HomeMy WebLinkAbout928117 000381 WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that BARBICAN INVE~TMENTS, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company, P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to W. STANTON HALVERSON, JR., TRUSTEE of the W. STANTON HALVERSON, JR. LIVING TRUST dated the 23rd day of August, 2004, P.O. Box 5009, Etna, Wyoming 83118, GRANTEE, and its successors and assigns, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on September 6, 1996, in Book 387 PR at Pages 802 through 807 as Instrument No. 826037, a copy of which is attached hereto. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging, but subject to taxes, assessments, covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, encroachments, rights-of- way, and easements of sight and/or of record. WITNESS my hand this LJ day of +"..,. I ,2007. RECEIVED 4/4/2007 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING# 928117 BOOK: 653 PAGE: 381 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY BARBICAN INVESTMENTS, LLC, a Wyoming limited liability company BY: STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the zti- day of ~J'1·1 ,2007, by W. STANTON HALVERSON, JR., who acknowledged further tha(he signed the foregoing Warranty Deed as Manager of Barbican Investments, LLC, acting for and on behalf of said company pursuant to authority provided to him by said Company's Members. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBUC County Of. State of UncoIn WyomIng t.!Y Commission Expl.... July 16, 2007 My Commission expires: 071i6!o7 I I , jL~; . ·09281 : :d:"¡! I,\~ ~->(Ìt? ~J 00 ..l. '-..c \J1 J¡'" :~..s f f' b~~IIt...st:Q2.L...M In Book~n~PaS!.~.,.I{emmllrcr, Wy, No-...B.2saæ'-_....Møl'il1ø ""'DII. r.1.rll WARRANTY DEED , . Jack E. Cor., and Jack O. Coral, Trustees of the Hsnry's Mountain Land Trust dated November 1, 1994, grantors, of p,O. Sox 520.1, Etn., WY 83118, tor and In oonslderatlon ot ren and No/100 Dorrars (S10.00), and other valuable conSIt;feratlons, In hand paId, reoeipt whereaf Is hereby aOknoWledged, CONVEY and WARRANT to W. Stanton Hllvereon, Jr., a married man. as his sole and separate property, grantee. of P.O. Box 200, Wycombe, PA 18980, the folloWing described real estate, situate In Uncoln County, and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waivIng arr rights uncler and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to.wlt: . , - E1/2SE1/4 of Seotlan 13, TownshIp 35 North, Range 119 West, 6th P.M., Unoo/n County, Wyoming. Conveyance 0' E..em."t TOGETHER WITH the farroWIng desorlbed perpetual right-of-way easement fOr the farrowing purposes and under the folloWing conditIOns; 1. Purpose of Easel1J~ ThJs easement Is for the PUrpose of providing a. perpetual 60-foot wide right-of-way easement for Ingress and egress to the property descrIbed above from the Chokecherry County ROad No, 12-113, Including the right to construct and maintaIn a