HomeMy WebLinkAbout87627502015222 351911240042800 ~ '~' ~'" E ,~ ~: t. i I".,I (~ ()!...,',i ,?, 0 U i"..~ T '7 This ~oa.d Maimenance Agreement (hereinaaer "Agreement") is made an'd,e~em~d tln~ / day oS. ~, 2001, by and between James Patrick O'aan,o, , T~stee o~the James Patrick O'Bannon T~st Dated 28 September, 2000 (hereinaaer "O'Bannon"), and'Joseph W. Bressler (hereina~er, "Bressler"). WHEREAS, Bressler is the owner of that cert in real property located in Lincoln ~County, more particularly described as follows: [_~ SEE ATTACI-IED EXHIB T "A" ' ~ WHEREAS, O'Bannon is the owner of that c~eal proPerty located in Lincoln County, more particularly described as follows: WHEREAS, A road to be named by O'Bannon and Bressler (hereinafter the "Road") provides ingress and egress for both or' the above mentioned lots and the parties intend for Bressler to have a permanent easement for ingress and egress of such existing roadway; and WHEREAS, O'Bannon and Bressler are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties"; and WHEREAS, the Parties desire to enter into this Agreement as a means and method of setting forth their understanding regarding the repair and maintenance of the road. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises and covenants contained in the Agreement and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties liereby agree as follows: 1. Bressler is hereby granted an easement and right of way across the South 843.35 feet of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 12, Township 35 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement to be 30 feet in width and to run along, over and upon that Portion of the SW/4 of the SE/4 which is now used for roadway purposes and access to P~arcel A, or the North 450 feet of the SW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 12, Township 35 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for roadway purposes onlY.' 2. The Parties hereby agree that all costs necessary for the repair and maintenance of the Road shall be shared equally among the Parties; provided, however, in the event any portion of the Road or any adjacent property is damaged or destroyed due to any act or omission ' attributable to one or more of the Parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, the party responsible for such damage shall rebuild or repair the road at their sole cost and expense using like or similar quality materials. 3. Except in the event of an emergency, any proposed repair and maintenance expenses related to the Road shall be agreed upon in advance by all of the Parties. 4. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the heirs, successors, assigns and personal representatives of the Parties. 5. The Parties hereby agree that this Agreement contains the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the repair and maintenance of the Road and supersedes any and all prior agreements, arrangements or undertakings between the Parties related to the Road. No oral understandings, statements, promises or inducements contrary to the terms of this Agreement exist. This Agreement call only be changed or terminated by the written agreement of the Parties. 6. