HomeMy WebLinkAbout928142 000496 IY 6010616112 WARRANTY DEED Kellen K. Lancaster and Connie C. Lancaster, husband and wife, Grantors, Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to Kevin J. Kilroy and Billie Jo Kilroy, husband and wife, Grantees, whose address is P.O. Box 768, Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 8311 0, the following-described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to-wit: See attached Exhibit 1. 1 (a) 3 ~ and the said Grantors hereby covenant with the said Grantees that Grantors are lawfully (q /2 \A seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrances; and Grantors warrant the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except: restrictions, reservations, easements and encumbrances of record. Hereby releasing and waiving any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of this state. Dated this 4th day of April, 2007. RECEIVED 4/5/2007 at 11:14 AM RECEIVING # 928142 BOOK: 653 PAGE: 496 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~M If.Ja «JC- Kellen . Lancast {k' / ~. fr (~é~-... Connie C. Lancaster STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Kellen K. Lancaster and Connie C. Lancaster, husband and wife, this 4th day of April, 2007. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9 - /5 - 0 7 S 'È-9{!'tK. BYERS - NOTARY PUBLIC C~unty of . State of Lmcoln Wyoming ~mmission Expires Sept. 15,2007 ~ M ~{)<L<2./" Notary Public " '''''''IO'''llI.~ S~,...totl 'w ", ScIIo<OOI Wyo. ~1I"JIIon ,.", ,C4 III"'" /I.Oit'",'lDn !Ia. 2910 Utili ~_No.I"'D .....idA ~I...~o. Na. CIðS 8ceI1", ScI\.",. Wyo, "'O~II'""" No. SII! iWIO /1111/11'1110/1 NIl. IO~1 utili "",,,,"'''1611 NIl, 172m 1.1111,... A. SeII.IIIt' w,a. ".._. NoI. Ð*I s-..., Sc~.bll. LTD. MlltrWyomor.o 110 ',"IY. WyMII.I J_OI\, ~ VI... HI' S¡ot\nt I, l1li'" "'.II\DIIIII....... O~2814Z 000497 (C(Q)fi DESCRIPTION FOR KELLEN K. LANCASTER AND CONNIE C. LANCASTER CALL GRAVEL - AFTON TRACT (REVISED:I To-wit: - - That part of the Sl/2NEl/4 of Section 24, T32N R1l9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of rect)rd in the Office of th,~ Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 554 of Photostatic Records on page 268, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of said S 1I2NEl/4; thence NOl o-10'-5S"W, 99'9.25 feet, along the west line of said Sl/2NEl/4, to a point; thence N88°-37'-41"E, 673.65 feet, along a north line of said tract, to the southeast bathey oftbat tract of record in said Office in Book 191 of Photostatic RetOrds on page2GO,; thence S02°-04'-I.O''E, 16.80 feet, to a point; thence N89°-0T-15"E, 227.38 feet, along a north Hoe of said tract, to a point; thence SOoo-27'-46''E, 476.28 feet, to a point; then.ce N88°-S6'-lS"E, 659.27 feet, to a point; thence S4SCl-45'·37"E, 84.41 feet, to a point on th!: sou,th line of a sixty (60) foot access a.nd utility caseme11t; thence SOoo-27'-46"E, 454.92 feet, to a poin.t on thE: south line of said Sl/2NE1/4; theuce S89°-08'-38"W, 1608.12 feet, to the CORNI?,R OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of28.96 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING fot' this survey is the east line of the NE 1/4 of Section 24, T32N R119W, being NOoo-l7'-OO"Vv"; , TOGETHER with a right of iugress and egress and utilities over, under and across a strip ofland sixty (60) feet in width, with the north line cescribed as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the east line of said SY2NEV, within the bounds of U.S. Highway 89, NOoo-17°-00"W', 494.69 feet, from the southeast