HomeMy WebLinkAbout929277 ·VORK ORDER # 63512 & 63513 SEC, 23, T36N, R119\1,' )0656 o '~'TIUli{rnON EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRES,:Nf: . l1ml ¡he undersigned, WILLIAM S. .IONI! S aull CAROL A. REDDING, Co. Trustees of the B AI~D C E~·TF.RPRISES TRUST, dated Oct"ìber 6.. 20(:6, {' ÙIantor") for a good and ''1Ùuable consideration. tile Tc';elpt ofwmch is hereby aclmowledgèd, do Hreb.¡ gl .nt, com,-ey and W81Tant unto LO\'\'1.7 Valley Ener!!y, a Coopcl'Iuive COJ'?-'ration, of Af\æ and JacksOI\, WytJl1..,ng and to its su.:ccssors and assigns, ("Grant:eeRIf), 1\ ,iCt¡JctLœI easement snd right of wa.y fo\' the co. ìSllctL~1 and continued maintenance, repair, alterstion ar d ~epl&Cemo:nt of the electric di3tribut;.on:,lrcuits, J, 'cs ".d equipment of the Grantee to be constructed aT d ~im¡lÌI1l".d I,¡nd¡;r. '.'pon and aGross the premises L. . Ì.rll);.or in Lincoln COUllty, State of Wyowing, along Ð ¡1M c\CSC'7íbed as toJlows, to 'wit; BEING ¡¡ porhor; ofTmct 5, Stewan Crt~k lì'ael:! ,\menJ~d. within the NEl/4SW:/4 of Suction 23, 1'36£;, Rl 19W. in Lincol!! ('~unty, Wyoming morc partÜ...'\L.lrl) described 118 folk)ws, C02\'œENCING at a poil1t at the ultersecrion (Jfth, (1lS! Hne of said NE!l4SWl/4 with the line cornmuo H) said Truet 5 and fidJacent Tlaet :I of said 8te\>'¡,,1 t'r"ek Tracts, SOooOO'OO"W, 652.97 feet &om the N~ .:cr~t:r of said NF.li4SWJ/4, Tœn~e N' 89°08'41:1 'lv·. ';~¡1,\16 feet to a point; thence SOO"Oi'34"E, 342 fe"t :0 tme pomt of beginning. Thence S 60'E, 35 fl. . th,nc·e·. 86°E. 409 feet; th:nce S 57"E. 178 feet to a h"'À1!sfnrr.JI..'T locution. EASEME."'IT to mclüdc LU feet 011 each side of' ie,';:liLd IL ~. together with all necessary and rells()1)able ri!!hts of ing;:css and egress anù to excllvate and reliL dm:''1es ~ .d 1renches for tbe locatior; and mpair of sad facilinco an': to cut, tl1m, sprn)' herbicides. or ren.ole tn·\~s, stueber}'. undergrowth OJ' other ob~t1uctior.. ir.terÎerin,g with th~ repi!.ir and maintenance of the ~ .ellltlCS, Th.: Grantor acknowledges that Elec(nc and 1',}g¡~tic ?ielci., (EIvIF) are nRturaHy oocurring m th~ :!'ål1Smiö3íon or disuibutíon of ele;;triclty, ilnd thf:. the 1,1ram..:", has ;·!:re notified Grantor that EMF te.~tìni wtd mformu.tion is a'lIi!ablc: upon request team ,;¡c G.mtee This [!\Sement by Grantor is intended tJ include so lnuci1 !pRc.! as is necessary or appropr¡.,te tu I.he pnsence 01 í"Jo..Œ' and reasonable Op=tiOl1 c f Ú¡e Grnntee's disLributi()11 1ine~. Gralltor agrees that aU poles. wires and other faci1itít '. ~·:.'tA11lxi on or unckr the described lands sha: 1 remain the property of the Grantee ren;ovablc ill the sok diser{;¡,.JIl ofthr Grantc.'at the Gra::ltec's expensc', The rights, conditions and provisions of this easement shall il11Jre In the beflcfit ot :md be binding upon th: parties. their beira, exeoutOl'!!, administrators, successors and assigns. Grantor shall e':mpensate Grantee fer any damages to Grun\ee's facilities caUllcd by Gr"n,l1r, im:luding pll)''''tem of Gran,~e's attorney fee. jf action is W1dertnken by Grantee to enforce t~ oommil:rcents described in "ris tasemert, Qrär.tor res~r"'C3 the right (0 Improve, occupy and use tbis eaaement for all pwposes not ¡neon;', _'¡en! with '.l,e ellSlllTlttt gran':, Each party shaH have the remudy of ~pecitic perfTl~tmct\ rega.rding thi. "¡]6Ço11o:nt, The rights ani obligatÍ<.'JIs des~ìbed in thi~ easement shall rw1 with tl¡¢ land. TiJis easement is m:'~ ~xcllt~IVC:,. and Gnml.:r ,'c:tæ..'1S ú!: li,iÜ1ts nlJt speciiiC8Hy grar.:ed I¡y this e'Jsem::m, 'TIus is the entire sp; 'emen. uf the pu!tle'; r~ga!'dmg thig easement, exCf'pt as rna}' be Set for:/¡ in ';>¡!iring after th~ date of this eas,;t;ent 'r:¿ sign.¡;<:! b,~ rhe panies, C'Tamor hereby releases am'. waives all rights by virtue of the Homesbd b ~1tIl'~IOr; L.j ';'·~ (f V?yoming. (lJ; ¡J¡J " ~~-- WILUA'1 S. .JONES. ,,,. th;, £-"''''1 of A-æ'''r ~ Lf£Jdj, CAROL A_ REDDING, CO"CRUSTf'j SlATE OF ,J '(<:>.-.'04 c;" COlNTYOr: L ,.....c:.=(..~ I'h", JOTcgQing ÜISmll!1en~ was acku~wJedg<!d beiore me bY~~~ A. '~dd~_ 01 /''...,,'i;;:$_.j,~<£s, .\fÏimJlng proper authc'nty as Co·1nl>tee~ of the Hand C ENfERPRJSES, TRt1ST thi5 ~_,.__da)' 0;'. .A''''~~___,. 'log (.'}t!al) W:'mess my hand and ()ftí~ , ~ ~S _____._ ~~~ . I My cOlI1llli!.;ion e~p;n:s; 5 al"''\"a......."t;.<r1Z.. l'ö t <:"<b \C R. NICK BAIRD· NOTARY PUBLIC RECEIVED 5/11/2007 at 10:36 AM RECEIVING # 929277 BOOK: 657 PAGE: 656 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY County of Lincoln State of Wypmlng My Commission Expires September 18, 2010