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one and the same Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereu~nto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. The Trust of Jame~lPatrick O'Ban~on Dated 28 September, 2000 d~ames Patrick O'Bannon, Trustee (Hereinabove referred to as "O'Bannon") (Hereinabove referred to as "Bressler") ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WYOMING, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN. ) The foregoing Road Maintenance Agreement was acknowledged before me this t' 7 day o~ _~.o.(p'T-- ,2001 by James Patrick O'Bannon, Trustee of The Trust of James Patrick O Bannon'Dated 28 SePtember, 2000. My Co~nmission Expires: SEP-21-01 FRI 1,d.5 AM WYOMING HOME & RANCH ,,~EAX:307 654 7403 PAGE o 85O DESCRIPTION FOR TRUST OF JAMES PATRICK O'BANNON, DATED 28 SEPTEMBER 2000 PARCEL A To-wit: - - ' All o1' the north 450.00 feet of the SW¼SE¼ of Section ! 2, T35N, R119W, Lincoln County, Wyonfing, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 453 of Photostatic Records on page 319; ENCOMPASSING an. area of 13.78 acres, more or less; TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across a strip of land sixty (60) feet in width as described on the attached exhibit titled, "DESCRIPTION FOR IIENRY'S MOUNTAIN I.AND TRUST, HENRY'S MOUNTAIN ROAD PIERCE DESCRIPTION"; AND, TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across the north sixty (60) li~et of the NW¼ of Section 13, T35N R119Wi AND, TOGETHER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across the north sixty (60) feet o'1' the west one htmdrcd ('100) feet of the N%N½NE'A of said Section t 3; AND, , TOGETltER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under 'and across a strip of land sixty (60) feet in width being thirty (30) feet each.side of the tblloWlng described centerline: BEGINNING at a poi:m marked by a spike on the north line of the S½N¼NE¼ of said Section 13, N89°-28~-13"W, 1012.94 feet, Ii'om the northeast comer o'f' said S½N½NE¼; thence (L20) N50°-49'- 16"E, 71.28 ~et to a spike; thence (L21) N08°-48'-38"E, 229.18 feet to a spike; thence (L22) N03%19'-15"E, 246.81 fcct to a spike at thc 'PC of a circular cumc to thc left; thence (r:'l 3) northwesterly, 169.06 t~et, aBng the ~¢ of said cu~¢, t~ough a central m~gle of 950-39'-38", with a radius of 101.26 feet ~d a chord ~ing N44°-30~- 34"W, 150.10 feet, to the PT th~cof; thence (L23) S87%39'-37"W, 293.29 t~et, to a spike at the PC of a ckcular c~e to the right; thence (C'14) northwesterly, 136.47 f~t; along the ~c of said c~ve, t~ough a central ~gle of 59°-57'-32'', with a radi~ of 130.41 ibet ~d a chord ~Mg'N62O-21'- 37"W, 130.33 feet to the TE~S of Henry's Mountain Road marked by a spike on the north line of the NE~A of said Section 13; · ,~,,~,~,~ with the side lines of the a~ve de~ribed strip lengthen~g or sho~cn~g to create a ~ntinuous and contiguous easement ~th a minimum width of sixty (60) feet; ~D, ~"~'~'~"~ TOGET~R ~th a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under and across a parcel ~..a~,,~,,..:~ of~nd described as Follows: No. 371111 LTD. "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the sumeyor" ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF WYOMING, ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN. ) The foregoing Road Maintenance Agreement was acknowledged before me this / ? day Of ....-~p'~_ ,2001 by Joseph W. Bressler. Notary Public My Commission Expires: E:EP'"21-01 FR.!