roadway to provide that Ingress and egress and also any and all utilities to aerve the property benetlUng from thIs easement 2, Conditions of Rlght-of-WIW EaeemeQt The conditIons of this easement are: (a) that It Is a commOn easement for the benefit of the gtanto~ and grantees; (b) that no fences, gates or other obstructions shall be oonstruoted on or across the easement unless a means of access through such fence, gat. or other obstructIon Is provided to all of the persons having the right to usa the easement 3. Procertv Benefited bv Easement, This easement is fOr the benefit of the real property of the gran1eø& described Bbol¡a. .. IIIIII I' ~~ 00381 000382 .' ULI.ï(.é~~ 1:44PM LINCOLN CO CLERK , \ <_ .',: 1"1; 0'92 \~:..J ~/ .~~ '-tt: . - -NO. 751---..P. 3_ O~2811í' 000383C00382 ~ 4. tol/owe: Descrlctlon of E8ssm~tlt.. The easement 16 deSCrIbed as That part 0' Section 13, T35N, A119W. Lincoln County, Wyoming, described 118 a strip ot land s/)(ty (60) feet In width. more partloUI.rlY described en the all.ohed ·Descrlptlon from Henry's Mountain Land Trust to WlUlam Stanton Halverson Henry's Mountain ROad and Orooked Canyoo Spur". .' 5. Blndlno effam.. The terms and conditions of this easement shall be binding upon and Inure to the benefIt of the heIrs, SUQceasors In Interest and assigns of the grantors and grantees named In Ihls Instrument. 6. Walv..r 01 Homestead Rlahts. The grantors hereby waive and release all rights to the descrIbed easement under and. by vIrtue of the homestead e>cemptlon laws of the State of WyomIng to the e>ctent that suoh rights may Interfere wjth the purposes of thIs easement R..ervatlon of UtIllt}' Ea.elnent EXOEPTING and RESERVING unto the Grantors l1l'i" theIr heIrs, suooessors and assigns, a 4O-foot wIde perpetual right-of-way easement for tI1e purpose of construOtlng and maintaIning any and all utilities over. across and along a strip of land forty (40) feel/n wIdth within the E112Se1/4 of Seol/on 13, T35N, R11SW, J..lncoln County, Wyoming, twenty (20) feet on eaoh side of the oenterllne more pll1lcularly described on the attached "DescriptIon for Henry's Mountain Land Trust of a Utility Easement wIthIn S112SE1I4 Section 13, T35N, R119W. FleltrlctlveC()veo.ntl. SUSJecTTÓ the fOllowing restrIctIve Covènants whIch are perpetual I oovenants running with the lanel and binding ?,h gr!1ntees and their successors in Interest In the deSCribed real prope~~elng conveyed herein. and these oovenants are expressly aooeptEld by gr~tees as a conditIon of the conveyanoe of the descrIbed real property: 1. The real property being conveyed hereIn may be used only for single family residential purposes and may not be divided or subdIVIded Into more than eight (8) tracts, each 01 any such dIvIded or subdivided tracts not to have more than one single family realdence and associated OUtbuildings located thereon. No mobile homes or trailer, houses shall be plaoed on the property. . .-.. .. ~..- ~.