comer of said S YlNE y,.; thence S89C\-07'-57"W, 545.27 feet to a point on the east line of said tract in Book 554; AND TOGETH.ER with a right of in.gress aod egress and utilitie:s over, un.der and across the following described tract: COMMENCrNG at a point on the south line 0:: said SYzNEI/.., S89°·0S'-38"W, 543.72 feet from thE: southeast corner of said S YzNE 'I:,; thence NOO°·27'-46"W, 516.97 feet to the southeast point of that tract of record ill said Office in Book 561) of Photostatic Record~: on page 024, being the POINT OF BEGINNING; __ -··_-"-0-·' ...__._ _0._.... 0" ._ _..... __ "Modification in any way of the foregoing descri~,~ion terminates liability of the surveyor" "'af,tllCIM' ~I"CI S.""P" . ......".1_..... WfD. RIDISI/ItÕðII No. 1&4 II"",, Aq.....,II/I NI. sua UlloA _"IIIAllan lie. ,,10 NMd. AIaI"'11io/I No. 1805 ""'1.A,SeII,,,,,, W¡o. RooJlIt.lllan NI. 3110 IdII\O l\Iall\rl~1III1'Io, 1020 I/1fII ~""~~ oDft MD, Utili .. 1ürIaoo, A. £1.""1 Wro. ftlllbltll'I II NI, S3I. '-vel SeIwIIo4. LTD. Allan. WrlJlllina IIiG I'lnov. wyDtIIllVI Jodo..... Wy,"'õ'" 1.n111411 &Pftft\lt. !dInG I0IO....'"', 111_ O~281.42 000498 DESCRIPTION FOR KELLEN K. LANCASTER AND CONNIE C. LANCASTER CALL GRAVEL - AITON TRACT (REVISED) PAGE TWO . ',} . ,. . \:.~. ' ... vi.;!. .,.. , ~ t .. thence S886 -56'-15"W, 566.77 fee.t, along the !:outh line of said tract, tò the s'outhwest" . point thereof; thence continuing, S88~-56'-15IW, 60.00 feet II) a point; thence S45°-45'-37''E, 84.41 feet, to a point; t~ence N88°-56' -15"E~ 466.77 fect, to a point; thence S61 o-54'-03"E,:45.54 feet, to a point; thenceN89°-0T -57''''E, 60.00 feet, to a point or. the east line of said tract in Book;'5.~54·; thence NOOê-27'-46"\V, 82.40 feet, to the POINT OF BEGJNNJNG~ . .. '. RESERVING unto the Grantors. their hcirs, suc~essors and assigns a perpetual right or ingres$ and egress and utilities over, under. and across the following described tract; COMMENCING at a point on the south li.ne of said SYtNE'h, NB90-08'-38"E, 1608.12 feet from the southwest comer of said S Y¡NE Y-t; thence NOoo-27'-46":N, 454.92 feet, to the POJNT OF BEGTNNtNG: thence S88°-56'-15"W, 71.9.26 to a position: thence NOoo-27'-46"W, 60.00 feet, to a point; theuce N88°-S6' -15"E, 659.27 feet, 'to a point; thence S45°-4S'-37"E,,84.41 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNJNG; SUBJECT toa right-of-way easement for Lincoln '::ounty School District No.2, of record in said Office in Book 376 of Photostatic Records on page 87; each "comer" found as descri.bed in the ConJer Re.:ord filcd. or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of LiD.coln County; each "bathey" marked by a steel T-shaped stake 24" 10ng with a mctalcap inscribed. "SURVEY POINT DO NOT DISTURB RLS 164:' and/or "PAUL N. SCHERßE1.. RLS 164 SURVEY POrNT"; each "point" tnarkcd by a 5/8" x 24" steel. ¡'ei~ forcing rod with a. 2/1 aluminum cap inscribed, "SURYEYOR SCHERBEL L TD AFT ON WY PLS 5368"or "SCHERBEL L TD BIG PINEY PLS 5368", with appropriate dctaiJs; all in accordancE: with th:~ plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLlCA TION FOR KELLEN K. LANCASTER AND CONNJE C, LANCASTER WITHIN T1-I £ INCORPORAT D LIMITS OF T. WNOF AFT ON IN II-IE S1I2NE1/4 SECTiON 24 T w Lb0-:_';~' <~O~'[ING'" dated .12 December 2006, as r. . .>r- ,.... . ..... \ uary2007 - Re' ~" ~,...,. 5~WJ '~\\\\ '.Q. ~ .G'. () ,'''. , 1 Dçcember 2006 '; . 1Ii; r.:lr~ D. ~:: " II(lt i . ..^-~ /. '~~l . \! !)I .~' .ocr'I\V 01 . I "Modification in a~y ~69'Ac:ir'~9ir{descri~)tion termínates liability of the surveyor"