HomeMy WebLinkAbout87627302015222 35191240042800 EASEMENT ~oor 473p PAGE ~OW ~L ~N BY T~SE P~SENTS: That James Patrick O'Bannon, Trustee of The Trust of James Patrick O'Bannon Dated 28 September, 2000, party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar a. nd Other Valuable Considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do hereby for themselves and for their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, grant and convey unto Joseph W. Bressler, party of the second part, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, an easement and right-of- way over and across the following described real property and premises situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to-wit: A 30 foot wide striP of land running across the South 843.35 feet of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 12, Township 35 North-, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, from the point of existing electrical power and telephone transformers or terminals to the north boundary of said South 843.35 feet of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section t2, Township 35 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming with the right of ingress and egress to and fi'om the same for the purpose of laying, maintaining and operating over, through and upon the same electric and telephone utilities. The grant and other provisions of this easement shall constitute a covenant running with the land for the benefit of the Grantee, its successors and assigns. Title 6 Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the Grantee and his assigns, forever, free, clear and discharged of and from all former grants, taxes, judgments, mortgages, mineral rights, easements, restrictions, leases, assessments, liens, encumbrances and claims of any and every kind and nature. · · '. i,/£ ~ WITNESS the hands of the pames hereto th~s ri -./j~,y of ~,~i91 , 2001. ~,Ia~es Pamck O Bannon, Trustee of The Trust of James Patrick O'Bannon Date{28 September, 2000 Pa~ ~, of the First Part Jog ,'h-'~. '1~ re'slUr Pm i of~he Second Part STATE OF WYOMING, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN. ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for s~d County and State, on this/~ ~ day of ' ~nT. ,2001, personally appeared James Patrick O'Bannon, Trustee of The Trust of James Palric~ O'Bannon Dated 28 September, 2000, to me ~own to be the identical persons who executed the witch and foregoing instrument and ac~owledged to me that he executed the same as ~s free and volunta~ act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set. ~ven under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. Nota~ Public My Commission Expires: ~: ,~tato of Wgornu~g - Nota~ Pob~  County of Lincoln / STATE OF WYOMING, ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN. ) Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, on this / 7 day of ?~ ~F', , 2001, personally appeared Jo'seph W. Bressler, to me known to be the identical perso/ns who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set. Given under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. Notary Public My ~ommission Expires: (Seal)