HomeMy WebLinkAbout928300 ..-1222 LEANN 8ROAD¡.æAD PO BOX 604 KEMMERER, wy 83101 000134 WARRANTY DEED LEON J. MERCHANT, Orantor(s) of SPARKS, County of WASHOE. State of]l.¡'V, Mreby CONVEY AND WAJUtANTto LEANN BROADHEAD, A MA.RRJED WOMAN, AS HER. SOLE ANn SEPERATE ~ROPERTY Grantee(s) of KEMMERER, County ofUNÇ()LN, State ofWY for the sUItt ofTEN DOLLARS AND OnœR . GOOD AND V ALtJABLE CONSlDERA nON, the following described tract of land in Lincoln COU1'\~. State of Wyoming. hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemptiof\ laws of the State ofWyomtng. to wit: LOT NUMBERED SIX (6) OF THB aLOCK NUMBER FIF1Y ·SEVEN (57) IN mE SECOND ADDITION TO TIŒ TOWN OF KEMMERER, RECORDED IN TIŒ OFFICE OF THE CLERK., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING. RECEIVED 4/10/2007 at 4:06 PM RECEIVING # 928300 BOOK: 654 PAGE: 134 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Subjeçt to easements, m¡trictfon$ and rights otway of rcoarcJ. and taxes for the: year 2006 and thereafter. Wltnes$. the hand(¡) of said GJWJtor(s). this (; r $tau, of jtJ ¡v....,~ County of tv Jtt~ ) On r; day of ~ A/he· . :l007 . per$onalJy appeared before me LEON MEkCHANT the signtr(s) o(th¡; within instrument, who duly ack!'lowlcdgcd to me that the:)' executed the same. Residing; 51?A7tì& P1I Expires: {¡ ~/ t'e'f;Zld'j dt~/< .. ~"""'~~~~~J"~""'~..r"""""'''''''_-'..r......~~~ ~ J.'2ii: ALLEN ARCHIE , ~" <,... NOTMN PUBLIC ,§ Ii "'-." STATE OF NEVADA ~.9G'1096'2 My ApPt. Exp. Aug. 8, 2009 ~""""""~~.........oo:;.-~""'''''''''''''''''~.....,.,,;.oo~';'~