HomeMy WebLinkAbout929472 CORRECTIVE QUITCLAIM DEED 000358 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that VON K. MERRITT and SAUNDRA J. MERRITT, husband and wife, by the entireties, grantors of County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released and forever quitclaimed unto the said THE VON K. MERRITT AND SAUNDRA J. MERRITT TRUST, Dated July 21,2006, husband and wife, grantees, their heirs assigns forever, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, to-wit: SEE ATTACHED "EXHIBIT A" "MADE PART OF THIS DOCUMENT BY REFERENCE AND INCORPORATION. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD. Together with all water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS our hands this 1~ day of May, 2007. RECEIVED 5/18/2007 at 9:53 AM RECEIVING # 929472 BOOK: 658 PAGE: 358 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by VON K. MERRITT and SAUNDRA J. MERRITT, who personally appeared before me this tf(1-)'\"() day of May, 2007 ~~,b~ NOTARY PUBLIC WITNESS my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ~\ ~\D~ CHELSIE R. BAKER - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING My Commission Expires 1-\ ~ '~}·~;:·''':::'~'o·>· .' :~I"'"'P.!':-'·- ~ . \,:.,n.J.oJ ··r J.; ......·-1 . I..Þ"..;.J.· Q:)ZŠ.474".c'~' - "0 _. " ~O~;1ª.~_._. EXIB'IT A Description: Me r::r:i tl:: Parcel 3 Al terriate 'A portion of the property, as referred to in. she Deeó~ recorded in .Book 183PR, 'on Page 313, in Book. 183PR, on Page 476, . in Book. 59.2PR, on Page. 682, and in Book 59~', an Pô;ge 4.89, 1,-;ith. S~1e- Office of t.he Clerk of Lincoln Cot:nty; tAfyomins,' with1.I~ the Wl!2Wl!2 of B.ection 29, T~JN I Rl18W I of: the 6th 'p·,M.., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the tne~ea aBcl bounds being more particularly described as. follows: BEGINNING at the' J.1a-rlowe .1>..'. Scherbel RLS 5368:, 2005 location for the Northwest Corner of the S81/~NW1!4cf said Section 29, ::.henèe SOU161S'j,liw, alcngthe West;'line of said SE1!4NWl/4 373.23 feet; tþence 808Q1.8 I 37"\q 14;,49 fE';et¡ thence 311°07123~W 70.73 f~et¡ thence S8°02'12"E 209.43 E'eet¡ ·thence. S23°16'3''i!IIE: 184,63 feet; thence Sl!j0C9120HE. 184.18·feet¡ thence S4°41'46J1W 3).9.37 feet to, a P::iint in , the- North line of the 'NlU/4SW1!4 of said Section 29 Î thence' ·::--IB.9°50'19"N, along. said North line, 100.76£e~tto t;he . Marlowe. A. Scherbel RLS 5368! 2005·location fpr the::. ~orthwest ·CorÙerof.·said NEl/4SWl/4¡ tllence S;:J<:I11155"v." along the: West. line of said NE1!4SWl/4', í6, 11, feee· to .a Point i.l the Sqùth line of said ·,pJ::operty recoit'ded ::.n Book 59QPR¡ on Page 489,. ·with said ·.Office¡ thence N8 9 (,' I.), 7144 IIW, alÓng said 8Quth line, 427.99 feet,.' then,ce NO~19 '56IJE . 1, ·33:1..6'6 feet to a'P9int in the 'South line of:' the Nwi/4NHl/4; thence S89°50'Ol"E,.·along sa·id Soµth l:.'De, 88.~8 feet¡ fhence N6909'53HE 130.72 feet; thence' . . . I· S89°S0'Ol,i'E 324.53.f.!zet to a Point in the·.West 1.3.,:18 of thG'. NEll 4Nlql/ ~ of said. Sect ion 29;' thence SO ° 16' S;?i1W, along' said .Wes!::. 'line '130.00 feet, to the Point at Be;.imli::1g, contëJ.ini.ng 15. 35± Acres bf 1ai1d. .' ·TOGETHER !^lITH and SUBJEç'];' TO: The 60. feet wid,? .Right-Ci:~Way ~as~ment~ along the South line of the above d~scribed parcel, as refèrred tQ {n.the Right~of-W~y Ea?ement re.cQrded in Book :5,96PR, on Page 90, ~\ÌÙh· saic( Of!ice. . TOGETHER WU'H: Exclusive Right-oE-¡~ay Easement, t'lS referred to .anel recorded in Book 592PR,· 01'1 Pa,ge 828, wi::.h 3aid Office. . . TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All' Eas·emè:J.ts, Exceptions I Reservations I Restrictions, Rights -of -Way L'\.l:.d, .rilr~,::-c-'r~r:1er:~s of sight-and 6r record. "!.:I:~~'IW':~IO::\"''':''W¡II'''·.tr,...",,_1' ..,.. . . . ""~'-':'-''''':'''''O:-~'''''-'-'-'''''''';''''''''''''-''''~'''-r.:-;.'-~-'~'''''-".",.,,~,.., ...,..""....".";.-..-~. ,.., _.~'-'...n-,..·.·.·,.".-~...""''"':~~:.,o.J.-'·...n''. "."_'''"'~-~.''''''"-...,,,.~T-'":-,.,.,.'":;.::=:- ..",:::.,.,.!. . r: ·~.A~. ",--,", .,.. ,tl,iål. , .' . ·t'; "', , . 0.' 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