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File No.: 60H' -- ---- WARRANTY DEED Echoes of Faith Ministries a Nevada corporation by the present Board of Trustees being the sole board of Trustees and Bertie McCoy grantor(s) of Las Vegas, Nevada and Oklahoma City, State of Oklahoma, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To Arthur Carlos and Ingrid Carlos, Trustees of the Carlos Trust dated January 15, 2004, grantee(s), whose address is: 4009 Del Monte Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89102 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: Lot 96 of Block 6 of Prater Canyon Estates Unit 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed on October 3,1967 as instrument No. 404249 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness my/our hand(s) this day of , 2006. By: Teresia A v ee (.~ By: Godwin Az ,...--¿,/'.' , .. I "'2,j ~ '........: ~ ....b A.... / A. M.AY.... By: Barb a Matza, Seç 'táry Bertie McCoy State of Oklahoma ) ) ss. ) RECEIVED 4/12/2007 at 3:17 PM RECEIVING # 928362 BOOK: 654 PAGE: 288 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY County of The foregoing instrument was ac1mowledged before me this her attorney in fact Pearl Trombley. day of December, 2006, by Bertie McCoy by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public State of Nevada ) ) ss. ) County of ~WK \ '21V\ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _"J James Matza and Barbara Matza. day of µOv(CV"\ , 200.1., by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: lS þc\ I C9 fIBŒYDA RDDR1GIU ØMYPUBUC,STATECfNEV8 NO.1J5.11JOO64.1 IIr APPr. ÐIP.AUG2J,. Œ) Streamline Deed - Warranty WY Ii:! Rev. 12/2712006 -"; :'>~ · - . --..... ) ss. ) 0928362 County of £a;~l s I' sl- m / . h The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of vLrC by Godwin Azeke, Kimberly Guerino, Joshua Igeleke, ~~...:a Igeleke, and -ClHÜ'ty Avila. ChHšh, Te..l-es Witness my hand and official seal. " ''1 1« My commission expires: V4 / [)1 ·'~~·:~.:;0;r-;;:~~-~~~·;.~~~~~~~~R~:~~~;=~!::~T1 \ r i'\'~"/!:~:;"';' ~l1mA A. h'At,H,lo,t,' \,'1 (.' t:,·...~~.· "'. '.;.:,~; ¡"t"t,JIY PlJblic Sti'JiÙ (Jf .1"~.,(:1S .'.., "'.. ........ "r.. ,"v'. . '. . q, : ',:~.;S : f' My Comll1i~~,il)n E:o.'Jii''-'Si \ l,·;\/..~~·~:/ I'JI"Iu,-rV ()~ ,) r¡ ,v,> J' 1.7:~';:~:~~~~~~;;;;:';~~.~1~:;~;;;;;;;~i;~;~;.·~·~·;.;.~~·;fI~~ ,-QzUlæ¡¿ltnl/l1 ¡tur; Notary Public Acknowledged, Igeleke & Christy Igeleke CAMMAE KLAUMENZEA NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA APPt NO. 93·0542-1 MY AÞpt eXPIRES JULY 7, 2008 -.....,-.....- State of N~vl!da County 01 Clarl{ \cknowledgedSignsd and sworn to (or affinned) before me on ~CJ..rÓì \q ,2cò~ By GCJ~ W \Y'\ ~'çz..e..'¥...e- \ .- ..,·rf ..' ".1 " r.ww Ii lMQ(Ayii ...., NIfc. ........,... , ',. ".-.,&. Ncr.06o...."'., My~. ____ ... 2010 Œ) Streamline Deed - Warranty WY © Rev, 12/20/2006 UU1l__- , 2001,