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000718 WARRANTY DEED LYNN A. DIMOND, a single person, Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to TIMOTHY O. BEPPLER and WESTON R. BARKER, as Co-Conservators of the Estate of Richard H. Dimond, Grantees, whose address is P.O. Box 133, Evanston, WY 82930, an undivided one-third (1/3) interest in and to the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of -ì L Wyoming, for the remainder of the natural life of RICHARD H. DIMOND j ,.- ;V () and no longer, and upon his death then said interest shall revert to the ownership of the Grantor, to-wit: All lands more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. WITNESS my hand this 1- '7 day of ~ ,2007. ¿~(¡il~ LY N A. DIMONö THE STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF ~ ) )ss. ) this The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before ,,;1.. .,~ da y 0 f ~ ).,1/.; WITNESS my hand and official seal. me , 2007, by LYNN A. DIMOND. ~ ¡,l,../"ur ,1Q d#lg.,. No ary Public My Commission Expires: VJ1:J ~(),I t5l ðð 9 N.øene,Oana .:Noœry ~ County Of. _. Of UncoIn· Wyoming My Conirnls8ionExpii'es May 20, 2009 RECEIVED 5/4/2007 at 11 :11 AM RECEIVING # 929034 BOOK: 656 PAGE: 718 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY p~9"1o"" LII1d 8\o""yol'l Paul N. SçhQI\)91 Wyo. Reglsl,sU.n No. 1114 Ulan ReglelllUon No. 1870 ldøhO A9glølllUon No. 31180 "9¥8d11 Aeglelladoll No. 8805 60011 A. $01191\191 Wyo. R9glelraflon No. 38811 Ida~o R9g1tl~1ion No. 8028 Utah Registration N.. 312111 MARLOWE A. 9OHEAÐI;L Wyo. "eglll...'lDn N.. 5388 sUlveyor Scheibel, LTD. Abon, Wyoming Big Piney, WyomInO JaoJcøon. WyOming La... ....1 Spring$. Id.. Monlpeller. idalia O~2903L\ 000719' . EXHIBIT: It A. DIMOND MID LE TRACT OF SMITH'S FORK RANCH To·wi :-- That art of Tract No. 1020fT24N, Rl19W, Linea C01!1ilty, Wyoming, lying and being situate west 0 the following described line: Line 3-4 of sai,d Tract No.1 02 and a norther! prolongation thereof; and : that p of Tra.ct No. 103 of T24N, R119W, LincoJ CO$ty, Wyoming, bounded and dèscriþed as foll ws: on the north by the north line of said Tract N . 10j; on the west by a line protracted from Comer o. 6 of Tract No. 91 of said T24N. R119W northerly to Comer No.2 of Tract No. 104 f said T24N, R119W identical wiili Comer No.7 of said Tract No. 102; . on the south by the south line of said Tract N . 1 O~; on the east by the east line of said Tract No.1 03; and that p of Tract No. 93 of T24N, Rl19W, Lincoln COUhty, Wyoming, bounded and dcrscrlbed as fall ws: on the north by the north line of said Tract N . 93;: on the west by a line protracted frQm Comer 0.6 of said Tract No. 91 northerly to said Comer No. 2 of Traet No. 104; on the south and southwest by the eenterli e of ;the Cokeville - East County ~oad as modified by the preemption for State Highwa No! 232; and of Tract No. 94 of said T24N. R119W lyin and:being situate between Line 4-5 of said Q. 10,2 and said center~line; , . MP AS SING an area of225 acres, more or Ie s; CT to that easement of record for the Town f Cokeville Water Main ofrecord in:Book Photostatic Records on page 192 and any oth easement of sight or of record. . s description is compiled from various ree rds ~ the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln and no actual field survey was made, nor mo uments fO\md or set; . . acreage shown hereon is based upon the abo e de$cription but no warranty is expressed lied as to its accuracy; He: Dimond Middle Tract des 3.28.07.doc . . ,\~G, , n In any way of the foregoing descrlp Ion t~rmlnates liability of the surveyor" , ---.""" ¿"I PAGE. '134 --------- OS2S0J, 1/104 8/102 ~ ~ ~ N8tJ:J8:R. ?Y.2IUt7.t)8' . TRACT. lcYl'°~O.· . . ~ ~~. -," ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ã ~ - -- . G <: a~ :<:O:::"'f- a~~ :¿Q:IV) aaO:: 2/104 _7/10~__l.1....~_____ ~6/~D2 :;;;: ..." 1/0J1 ' ;2:U')l(J : >=:~ ,j -JL_~ n --v5 I I j I I .z./103:) 02.1 ~ 1/93 6/ 4 À'B!J'S/·'.f,r¡fI 'ß.~' .... 1> I ~ ~ ---~----:-------\:- . ~,~ r cr ~ ~ _ l' ~e:4'5ißt"W" .~ ~ ~ ~ "S~ n ACT :] 93 "r~ ,. / ~ ~, - ~ ~ ~ ~ , , 115 ACRBS:I: 3/102 JJ/tOI 52PR.J'44 : ",' ~ LJ#~JI{j, 'Ol[" ;l1f#~J W W~&J'5.12 '"I I I I I I.' 7i ACT:93 I: 93' : ------- --~91-------~--, 911 ' 111 ~ i1> Q) ,... u.. . . I ~:::; 1 _ ---i IiJ _ HIIJl!k7)r ~4/102 5/10L .. ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~- - ª " TRACT 94: WA'I'N[ T. ÞÇTERSON ' fi74PR11(1) 2004 NOms NO WARRANTY IS EXPRËSS D' OR IMPUEO AS TO TIiE ACCURACY OF 'THE ACREAO SHOWN HEREON. AS IT IS BASED ENTIRELY UPON THE GENERAL LAND OFFICE RECORDS WHICH MAY OR M Y NOT BE ACCURAlE AND MAY NOT CORRECTLY REPR 1 7HE LAND ACTUALlY OCCUPIED. 1/4r- I' 3/94 ' ; ,- E3 rND CA TJ.t$ A ÇPRNJ;R RECORD ON ALE IN THE OF ICE OF' THE CLERK OF' LINCOLN COUNTY. PA7E: ONA/IIN OJ'! CtlL.Cl/lAfD) en CA !Ð;Y;WY/POHr. /l1El.LJ ~. ' K8 ctW/'(/7ëJf fiLe ml ACRBAGB CALCUl.ATIoN FOR : :LYNNDIMOND MlDDW;mACl' ' PARTOP .: 7RACTS 93,94, 102, 103 T24N Rl19W . I LINCOLN COUNTY; WYOMING I Oop)<"lght © 20Q7 by SuM!~r Scherb.! LlD. AI! ~IObta rea_d. (W Sv:R~YQ SCELBRBP;L.þ L:ico. ~ lM1J J1JPIE1fJP.r : '"S ~~~~~~~~~M~?,~~~W~~~ ) . /jaY 3Q.9. ALP/Nt; Wy 11;1.. 1l5~ ro?,·.# ,flY m. 'J" ' LA IÇ( It) æ.. 7. '-.tí9JO t SCALE 1"-500'