-... -- - -. .. ... ... "'O"Q'9 . '." "'.' d, ~fI..I ~',j ::.; .~~..~ . O~28117 00038,4 <iP~ 2. No anImals of any kind may be kepI on the property except horses and domestic pets. .... 3. Any fences constructed shall be wOOden construotlon of the buok and pole method using only naUlre materials. No wire fenoes shall be -allowed. Any fences built shall be construoted in such a manner with openings at certain places along the perimeter of the property to allow the free and unimpeded movement of wildlife through the Property. . SUBJECT TO all other easements, el<Ceptlons, restrictions, reservations and rights of way of sIght or record. .. WITNESS OUr hands as of this 6th day of September, 1996. Ç2-1.(~1;:_ .z:~~ 9~L @ çf'~ ~ JE\.Ck O. COrsI, Trustee STATE OF WYOMIN~ ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN The foregoing Warranty Deed was aOknowledged before me by Jack E CorsI and Jack O. Corsi, Trustees of the Henry's Mountain Land Trust, this (,,~ day of September. , 996. Witness my hand and official seal. 13IJhJb.~ ' My oommlsslon expires; 1-11...:~.,ooo 3 - .. .., ,'" II 0""83 \,; ,) J .' · . J ,··f ,Ii ,.' ·...,.'.1 <'b? ~"- . ' J_ '.J \.-.1 "-of" .. OCT. 17.2005 ¡. .. ......... ~........... '...." ......... ...........'14 -.- .,.......... .........."'........ ·.............'1.. .........kllflltA,...... .,.............nu .................... ~1VJ-liI"111 - 1:45PM --, NO. 75L_--P.5_ LINCOLN CO CLERV 0928117 000385 III:ICJU1Il'.l:OIl' rIIOlC IllllQlzo'l kO~ LAIID '1'1111'.1' 'rO lttu.J:Alc 8'1'A)R0II' 1IIIl.\lhl0II' D!oI1ty . XOUN'tJlZ1l' II~ AlII) CIIIOOU CAIIJOII' 8PDa To·lt1t.__ That part of .eotion 13, '1'3511'. R1UW, LJ.'100111 County. 1fygn11"9', de.cX'ibed ... fO¡l".... a .t~1p of l&ad .ixty (60) f.et in Width within the "W.'W.WK of .aid S.otiol1 13. thiX'cy (3D) het .1&011. .id. of tbe f011o,",inll' de,o:db.d· o.ntod.l.ne. SEGINNINC at a 'pike 011 the .outh line of ,.a1d seK8EU.HW. ..ithLn tho boundA of Chok.oheX'~ COUQty ROad No. 130113, NIpo-1S'_21°W, lt2.2? '.ac, trom the 'Outh.a.t tO~naX' oE .aid SIUSEW9WWL tOQAd a" d.'c~ibed in tho COrn.r RooOX'd f11.d in tbe Office Of the Clerk Of l.in<:olllColUltYI thence 11'350023'035'1:, 1?21 Eoet, to . 'pik., thenae 1{14·024'-44'/i:, 155.23 teet, to a .pikol thence 11'11003"018'1, 96.2~ ta.t, to a .pike, th.no. NOOO-21'ot4'B, 338.51 teec, along. Un. rannel "L.th and thirty (30) f.et "o.t of tl10 ...t ], n. of aaiel 9J:\(iIZl(SH\(, to e °Pika On tha north line tbeX'aof I AlII) tb. Ga.t .1xty (60) loae at tho Htk8.~ ot ~.id S.~tioÞ ¡3 and the oo.t sixty (60) tooe 0: tbo ~WaNU of s.id ~.ae1on 13 I AIm thae Pa~C of eb. NwM 0: .a1d Seotion 13, !d.n~io.l ..itb that ·.....nt Of rocord 10 the ott1c. Of the CloX'k at Lincoln County in ~aok 172 of Photo.tat1a Reoorda on p.e. 3¡3. dooor1b.d .. fOllClwll, B2Q:rIlll:rllq at the IDUth....t oomeX' at .aid NW\(J theoo. 1I00I.21'·..'S, l4.as teat, along the .ut Uno of .Did NIl", to II pOint th.noe 8411022'022°H, ¡19.