINNING. the North 17'55" W, the North ary ·Ù~ -.. 11/91 ~