HomeMy WebLinkAbout928286 000094 BOOK () 4 2 9 PAGE ') r...· (~ \,) :) FILING NO. ..-.--..93.oS53...._........__.. OFFICE OF THE REGISTER OF DEEDS STATE OF WYOMING } County of Converse SS This instrument was filed for record on ..~ç....~..~~~~~...."... ::' It aOOK 1301M~' 048 ,..... DEED .j ·__····~~···_·····_-_··_···_····ïl· ........... at ....ú.~~:.:;).Q...._...___.. o'clock _ ....M. and du/y ~~:'~~~~:1..::-!~18.lii:::=~::: County Clerk and Ex·Officlo Regislar ?rtd~ ~:E Q')('I, N .. "'" ..../ .x mo o 0:: o ~m UJ o ('I, ...1- .C"f"C!!! --I "- 0 ...J ....., ('I, 0:: ...J 'L"'t .....~o "C (,) iß-.~' ..¡¡:õm m ~ ~~ ~ u.. ~ :E ::I S oUJ-co Q') (,)~~o (W) ~ Lo.. .. (,) CD « -Ì ,g 0:- Nia:::>-cUJ ...., m::S:: ... > Q')o°.az Ni-UJIDUJ ...., Z m 0:: Q L. Alice Collister and William B. Collister, her husband 6320 East Fourth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 RECOFlDEO, I INDEXED VV' A BSTAi\CTII"" for the consideration ofTen dollars in hand paid, does hereby sells and quitclaims to ACEE BCEE A Wyoming corporation 6320 East Fourth Avenue Denver, Colorado 80220 all of their right, title, and interest, including mineral interest of any kind in and to the following described land: . ~ ~ 6<.hd:>I+'ß5"q. -fOr -the desc¡et-p-hO(\5 of -the.. lard';:. ß:¡n\¡~\ed b'j -t1115 c\éf-ì: I RECEIVED 4/10/2007 at 3:17 PM RECEIVING # 928286 BOOK: 654 PAGE: 94 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY o ·t:. l... - ;:J u\ Ci_ 1 ::.;. ..{ -''1 ", 'i" , " '".: (iI- It is the intent to convey all of the interest in any unit or pooled area that affects a portion ' of the land(s) described in this deed. It is also the intent to convey all of the interest acquired by the Grantor in any prior deed( s) or prior assignment( s) when a part or all of the land(s) in said prior deed(s) or prior assignment(s) is conveyed by this deed . ' (notwithstanding that the complete description in the prior deed(s) or prior assignment(s) is not set forth in this deed). It is intended that this deed convey after acquired title. The actual dollar consideration for this deed is under $11.00. This deed is made with a special warranty of title. Dated May 9, 2006, but effective January 1, 1983. ~ a~ ~)O ~ ~2;¿h.-) L. Alice Collister k-..~-'------ William B. Collister STATE OF COLORADO ) CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) ss. Red 464-A @ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on May 9, 2006, by L. Alice Collister and William B. Collister, her husband. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires August 18, 2007 ~~:~H39 . Notary 09~S~86 00,0095 BOOK (} 4 2 U PAGE ') G. r~ f'<I 'I) BOOK 1301_ O~9' 6<.h\ bd 1Y:S1- Township 32N. Range 71 W 160 Section 28: NEY-.NWY-.; S'liNWY-.; Section 22: SY2NWY-. SWY-. Section 33: All Township 33N. Range 69W Section 14: W'li Township 39N. Range 74W Red 418-21 Section 23: SE y.¡ Township 33N. Range 76W Section 30: W'liSEY-.; SEY-.SEY-. Section31: W'li Township 41N. Range 71 W 160 Section 33: N'liNEY-.; NEY-.NWY-.; S'li Section 34: E'li ; S'li Section 35: NEY-.NE~; S~NE~; W~SWY4; S~SWI.4; SEY4 Township 33N. Range77VV Section 25: All Section 26: N'li; S'liSWY-.; SEy.¡ Section 27: NEY-.; N'liNWy.¡; SWY-.NWY-.; N'liSEY-. Section 28: NEY-.SWY-. Section 34: SEY4NEY4; NEY-.SE~ Section 35: N'li; SWY-.; NWY-.SEY-.; SEY-.SEY-. Section 36: All CONVERSECOUNTY,WYONITNG .................................. Township 34N. Range 71 W Section 29: NWY-. Section 30: NEY-. Township 34N. Range 65W 168 Section 10: All./ Section 11: All" Section 13: S'li,( Sect~on 14: All / SectIOn 15: All ./ I v Section 22: NEY-.; N~NWy.¡; E~SEY-.; SWy.¡SEy.¡ ,/ Section 24: E'li ( Section 25: All ,/ ,/ ,/ Sectigtl 26: N~~Ey.¡; SEY4NWY4; SWy.;; W'liSEy.¡; ~EY-.SEY-.~/ Section 27: NE~; EY2NW~ Section 34: E'li; E'liSWy.¡ Section 35: All./' Township 34N. Range 72W Section 13: N'liNE y.¡; NWy.¡NWy.¡ Section 26: W'liNWY-.; SEY-.NWY-.; NWY-.SWY-.; SEy.¡SWy-'; SWy.¡SEY-. Section 29: W'liSEY-.; SEY-.SEY-. Section 32: NWY-.NEY-. Section 36: All Township 34N. Range 72W Section 13: N~NE Y-.; NWY-.NWy.¡ Section 26: W'liNWY-.; SEY-.NWY-.; NWY-.SWY-.; SEY-.SWy.¡; SWY-.SEY-. Section 29: W'liSEY-.; SEY-.SEy.¡ Section 32: NWY-.NEY-. Section 36: All Township 36N. Range 67W -Section 12: NWY-./ NIOBRARA COUNTY, WYONITNG .................................. Township 20N. Range 113W 166 Section 24: SE~ Township 35N. Range70VV Section 4: SWy.¡ Section 7: S'liSWy.¡; W'liSEy.¡ Section 18: NWY-. Section 36: All Township 20N. Range 116W Section 24: All Section 26: NEY-.NE~ Section 28: E'li; E'liW'li Section 32: E'li Township 36N. Range 75W Red 153 Section S: NWY-.NE Y-. N.E. Cole #3-S Township 24N. Range 11SW Section 1: NY2NE y.¡; NWY-.NWy.¡ Township 3m. Range 7SW Section 20: All Section 21: W'li LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING .................................. 393639