~7 t.ec, to' a po1n~ on the south lin. ot ".L4 Wlt, thano. 9a,0.3f'_41·9, 84.8S f.at, .lon~ oei4 SOUth lin., to the QOaNSIl or nOXIINlNG, AlII) · strip ot land ~Lth1n tho Htk aod the ~K8"J Of .aid S.Otion 13, w!th the width. as not.d 00 eaoh .~d. ofth. following dO'oX'lbed <:ootoX'lin., heSLAD!Qg Widtb baing Chirty (30J ts.t OOOh 11de. BBGINIIXNG at I .Pike an tho ...st I1no of Qaid "SW, NOO...:I1'.,,"., J8.43 t.et f&'a lo the Oal4thwe.t com.X' th....ot, then<:. (Ll) 113?0-48'-13"S, 178.40 foet, to the PC of a 01r<:1I1.r au"",,, to e ¡ o X'1lJht I thena. (el) l1oftb...cozo1y. ".as f.ot. alonw the arc at .aiel curve. through. oentX'.l aAsle of 102.042'-13", with. radius Of 4'.51 foet and a al1o~ b.a..109 11790.0I'-40<Ø, ?7.43 teet, to tile PT tbenOf ""Iodl/lao..~ In .ny "'" of lit. (.....1.. dIfGttPfI.. 'orml..... lI.blllly oI,~. ."_," .. <'60"5 - - r" (\0';84 \.; '.) V ·. "1 ·r,,,,,,, ~> . ~ !,'. "~! "'. (:. rJ"'~~ ~j:J~'-..:.:""- 092 .~. .........,.....,...,... ...,'" .,.....,. ....... ....I.,f .......- .,.......... ... -.- ............ n.. ...,.,..·'......1'. :"~':II ........~.II. - 17 DIC/iC1l3:ft:rQ1f hON lIæIar'l IIODII'l'JI:Q/ LAND '!'IUJI". 1'0 1fJ;Ll,% U 12'¡\ ft'Q1f IWiVlUOH U~1"1 NOtDI'.17.IH !lOAD ~ OI!OOUl) CNlTDJI 'PUR PAGs TWO 000386 tllancoe (112) IIU··U'-S4·S, 184.95 feat', to a *P!Ie.., thenae IL3) alO"U'-20'i , 108.10 het, to the PC ot a oirc~lar a~rv. to the left, and ohanse widtll to 37.., feet to the btt o:r nOl1:huly 'I1de, thenco. rca) oo:rtbe..te~lr. 29~.93 ~e.t. alaDg the a~a of .aid Ourve. th:>:oUgh" oentral angle of lU·015'.oU'. vitll ..' rediu. of ¡J3,8S feet .nd " oha:>:d be.rinV H64"11'-01"t, 220.98 teet, to the 1''1.' thereof, IUId ahenge'width to thi:rty (301 feet on tile left o~ no:rtharly .ida, thenoe (L4) IfOS·-33'-22·e. 152.34 feet, to the PC at . ObOU1II:l: aU"e to th. :right, thena. (CJ) north...terly, P7.39 feet, aloog tll. e:rc of oaid oUrve, through a COentral angle a~ 11"-04'-44", with. rod!u. Of 4'.8' fe.t and a oho:rd ~ea~!ng H68.-0eI043'.. 80.79 feat, to the PT thereof: thanoe (119) 8!2·-~l'-54'B, 30S,71 f.et. to" 'pike, thenae (L') S8P_3,' -10·B. 325.U feet. to tho PC of . circuler au:>:ve to tho right, then"e (CII SOUtl1...tarlr' 113 .23 fe..t. 81,,"s the ara of ee.l.4 curve, t~ough a centra .nsle DC 65"22'-0", ~ith a r.d1uo of 99.25 teet e"d . chor~ D.ar~ng S50'-al'-OSo;. 107.1P fa.t, to tho Pr theraof, and abango width to 4S,10 feat to tbe laft or northorly aide, tllence fIl" 918"171'01"1, 52.7G het, to tho Pc af a ¡;:irC\llolr Clune to tlla laCt, thenae (~I -outhe.etarly, 89.80 I.at, eleng the ore at o.id CU:>:ve, thra~gb . cantral angl. Of 120")7'_11', v.l.!:b a radi"e Of 42,45 r..t and e obord bearing 578°-39'-37'£, 7e.l1 feat. to the PT thereof, and change Width to thirtr ()Ol ~eat an the laft or qorth.rlr aide, then". (L81 N410-0S"47·¡¡, 110,44 het, to the PC o.t a 01:roular ourvo to tbe left, than". (CS) narthwelta:rlr' 1¡'.'1 faet, along the arc Of aald c~rve. through. aantr. anile Of 931.07'-43., with a rad1ua aC 73.77 feat and a cohard bearins 1'105.021'_04.". 