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Corrective Executor's Deed
Know all persons by these presents that this Corrective Executor's Deed is intended to
supplement and correct the legal description contained in that certain Executor's Deed recorded
in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming on the 3rd day of April,
1989, as entry number 700289.
This Corrective Executor's Deed is made by Spencer F. Ecclest Executor of the Estate of
Capitola P. Fox, deceased, late of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, (the "Executor")
and Hope Ecc~s BeWe, of 1855 27th Street, Ogden, Utah 84401 (the "Grantee").
In consideration of the Order Reopening Estate, filed on the 27th day of March, 2007, and
Supplemental Order Approving Second and Final Report and Accounting and Petition for
C, Settlement of Estate and Decree for Settlement of Estate, filed on the 7th day of May, 2007 as
entered in the District Court of the State of Wyoming, in and for the County of Lincoln, Third
Judicial District, Probate Number 3328, the Executor does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey
to the Grantee all right, title and interest of the decedent in the real property set forth and
identified on Exhibit A hereto.
In witness whereof, the Executor of the Estate of Capitola P. Fox, deceased, executes this
Corrective Executor's Deed as of the 9~ day of May, 2007.
Estate of Capitola P. Fox
/~cU-/'-d k-L_
Spenoer F. ECclest Executor
County of 2ElJ LMtv ~_}s.
The foregoing Supplemental Executor's Deed was acknowledged before me by Spencer
F. Eccles in his capacity as the Executor of the Estate of Capitola P. Fox, on this Cffh.. day of
May, 2007.
Witness my hand and official seal.
~ -
Notary Pu~li~ for the .State 0{.B~¿J
My ComnusslOn ExpIres: ¿--q;., J¡. m
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~~.~.:\\ EL. LEN A HAMMOND
~ ~' ¡~jj ¡'j Notary Public
. '. ""Yiì SIote of UtDh
. ":;~/My ~:"rr"l) hp",,~ FOb 4,2008
1281 S 145(1 W W()0Ij~ C'oss UT 84087
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RECEIVED 5/11/2007 at 3:23 PM
RECEIVING # 929301
BOOK: 657 PAGE: 738
Corrective Executor's Deed
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Exhibit "A"
Parcel # 1, the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of
Wyoming, to-wit:
Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (SWl/4SEl/4) and South half of the
Southwest quarter (Sl/2SWl/4) of Section One (1), Township Twenty-six (26}North; the
Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (SEl/4SEl/4) of Section Two (2), Township
Twenty-six (26) North; the East half of the Northeast quarter (El/2NEl/4) of Section
Eleven (11), Township Twenty-six (26) North; ,and the West half of the Northwest
quarter and Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Twelve (12),
Township Twenty-six (26) North; Southwest quarter of the northeast quarter
(SWl/4NEl/4); and South half (Sl/2) of Section Eleven (11); the Southwest quarter of
the Southwest quarter (SWl/4SWl/4) of Section Twelve (12); the Southeast quarter of
the Southwest quarter (SEl/4SWl/4), the North half of the Southwest quarter
(Nl/2SWl/4) and the Northwest quarter (NWl/4) of Section Fourteen (14); and the
Northeast quarter (NEl/4) of Section Fifteen (15); All in Township Twenty-six (26)
North of Range One Hundred Fourteen (114) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian,
Wyoming, containing 840 acres, more or less, according to Government Survey.
Together with all water, water rights, buildings and improvements thereon.
Parcel # 2, the following described real estate located in Sublette County, State of Wyoming, to-
Lots Six (6), Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of Section Seven (7); and Lots Six (6)t
Seven (7), Eight (8), Nine (9) and Ten (10) of Section Eighteen (18), in Township
Twenty-seven (27) North of Range One Hundred Fifteen (115) West of the Sixth
Principal Meridiant Wyoming, containing 288.62 acres, according to the Official Plat of
the Survey of said land on file in the office of the Bureau of Land Management.
And a parcel of land situated in Sections Six (6), Seven (7) and Eighteen (18), Township
Twenty-seven (27) North, Range One Hundred Fifteen (115) West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian Wyoming, described in particular by metes and bounds referred to the Public
Survey as follows; to-wit: Beginning at the Northwest Comer of said Section Six (6);
thence North 89°29' East, 1.19 chains; thence South 43°36' East, 34.89 chains; thence
South 1°0' West, 11.77 chains, thence South 17°58' East, 20.11 chains; thence South
4°20' East, 7.58 chains; thence South 8°29' East, 13.64 chains; thence South 0°54' West
10.76 chains; thence South 21 °21' East, 13.62 chains; thence South 29°34' East, 2.17
chains to an eastern boundary line of Tract 38 of said Township and Range; thence South
0°31' East, 15.93 chains to Comer No.8 of said Tract 38; thence East 8.78 chains on a
north boundary line of said Tract 38; thence South 23°39' East, 10.62 chains; thence
South 31 °9' East, 9.72 chains; thence South 8°47' East, 6.90 chains; thence South 5°44'
East, 11.55 chains; thence South 29°14' East, 0.17 chains to an eastern boundary line of
said Tract 38; thence South 0°45' East, 23.42 chains to Comer No.6 of said Tract 38;
thence West 20.00 chains to comer No.5 of said Tract 38; thence North 0°58' West,
40.00 chains to Comer No.4 of said Tract 38; thence Westt 20.00 chains to Comer No.3
of said Tract 38; thence North 0°20' West, 39.85 chains to Comer No.5 of said Tract 37
of said Township and Range; thence West 18.39 chains to Comer No.4 of said Tract 37;
thence North 0°19' West, 19.93 chains to Comer No.3 of said Tract 37; thence North
0°45' West, 78.61 chains along the Range Line between Ranges 115 and 116 West, to the
place of beginning, containing 437.98 acres, more or less as varies the survey thereof.
Together with all water, water rights, buildings and improvements thereon.
EXCEPTING the rights of third parties under all covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions
and reservations of sight and record.
Exhibit A
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