~.!_.I.,_46 AM WYOMING HOME & RANCH ...... ~?X'307 554 7403 PAGE DESCRIPTION IFOR TRUST OF JAMES PATRICK O'BANNON, DATED 28 SEPTEMBER 2¢}(}0 PARCEL A PAGE TWO BEG1NNi'NCO at the southeast comer of said SW¼SB¼; thence N00°-I0'.53,,E, 838.22 feet, ,along the east line of said SW%SE¼, to the southeast point ol'Pareel A described above; thence S89°.12'.12-E, 30.00 tibet, along the south line of said Parcel A, to a point; thence S00°- I0'-53"'W, 543.03 feet~ parallel with said east tine, to a point; thence S18°-34'-36',W, 310.49 to an intersection with thc south linc of said SW%SE¼ on the westerly right-of-way line ofsaid Henry's Mountain Road; thence S89°-25'-24"E, 127.98 feet to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; AND TOG.ETHER with a right of ingress and egress over and across the north ten (10) t~et of the east 1392.00 feet of said NV~N½NE¼ for a non-motorized pedestrian and equestrian easement; each "comer" found as described in the Corner Record flied or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "intersection" and "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" a'tcel reintbrcJng rod with a 2" alumi~mm cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCtlERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368" or "STJRVEYOR SCHERBEL LTI) BIG PINEY WY PI.S 5368" with appropriate details; each "spike", "PC" and "PT" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by two (2) 5/8" x 24" steel reinti.,rcing rods wkl~ 2" alumin, um cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEI, LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 5368", with appropriate dctaiis; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Comity titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPI.,ICATION FOR TRUST OF JAMES PATRICK O'BANNON, DATED 28 SEPTE.MBER 2000 WITHIN THE SW¼SE¼ SECTION 12 ., T35bI. R1 t9W LINCOI,N COUNTY, WYOMING". dated 25 Jun 200 asr vised. ' ~une 2001 TlR .}~, [ I.~.t~Pntri~k Prol~lon~l Lan,e ~urvayar,~ N~ R~stta~n NO. ~0~ ~a~ R~aifat~n NO, 07211 ~ ~*~",'. ~, "Modiflcatio~ in any way of the foreooing desoription terminates liability of the su~eyor" ou, uoo uuuuI ~ep-}'/-ul 1U:2~AM~ Page 2/6 DESCRIPTION FoR ~ TRUST OF JAMES PATRICK O'BANNON, DATED 28 SEPTEMBER 2000' PARCEL B - aEWS D All o.fthe SW¼SE¼ of Section' 12, T35N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 453 of Photostatic Records on page 319, EXCEPTING the nOrth 450.00 feet of said SW¼SE¼; ENCOMPASSING. an area of 25.72 acres, more or less; TOGETIIF, R with a right of ingre.,~.and egress and publle'utilities over, u:qder and across a strip of land sixty (60) feet in width as described on the attached exhibit titled, "DESCRIPTION FOR HENRY'S MOUNTAIN LAND TRUST, HENRY'S MOUNTAIN ROAD PIERCE DESCRIPTION"; AND, TO(JE'IiItF. R with a right of ingz'ess and cio'ess and publi~ utilities over, under and across the north sixty (60) feet of the NW¼ of Section 13, T35N RI 19W; AND~ TOGETHER wit.h a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, unde.'r and across the north skxty (60) feet of the west one hundred (100) feet of the N½N~NE;4 of said Section 13; AND, TOGET]tER with a right of ingress and egress and public utilities over, under and across a strip o~'land sixty (60) ii, et in width within the N~ANE¼~of said Section 13, being thirty (30) feet each side of the following described ccnterllne: ' BEGINNING at a point marked by a spike on the north llne of the SV,..NV~'E¼ of said Section 13, N89°-28'-13"W, 1012.94 Feet, from the northeast comer of ~aid S~AN~NE¼; thence (L20) N50°-49'-16"E, 71.28 feet to a spike; thence (L21) NO 8 - g.