107.14 feet, to the PT thereOf, thenoe (L9) "S2·-011_5"W, 24.00 taet to the spike of bas111nillg fat' orookod O..Y.... 'Ii'u:r, 1'181·-21' -la."" 1208. U teet fram the .oothe.et oo~or of .aid NS~, thenaa IL~4) N06'-06'-17IM, 1'8,52 feat. along the oenterline of ~ooked Canyon 8~, to tho PC of . a!raular OUrve ta the dghtl thana. (C1S) narthe.eterly, 121.tG teat. alon9 the arc of eaid C\I~, th~ugll . oentral Bnllh of 14S'-53' -5'", witb " radiu. 01 e9.43 to.t e"d . oho~d be.~in§ K'...~O'-ea.I, 'a.ae toet, bo Gh. 'T thereat, ·/04....nQ"... 'n III1\' ....V Dl'lh. rOltlotnl """"iIIl"'" larm'n". lIoIJilnV of.... "'IYI\'O,. .. -, # ~ SOOS85 .' OCT. 17. 2005 . ''''';! I'Ll') <0.12 \~_.J: ~J .1..:':"~·~UJ ': .............- ...~- II......... ... .....- -...... -~- ==:::'.110. ~~:II -.......".. - 1 : 46PM ..- .--...-- LINCOLN CO CLER~ _.. :NO. 751 O~2811~; 00038f<.7 DQCI\U\O¡Q1f 1'a0l( lIIIIRy'. MtnDlTAIJr I.AHD '.1'11781- to 1lU.r.LU( 81'AH:oN /w'VU 0JI' lWary'. IIOVNTADI ROAD JH ) ~Q ) CAlf¥OI'I' 8D1III. P.\aS 1'IIIUiB bh.n~e IL21 837··12·-1'·B. 31S.41 f..t, co tho PC at a c:iZ'ClIlar aUI'Ve to tile r.t¡ht¡ Chenoa IC16 sO~Cb.a.ÞaZ'ly. 125.S0 t..c, along tho arc of .aid OIlZVa. thro~gh. c.nCral IAsl. at JJo-Sl1.04., wiCh Q r'41uI of 213,10 ~eac and. ohoZ'd b.aring,820.'lS'_46'S. 124,08 t.at, to aile 1'GIaws ot ~1I1ð ClAro... Spur, III¡-ked by · ap1Jca On thl lauch Uae of "Aid HItI(,HU"3S'_41'N, 188.S1 taat, tram ch. louCha..t CO¥Uar ot 'a1d Ntl(; With the aide linea Of the 'bove daøcr1had strip length.ning a¡- .bort.niag, co OZ'.ac. a oonc'auo~a and OOat1guoUI ....m....t, with · m1ni~um wOdch ot 'ixc~ (SO) feec, thac land wichi... the Nw~.I~ of laid Saccian 13, whioh tall. wiCht... thta da.oription, ts .p.ctttoally axoluded¡ Cbe BftB8 SBARING tor Chi, IU~,y 18 the eaac ltne ot the Na~ ot S.cCion 13, T35H. R11PN. b'1Ag NOO.'lll'OO'I; e.oh ·"Pik.-, 'PC', and 'PT, ~kod by R 3/S' x l~' Ica.l 'Piko 'nd rotD~'ng'd by Cwo S/8" X 24" et.ol ~inf~oing ¡-ad. wi'b a 2' .lWn1n~m oap In.o~ibed, ·SURVBrOR ICDIRBIL L~D 81Q PiBBr NY I'Ll 53SS" wich .JjlP~Opd..c. deton., . , ..oJ¡ ·oo"",or· fOllnd .. d8Dodhed ill the co¡on." R.ao~ filed in che Ott10' ot chi Qlo~k of ~Lneolll CouutYI .ach ·potnt· m.rked by 0 5/e" x 24. at..l re1ofotcing rod with a 4' alumtnu,. gap 1allDrilled. 'SURVllrOR SCllIIRBIL L'1'D BIg PII'IIIY IIY ILl! 53U", witb apPZ'apriate d'I:&118; all in .ooo~donQ. wi~h the plat pr.pa~.d to battled in Ch. otfte. at tho Clerk at L1noolo COwncy titled, .HlMRy'a MO~~¡N LAND TRD8T 5'LAT 0,. PAaC\r{¡S N/ ) 1lAD1IHItft.t NI'1'HIIf 8I1¡CT¡ON 13 THII RllaN I.INCOLlf OOI1N'l'X". Lilt', dated l Ap :ll UP,,', and rovi.ad t Sa tllllbo" 11/ :S.... .. ¡fA ~~ 'pCDllb..!:' PS tnrdea . da. "Madlllcl"on t. AI'!' WI, or ~ f<Iteeotrl d...~pd.. '....h..... IlIIbllllv ol Ih. .u""'1'.~' .. r:¡¡JÎ P.7 0(\O'~86 '.J \) v "