HomeMy WebLinkAbout928544 .~U'l, ð'l~ 6010715085 AFFIDA VIT RECEIVED 4/18/2007 at 12:50 PM RECEIVING # 928544 BOOK: 654 PAGE: 871 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) I, George C. Kimball, being first 1úly sworn on oath, depose and say: That I am a citizen of the United States of America and over the age of 21 years, and a resident of Grace, Idaho. That I was well and personally acquainted with Clifford R. Turner and Ruth T. Turner as described in that certain Warranty Deed dated January 24, 1992 and recorded July 10, 1995 in Book 370PR on page 653 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. That I know of my own knowledge that Clifford R. Turner and Ruth T. Turner in the above described Warranty Deed and mentioned in the attached Certified copy of Certificate of Death was one and the same persC'ns. '..,..... . ,This affidavit is intended to terminate the life estates of said Clifford R. Turner and Ruth T. Turner in the following described property: In secti~n fourteen (1'1) Tnwnship Thirty-three OJ) North, Range one- -hundred-eighteen (118) Wef't of the 6th Principal Meridian, located more ,specifically.,in Lincoln County, Turnerville ,aru. , to-wit: Beginning at the \oir~st quarter-cor'ner of said Sectiòn 14, and running thence South to the East edge of the Public Roadwøy , thence meandering along the edge of said roadway, t'i> its point of intersection with t,l~e)l,cst;Sectlon . . line of said SectJon, thenc~ South along said Section line ~O rod~ more or less to the Southwest Corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section (IA), thence E~st 80 rods, thence North 150 rods more or less, to the South Uank of IHUow Cit"eek, thence meandering Southwestwa~d along said Creek bank to its point of intersection with the West Section line of said Section 14, at ø point 28.75 rods North of the place of beginning, thence South 28.75 rods, more or less to the point of bcginning, being a total of approximately 62.5 acres more or less, together with improvements and water anù ditch rights thereunto Dppertaining. Dated this" ' .J day of April, 2007. 4~if~ r'-~¿Id · ""GeorgeC.unball State' of Wyoming ) )ss ) County of Lincoln 3~The'f~regO, in? instrument was subscribed and sW,orn to m,e. bY,Ü,', eo,~ge, C,' '::,Kimball this ,~ " day of Apnl, 2007. "" , , " " ~~t , 'Notary Public My Cortunission Expires: , DONNA BOOTH· NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF LINCOLN STATE OF WYOMING MY COMMISSION' EXPIRES SEPT 2'0 " , , '",2007 '" ,,' , . ;. ~~,; -~ \. , ' ¡~ ~ ~ j1 ! ~ 1\' ~ , I ~ I I ~ ¡ I I ~ i .~ I ~ I '~ ¡ ~ i I ~ ~ " ~ STATE OF IDAHO IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS 'OOOB73 0928544 CERTIFICATION OF FACTS OF DEATH " Date Filed APRIL 29,1999 Slale FileNo. 1999 - 02904 AGE CLIFFORD RUDOLF TURNER 86 YEARS SEX SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER CÞ.TE OF BIRTH BIRTHPLACE APR. 11, 1999 MALE JUNE 25, 1912 WYOMING ~ I I I MARITAL STATUS SURl/IVING SPOUSE µt Mi,.. maiden namo) CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION OF DfATH NO MARRIED RUTH MINA THURMAN IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO RESIDENCE STATE CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION WYOMING BEDFORD FATHER· NAME BIRTHPlACE RAWSEL E. TURNER UTAH MOTHER· RA.L MAIDEN NAME BIRTHPlACE LIBBIE ELIZABETH WOLFLEY IDAHO Nl'lME At-D ADDRESS OF MDRTUA.Rf WOOD FUNERAL HOME, IDAHO FALLS, IDAHO FUlERAL SERl/ICE LICENSEE CHRIS PETERSON TIME OF OE:ATH 1:50 P.M. , \ I J ~ J:. r" j- .. " . ..:\. t ,! , ~~'~',.. ~_:, , ': \,', . . /.... -' ; ~~; i: . -'~ ~~. . ... ~-, '-..~ . , . ~. ... : '" . .. .:.\ ", " ":';/1, ';"',. "'1\ -I ,~\ DATE ISSUED: MARCH 16. 2007 ~7~ JANE S. SMITH STATE REGISTRAR ~"~~\\\\\\\\\II\II ,,#'''''' 11111,/ #' II, ;- E ¡ i ~ \ ~ This Is a true and correct raproduction of the document officially registered and placed on file with the IDAHO BUREAU OF HEALTH POLICY AND VITAL STATISTICS. This copy not valid unless prepared on engraved border displaying state seal and signature of the Registrar. j