-38 E, 229.1.8 feet to'a spike; lhence (L22) N ° .... 03 -I9 -15 E, 246.81 feet to a spike at the PC Ora cir,zular curve to the left; thence (Ci3) northwesterly, 169.06 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 95°-39'-38'', with a radius of 101.26 feet and a d~ord 13earing N44O~30'- 34"W, iS0.10feet, to thc PT thereof; thence (L23) $87°-39'-37"W, 293.29 feet, to a spike at the PC of a circular curve to the 'right; thence (C14) northwesterly, 136.47 feet, along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 59~'-57'-32", with a radius of 130.41 fe~t and a chord bearing N62o.21'. 37"W, 130.3.3 feet to the TERMIUS of Henry's Mountain Road mmked by a spike on the north line or,he NE¼ of said Section 13; ~ with thc side lines of the above described strip lengthening Or shortening to create a v,~,,,~,.~ ~,~,,,,,.continuous and contiguous easement with a minimum width of sixty (60) feet; AND, ~.~'~ ".- ,.,o TOGETHER witl~ a right of' ingress and egrass over and across th~ north lea (10) feet of the ~,~r~ east 1392.00 feet of said N~N~NE¼ for a non, motorized pedestrian and. equestrian 8~X~ (~;hJ~l~l, LTD. u.,~,,.,, ~,. - "Modifiomlon In ~n¥ w~¥ of lhu Sent By; ; 307 88:..i': ;:.;::.!; Sep-27-01 10:27AM; Sage 3/6 ' .EXHIBIT "A" TRUST OF ~A~ES.PATRIC~ O'BANNON, DATED 28 SEPTEMBER 200'0 PARCEL,B - ~EVISED PAGE TWO SUBJECT to a righfol' ingress and ogress and utilities over, under, and ~,cross a parcel of land within said SW¼SEtA deSCribed ms follows: BEGINNING at the southeast comer of said SW¼SE¼; the.nee N00°-I0'-53"-E, 838.22 fox:t, along tho ep~-'t line of said ,qW¼SE¼, to the northeast point of Parcel B described above; thence S89"-I2'-12"E, 30,00 feet, along the north line of mid parcel B, to a point; thence SOO°. I0'-53"W, 543.03 feet, parallel with said ¢~t line, to a point; thence S18°-34'-36"W, 310.49 to an intersection with thc ~uth line of said SW~ASE% on the westerly right-of-way line of said Henry's Mountain Road; thence S89°-25'-24"E, 127.98 feet to tho CORNER OF BEGINNING; each "comer" found. ~ described in tho Comer Record filed or to be filed in tho Office of the Clerk of Lineoln County; each "intersection" and "point" marked by a 5/8" .x 24" steel rehfforcing md with a 2" aluminum cap inscrilx:d, '"SURVEYOR 8CHERBEL LTD A. FI'ON WY PLS 5368" or "SURVEYOR SCI-IERBEL LTD BIO PINEY WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "spike", "PC" and "PT" marked by a 3/8" x 12" stool spike reforonce:l by two (2) 5/8" x 24" steeI reinforcing rods with 2" aluminum cap ins~ibed, "SURVEYOR SCHF~RBEL LTD BIO PINEY WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat lxeparod to be filed in tho Office 'of the, Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPblCATION FOR TRUST OF JAMES PATRICK O'BANNON, DATED 28 SEPTEMBER 2000 wITHIN TH:E SW¼SE¼ SE.C~,ON 12 T3fll~ ~lgW LINCOLN COUNTY, ~, ,.~ "Modification in'any w~y of tho foregoi.g Oesoription terminatoa liability of tho ';'~: ""- ~ ~IBIT "A" ' ~':' : ,.' . .:..~.;.'.;'.' ..., . . .,..'