HomeMy WebLinkAbout928541 v V""''''~ C1 101 WATERLINE EASEMENT ALLEN C. AND MARIE E. TURNER. HUSBAND AND WIFE, Grantors, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby convey, grant and release to the Turnerville. Wvomina Water and Sewer District. Grantee, of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, a perpetual easement for the installation, and continued maintenance of a waterline, telemetry, power, and related facilities over, under, and through the premises of the, Grantor(s) located in the NW y.¡ SE y.¡ of Section 10, T33N, R118W, 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being described as follows, to wit: A 10 foot wide permanent easement the east line of which is more particularly described to wit: BEGINNING at a point S89<30.1'vy' 1571.61 feet from the east quarter corner of Section 10, T33N, R118VY, (fh PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming, found as described in the Certified Land Corner Recordation Certificate as filed; Thence SOO~1. TE, 65 feet to a point; Thence S52 °54. TW to a point of intersection with the east right-of-way fence line for the Bedford-Turnerville County Road No. 12-123. ) TOGETHER WITH a temporary construction easement 20 feet in width inclusive of and extending an additional 10 feet northwest of the above described easement.; temporary construction easement to expire on December 31, 2008 or upon completion of the construction' contract period, whichever comes first. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto said Turnerville, Wyoming Water and Sewer District, so long as such facilities shall be maintained, with the right to inspect, operate, repair, remove, and replace the same. GRANTOR agrees not build or construct any building or other similar permanent improvement over or across the said easement without written consent of GRANTEE. This easement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of GRANTOR. Said Easement and right-of-way is granted with the conditions as set forth in Exhibit "A". WITNESS the hand(s) of the Grantor(s) this 2-" day of filAUA~ ø; d~ 1ø?t~ , 200-2. by: by: /1..M<:'~ ç:~~n. ./ RECEIVED 4/18/2007 at 10:39 AM RECEIVING # 928541 STATE OF j¡J\¡\OMIV\~ BOOK: 654 PAGE: 865 ss JEANNE WAGNER COUNTY OF A\bí\\Î~ ) LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY On the 1IP:±h day of _hh nl ::In) ~oo £, personally appeared before me ¡dIm (. ~ ~~rie LTûrn(,f .,_._'- ~ the signer(s) óf the within instrument who duly acknowledge to me that they executed the same. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: m/.Jrth-a1 ~OIO d ~ ß ~TÄRY p(jB~ Residing atJ\a1O E, ~s ~. lararvtìl, W V 8ROV ~';';~~;~~";;¡':;~ :'~ ,~;..¿:......... . ~.-.-.. .0 '_~:':"'..<.!..'>'" J..~I_"~·:.:J..~"'··· LESLIE JOHNSON· l'iOTARY ¡·)UBLlC ...'.... County of Albany Stale of Wyoming . M)I Comnli;¡siol1 t.:)(pjw~ . "~! ?J, 2010 ~ \1:';1 '=:':;¡:':"f,:;,·;;:r~~·...:..~:~:"--::·:;.: . "':::r:-~" Page 1 of3 by: WITNESS the hand(s) of the Grantee this ø ~y of ./~'(.I~ ' 2002. Ii) ~ ~~ O~2S541 Chairman, Turnervílle Wyoming Water and Sewer District '00866 ;'~~"~i.¿ ~ STATE OF ) ss COUNTY OF ) On the ~ of /~.f; , 200;z:, personally appeared before me (lA~ ~/;~V the signer(s) of the within instrument who duly acknowledge to me that they executed the same. ~.¿ &PÞ/L N"[ Y PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: ~. Residing at 1l ¿~ ø¡- MARY E. GARRETI' . NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming Commission Expires October 5, 2009 Page 2 of3 ---'-''-IÞ' EXHIBIT"A" Conditions O~2SS41 ~'l ~. In exchange for this easement, Allen C and Marie E Turner, Husband and Wife (GRANTORS), and the Turnerville, Wyoming Water and Sewer District (GRANTEE) agree to the following conditions: 1. GRANTEE agrees to restore the disturbed site (including roadway) to a condition equal to or better than existing following any pipeline excavation or related construction and future maintenance. 2. GRANTEE agrees to waive the connection fee for one single residential domestic water service connection to serve GRANTORS' property herein. 3. GRANTORS shall have the right to at least one additional future water residential connection serving the property(s) associated with this easement, provided that GRANTORS pay the normal connection and user fees as legally established by the District at the time that the connection is requested. 4. GRANTEE agrees to retain and protect existing utilities within the easement during construction and future maintenance operations. 5. GRANTEE agrees to maintain existing water service to GRANTORS' home during the construction process. Necessary outages during construction for tie-ins, etc. will be scheduled with GRANTORS. 6. It is agreed by both parties that this easement is for the construction, operation, and maintenance of a waterline and related facilities. Access shall be limited to the employees and representatives of the Turnerville, Wyoming Water and Sewer District and their designated representatives for the purposes stated above. This easement is not for public access. 7. GRANTORS will have uninterrupted roadway access to their property during construction. 8. GRANTEE agrees to provide GRANTORS with at least 48-hour notice prior to entering property for the purposes of construction, except in cases of emergency. Page 3 of3