HomeMy WebLinkAbout876291 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR l"Ol~V! APPROVED , OMB NO. 10044)034 .... BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Expires: 'September 30, 1998 TRANSFER OF OPERATING RIGHTS (SUBLEASE) IN A. Lea. Serial No. - LEASE FOR OIL AND GAS OR GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES Mineral Leasing Act of 1920 (30 U.S.C. 181 et seq.) WYW'- 120158 Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.S.C. 351-359) Geothermal Steam Act of 1970 (30 U~S.C. 1001-1025) . : -. Department of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year i981 (42 U.S.C. 6508) · ~.: ' "' Pa./IT A: TR/~ISFER I. Transferee (Sublease)* Kaiser- Francis Oil Company Street P.O. Box 21468 civ, State, Zn'Coae Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121-1468 ~ff~m ~an one ~sfer~, ch~k hem ~ and lia ~e na~(s) and add~(~) of all aditional ~sf~s on ~e mv~e~of ~is fora or on a :" ~mte a~ched sh~t offs. ' · ~is ~nsrer is rot: (~<k oho ~ Oil ~a ~s ~., or ~,e,~ conve~d: (~=k.one or ~*, as a~ate) ~ ~ting L ~is msf~ (subl~e) convis ~e following ~t~m: L~d D~tion ~dditional s~ce ~ ~erse, ifn~. Do not submit d~umm~ or a~n~ o~; P~mt of~t~ ~'. Conve~ R~ined ~an ~is fora; such d~u~n~ 0r a~men~ shall only M ~f~enced he,in. ~ ..... orSi~li~ ~t~e~ :, .. ~o~ b e' 'd · f Fomship 22 Noflh, Range 1 !3 WesA gectim I h S/2NE/4, ~/4NE/4, SE/4 15% 15~ None None Of R~0M Confining 280 acres, m~e or less : ~:: '. From the s~afi~aphic equivalent of 12,033', as ~lled in ~e Unit, dom to basemmt, Lincoln Co~, gl Blackjack Wyoming ' .' ,5.. '. '.: l~e int~t &this·Transfer is to assi~ to Trans~ title in BLM records which were received into the predecess~ of Transferor " "- ::' -. by Transfer of ~ting Righ~ dated May 15, 1985, approved effective geptemb~ 1, 1985 by and between Davis Oil Company (as Assi~) and .~ ... HPC, Inc. (as Assi~ee), coveting W-0320339-A, which was subsequently : ' ~e~egated into ~W- 120158. " :. FOR BLM USEONLy - DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ~ · ' , ~THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . Ibis transfer i~ approved solely for administrative'purpOSes. Approva!does. hot,Warrant that either party to this transfer holds'legal or equitable title to this lease. "~ -] Transfer approved effective (Authorized Officer) ('rifle) (Date) Part A (Continued): ADDITIONAL SPACE for Names and addresses of additional transferees in Item Not. 1, if needed, or for Land Description in Item No., 2 if needed STATE OF OOLORADO ) . ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / ~ ' WITNESS my hand and official seal.n ....... =r~,~,vtv, uvc;. a ue/aware corpora~on, on behaff of~ald corpora~on NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF C0LOR/~ta~' Public- t~hyll[s Malisheskd :' "' COUNTY OF The foregoing inst/urnent was acknowled(7 ...... / ' ~ , ~ ,~- / · " ~d~ ~ 1 ~/uu uerore hie ~nis . I . 1~ lz'ans[eror certifies ~ owner of an lateresl In te ~l~v¢ desi~lated lease lJ~l he/she her,-~¥ lt~nsfa~ to the alcove ~'-----" ....... ;. . 2. Traniferce certifies as follows: (a) Transferee i.~ a citizen ofte United States; an a~s~iatio, of such citiz · ' ' · · · . of the United Sites or of any State or territory thereof For the transfer ofNPR A leases tm ' · .en..s, a mumclpahty; or a corporatton organized Under the laws associations ofsueh~eit/zens, nationals, resident aliens'or -rivate -ublie .-.. , , ~teree ~s a c~t~.en, natmnal, or resident alien of the United States · in which the lands covered by this transfer ~, ....... ,v~ ,..p , .or mun.~.c,pm corporatmns; (b) Transfereeis not considered a mia ....... om[e, au no~ exceed 246,080 acres in oil and ~- leases ~of ..... g ....... ~ts, d ...... ~.u mu~rect, m each puohcdomam.and acquired lands.separately in z'~ ~. wmcn up ~ ~,~uu acres may be in oil and gas options), or 300,000 acres in .leases in each I~asin District of Alaska ofwhich up to 200,000 acres may be in options, if this is an oil . ' · acres m any °ne State if thls is a ~eothermal lease- and~,~x a- .......... and gas.. lease msued m accerdance w~th the Mineral Leasinu Act' · ~-z ~,,~ pa~ues nmatng an interest m the transfer are otherwise in comnliance 3100 or 3200) and the authorizing Acts; (c) Transferee is in compliance with reclamation requirements for all Federal oil and gas.lease holdings as required by see. 17(g) ~- .... ,~ ~ggutauons (nj CFR Group of the Mineral Leasing Act; and (f) transferee is not in violation of soc. 41 of the Mineral Leasing Act. Such bond as may be required by the lessor -ursuant to ~ I ....... po pleti°n of any operations as descn3ed in the lease, and to fu . . v . gu anons 4J L;ILR 3104,3134, or 3206. · m~sh and maintain. For §eothermal transfers, an overriding royalty may not be less than onc-£ourth (½~ Drone --rccn' ~ due to the United Sates · · ] ~ t u~me vmue o[outpm, nor greater than. 30 when th~s lransfer m added to a' ........... t · I certify that the statements made herein by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.and arc made in good faith........ ... :.. ~: .... . Name of Transferor Tom Brown, loc. " ...... Please t]~ or pdnt "' " ~',:; ' Attest: _ Exec. Vice 555 17th Street, Suite 18~50"' ~-' ~ . (Tmnsferor's Addresg) Denver, Colorado 80302 (City) (State) ' (Zip-'~----'~-- ..... .. , BURDEN HOURS STATEMENT Public reporting burden for this form is estimated to avera e 30 minutes completing and reviewing the form. Direct comments re ~1 .... ,per r~..ponse, including the time for rev/ewing instructions ..... ~M~agement, Bureau Clearance Officer mw, ,n, ~.g__ ~g, me. o_.umen est,mate or any other aspect of this form tn I! e ~.,__~game. ~n..g ~a maintaining data, and t~uaget, Paperwork Reductin ;,,., [~nn~ ,~= ........ ter, Budding 40, P. O. Box 25 _ . nor, Bureau of Land . n Pmj~, t,,,,,-,-w~,,], wasmngton D C 20503 047, Denver, CO 80225-0047and the Office of Management and Title 18 U.S.C. Sec. I001 makes it a crime for any person knowingly and willfull . , ...... y false· ficauous.or fmudulela