.' ..: , ' " That psi-C. "/":Rii~W, 'Li'ncoln county Wyoming a strip of: mn. widt.h within the SS%SE~X '}" '"';' of sa!d:,.: ,'feet 'each side of~ the following "~. wi~hi, n: ¢e.nherry · County Road Nc. 12-113, N89u'-'I5' ?~r"0m".':~ha' southeast, corner of · ~...'~ ~nd ~h¢ eas~ s~ o:f said Sedtion easemen~ 0f.'"' ~'he Clerk of Lincoln County in"~..B on .pa~e 3i3, .,'. ~ : . .; . '..,~. .... line of .~.'.:,.:.' .. ".' ,i thence 'S8~9.~ ag;said'south line, to ~ the CORNER"' " ..... a strip of land :he 'NE~""a~R' tli'~?~;..~WSE~.0f said Section ~ 13, with the wi'dths"'a's'.:::~6ted"on.~ac'~;:;:'side' of the following to the left ..'or.:.,,~rtHerly s;de;. . ¢, ,, . . . &,, ...,, . ' .... , '-.,,.,q,'.;.:.'.,~.l,;4,.:,~C',~.: ..... .:-'Z',',. ' · ..: ' ' ." '- ,,i ~A¢~ Y ~tO ..... ..:.~...:..-, ',....~-:,. ,¢~¥~"..." ".:',t::., · ',.."'."' ' '.': '.' .:... i , , ,.,, ,.,.., -:; i??: ..' . ..;, ~.. . ........ :. .'. . ~hence (C2)' northe'aste=ly, 259..93 feet., 'alon~ ~he arc of cu%'ve, '. 220.98 fee.Z';":.~q";;.:6:~e.'.,'PT~'thereof; and. change wzd~h ~o thirty ~." ' , , ' ""' · . ; ', ' ' ~.~, ',", L' , ' ¢,'~ ' ' , . '"'~: ' ',',', ' ,' -'..r % .;,' ',, ~-,~ ",~ ..... ~. ,-.-,. . , , ' .' ,,',, [[ thence (C3)' northeasterlY, 97.3~ feat, along the arc of s~:id ~l radius of-'~'~:.:~86F:fee~':;;':~nd a. chord baarin¢ N68°..05'-43"~ ~ ' "'v~.',,.::':.;::'.. ~..:"'::. . '.'.~ ,~ ~h~nce (LS) S5~-'21~. 5~?E, 305 7Z feet, to a s ike; . . ,.: .........[~?? .. .,, ::.....~ . .., . ~h~nce (L6)'.883.'?,',,~.3'9'.~'I0''E, 32~.11 feet, to th~. PC of a c~rcular :cur~).{~'~'/';th~,;' ~ighg; ., ' ' tl:en,'e (C,t) :southea':;~tarly, .113.23 feet, along the arc of sa~d · curve,' ~hro.~gl~[.~[¢enUrai 'an~!e. of 65~-2.2 ' - 09 ", with a radius '~. of 99.25"fee"t;.¥~'~d a .~l{ord bea~in~.'.S5.0°-58'-06"E, 107-19 " fee~, ¢o ¢tle[[PT(J..uhereo'.fi 'and .ehange:.width t~ 49.'L0 fezu to the left or no~therly,szde; '. <.. ' , i" '"", '" ';V( ' ', , ', ;, ' ' , ' . ., . . , ,,' ':~', 'J,..,; , ; ,, · :, . , , , . , , , , .,, . ,,,,,.,,., q..¢.' , ;.., ;3,. .... , q. , , , Chef, ce (L7)"S',l'8~h~lT:t,~.01"E,'S2.76 feet, tO ~h~.:~ PC of a ""'"::' '~hence (CS)..souzhe'a¢ ~ , 8~t. 80"fee'Z>,'.'~l' ~, curve, thro. ug~ i~':.:ce'h[~ral.'~ngle of"..120°-37'71!", with ~ .. radiu's of'".. 4~'~?~6'5."/~fe~'~'[?~nd.' a".' chor~'..';b:ea~ing $78 ~ - 35 '--37" E, '" ~ 74 ~! feet.',' '"t'0':";"~'l~e PT..?.~here'0f} .aud';~change .width to ~hi::~y .v:.. , ' .!" .:¢;~.,~.: ~.,,::~:::: ..... :':'::;:~'., ,'. · ' ' '..,.:~' ':,'""' , · ..' 'i PC a .., [ ciz'uular:. curve. ~o"..'.the"~ief6';.. '.:"..";"..' ..... :./"' . ., . . ......... , .::..... . :............ · .., ..:.:.....,. ...,.,....., · ,..,..... , t;' .. thence (C61 northwesterly;:"119.91 fee,,' along the arc of said' ~ curve', ~hro'u~h ~a'..:cen't~al' ~ngla'.:o~ .93P.-07"-43'~,, with .a radius ... of 73 77 "fee'e:'"~d' a.;"'r:dhord bearing'::N05°-28'-04"W 107 14 ", fee Z, to ~he PT thereof; .' ..: .'.:.v:"..., .. ....:< ...' :;.,'.i~:'.>'.....,..' .. ,"' beginning, for "Cro~ke~?O'anyoa,'..SP'~'~:['[:~8~° J21 ' -12"w, 1208.39 fee¢ frOm the' Southeast 'corner .of.: Sa'id' NE~; : .... ~t~enca (L10) continuing.NS2~ 01~-'5~" 42',93 teet, Co a sp~e; : '... ,, ,..;', .j,. . · czrcular cttrve t'o bha. left; i; thence (C?) hor'~'h~'ste~ly, ~.17,12 'feet, along tlle arc of said ~ ..... . ..... . ! ctt;,:-ve, through.,..,a'~'gentr~l angle of 320-40'-36'' with a radius '. ~ of 205.37' feeb..