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gARRY RZDRN, ~R. and TRRNA RZDEN, husband and w~fe,
P. O. Box 4327, Narb~eton, 8ub~ette County, ~yom~ng, GRANTORS,
fo~ and ~n eon~&deEat~on of ~RN DOEEAR8 ($10.00) and othe~ good
and vaZuab~e e0n~dera~&on, ~n hand ~a~d, CONVRY ~D ~ARR~T
JOHN HARPRR, a s~ng~e man, of P.O. Eox 261, EaBarge,
County, Wyoming 83~23., G~T~E the follow&rig de~e~kbed ~eal
e'~tab~ ~tuate ~n E~neo~n Oounty, ~yom~ng, hereby ~e~eas~ng and
waiving all rkghts unde~ and by v~tue of ehe homestead exemption
law~ of the ~Ea~e of Wyoming, bo-w&b:
Eot 72 of ghe E~den Add&t~on' to the Town of EaEarge, E&neoZn
County, ~yom~ng, a~ Ehe same aD, ears on the off&e&a~
Ehereof fk~ed for ~eeo~d ~n the off~ee of the County
E~neo~n Oounty, Wyomkng; '
TOO~THRR WZTH a]~ km~rovement~ and a~purEenanee~ thereto
SUB~RCT TO eoveaants, reservatkons and Ee~tr~et~ons of
8UB~ROT ~0 ca,emerita and ~ghts of way of record or ~n
WITNESS our ands this ~.P~q~k day of ~q~: - , 2001.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged befor b.y
GARRY EIDEN, JR. and TRENA EIDEN this ~.~-day of ~e
2001. ,~.?f ,
Witness my hand and official seal.
~ ~,~:~?~.~ ,~ Notary Public
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