~aBd a chord bear'in~ N37°-29'-4~'W, .115.54 ~ feet:, 'to the' PT :thereof; . , . .....,~.~.~. :.:,~ ',.~'... ~;~" e:h~nce (L12).~NS:3~'~'..rS~"".-0'l"W, '264 49 feet, to the PC of a ..j... cu~e ,. t o:,., t he'l::~.ri'ght; ~ thence (C8) northwesterly, ~56.~0 fee~, along the arc of said :~ curve,, through~"/.:a.~4'~dtntral angle of 87~-33'-01" with a radius. ~'"""~'"~'"'~'~",~.~.,~, ~' of 102.35 fe~'.'~i~d. 'a':ch0rd b~aring N10°-03'-.32uW, 141.62 ,,,~,,~,.,~ fe~t to th'e'...PT[;']there0f, identical with the PC o'- a reverse ,m,..~,,,..~:~ ~. thence' (C9) northeaste~-ly, 118 09 fee't, alon~ the :.irc of ~aid , 11'7.18 feet, to..the PT thereof.; ;my'way of tim;' fiwolloinlj'descriplion lermin, ales Habllity of ihe :~urvcyor" in i: .......... HZBZ ',--'. . ,: . I~ thence (L14) .N1'5~-38"-38"~, 2~8.40''feet, tO the PC of a circular curve ~t0:[:.'t'he'. ight; ..~.~. thenge (C10). 'nor.t'h'easterly,. 181.29 'f'~et, along tke arc .of ".~'.".'~ sai%'1 curve, through.:a 'central angle, of 90o-3~,-56., with a " radJ. us of i47 %? feet,'and a chord bearing NS0~ '~' 06 170 04 feet to:the.'?T...;thereof; ', .:~v .... .. ,.,;' ,. :: ,,.:,,, . , thel%~}e (L15) N86~r13' ~34"E, 77.67 fe~t, to the PC of a circular 'curve' 't6..'th~' ).'aft; thence (Cll.).'no',r.~.h]ea'sta.rly, 175.7~ fes~, along the.arc of said curve, through' a". central angle of 60o-49,-04,', with a radius of I65.56 'feet and a Chord bearing ~, 167. ~]. feet;'.'~o".'.~'he PT' thereof; , circular curve [:o ~l:e lefz; ther;.~:~ (C12) .northwesterly, 138.73 feet, alo~]g t_..e arc of ~ai~.'i curve,' through a central angle of 55~-13'-:L1:', with a rad.i, us of 143'.95' f~et and a chord bearing 133.42 ~eeg, to the PT thereof; thence (L17) N29~"-~8'-4%,'W, 119.01 feet, ~o a spike thence (L18')."N03~g14'-dT*'"E, 161.85 feet, to a.spike thanc~ (L19) NS06-49'-i6"E, ~3.81 feetb to the TEiiMI~S of I'Ien~.:'y's Mountain Road Pierce Description, marked by a spike ol~ ~:ha north line of.th~ SMN~NE~.'..of said Section ~3, N89':'-28~-13"W, 1012.94 feet, from the northeast corner of Said SMN N ; ~with tl'~e side lines of the above describ~'d strip lengl:.hening or shor[.ani~lg, to crea~e a continuous and conkiguous with .{~ minimum width 0f sixty (60) feet; that ].and within 'the.NW~SE~ of said Secta. on ~3 which fails [ within chis descript'ion is specifically, excluded; :~the BASE BE~ING"fo~' this survey im the.'eas~ line of t. he'NEW ~Sectioz~ 13, T35N, Rll9W, being 'N00"~iS'-00"E; ~and referenced by ~0: 5/8" x 24" steel'~einforcin9 rods wi~k ~2" aluminum caD inscribed, "S~VSYOR SCHBRBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY ~PLS 53~8." with appr ria~..d~kails', ..'.?.. ~, . ':,, ..' ,, .,, - , ,.', .-. :~;,:,.}, '. ,.'.., ~,. ,, .,. leach ,,corner,, "fou~d,..'Ks' described i~"'th~":[':'Corner Record filed in "'.  the Office,of the Clerk of each "point"~marked~by a ~/8" 'x. 24, steel .reinforcinf.'~ rod with a ~" aluminum cap :mnscrzbed, "SURVEYOR 'SC14ERBEL LTD BIG PIi.~EY ~[WY PLS 53~8", with appropriate details;' all zn'accordance w~th the plat prepared to be fi~,.~d in ~"he ~Office of tho :Clerk'o~ Lincoln Cou{~ty'tit.led, "1,[ENRY[? ]~L~D T?.~UST PLAT OF'PARCELS ~D EASEME~S.i. WIT~IN SECTi[{N 13 T35N [[RllDW LINCOLN CO~TY,'~WYOM~NG',, dated l"April 1996 and ravi;~.;ed i h~ftnrd, des ' , · ,'~, -:,~