HomeMy WebLinkAbout876292 .... Y '"~ * ..... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ~ ,3 ~ !., .:.,~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~,.
OMB NO. 1004-0034
BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT . Expires: September 30, 1998
· : . .:.~
Mineral Leasing Aet of 1920 (30 U.$.Ci 181 et seq.) W-0320339-A
Act for Acquired Lands of 1947 (30 U.$.C. 351~359)
Geothermal Steam Act 'of 1970 (30 U.S.C. 1001-1025) .. ' '
Depamnent of the Interior Appropriations Act, Fiscal Year 1981 (42 U.$.C. 6508) -
. Type or print plainly In Ink and sign in ink. ..:~
Transferee (Sublease)* Kaiser- Francis Oil Company "
str~ P.O. Box21468 !..IUO~(_. PItPAGE [!. 9 i1. ~,~a!Ta'i',.,;a()
City, Stato, ZlPCode Tulsa, Oklahmna 74121-1468 - :~:- -'.: .'.: .. 7 L{/'~r" r,,.;,
.... : --~,~ .,..,, 0 !.,I t':,l T Y r, ,
eparateattachedsheet of paler, ....... ~:...~ : ., : . · ", ..
~! "'~ '~':= '~ ~: ' ' "' ~i-t~. ',~',i'~ ' t ...... ', ~.', .... :-.
· is~nsfcrlsron (Ch~koi, e) [~ Oil and Gas' rea~e, or ":' [] GmthermalLease t.t..,~!'. '", ii:'. '~':
ntere~'t:onvey'~: (Cheek one 6f'both, as appropriate) '.; [~]Orm/ating R{ghts (sublease) F-] Overriding Royalty, pay/~mt out'Of production or Other .. .'.
:" :..4.: ,' ....... similiar interests oi payments
!.. This transfer (sublease) conveys the'following interest:
. · '" ': ...... Land DescriPtion ..:... , ..... ' ' :'
, , _ .. !; Percent of.Interest .'. . Percent o£ . :.
S, dditio~al spa¢~ on reverse, it'needed; Do not s~bmit aoeument, or agreeme,ts other · Owned .... Conveyed' Retained - 'Overriding Royaity . ~.~ '
hah th|k form; ~h documents or ~greelnents shall only b~ referenced herein.
':' ~:' :":; '-' '. : .'or Similiar Interests
:"' .~' '.:: '~ Reserved Previously "'
_.. - or conveyed"
. ..: ,:,:.. ,.: .~ .~ ..h. a ...i.? ... : b .:. c,. d :. c f.
:! :., ., ,~ · -..
roWn~h_b_iaao~___t.h~ R.~l_!3 West "" '::' · .' :
~ecti0n 11: NE/4NE/4'.' ....~. . .:;. 15% !i' 15%.:? None None Of Rbeord
~ ,;.' ,,.,
2ontaining 40 acres, more or less
: :: . .) ,!. .
From the strafigraphie equivalent'of 12,03Y, as drilledin' the .......... ' ~ :?:' ' :;"' ' ; ' ' :.
tl BlackjackUnit, drown'to basement, Lincoln County, Wyoming .... " : I.:!: ~ ~
the ifiient 0f'tiiiS' Transfer is to assign' to Transferee tiii~ " : .. ..
n BLM rec0[~s ~'hich was received into the predecesiior of Transferor . , .
~y Transfer of Operating'Rights dated May i5, 1985, approved effective ' i::i' " "'"'
geptember 1, 1985 by and between Davis Oil Company(as'Assignor) and ' ' '
klPC, inc. ('as. Assignee).
I:O~ I~1 Aa I I~r' t'~l~l v r~,.~ ~,,-~ ,,,.~.--_ .~_.
Ih{s tmns£er is approved sole}y, for adminisimtive puq:vose$, Approva[ does no! Warrant thai either pa~ty to this transfer }:olds legal, or equitable
Jtle to this lease. · - ~. .
Transfer approved effective . . :
(Authorized Officer) ' ?-~ -
. . ('Title)'" (Date)
Part A (C~ntinued): ADDITIONAL SPACE for Names and addresses of additional transferees in Item Not. 1, if needed, or for Land Description in Item No., 2 if needed
R T,he f°..reg. °. m,,g. lnstr~. .ment was acknowledged before me this. day of ~_--7--~(~..4'-~ .~ , 200~, bv ~, · .... !.
ooney (5. Me//o~ as Vice President Land of TOM BROWN, INC.; a'Delaware corporation, on behalf of sa~d corporation ..- ~. '
WITNESS my hand and official seal. · - . ...:.
The foregoing instrument was ack'nowledoed before me this / ~ ' -~ '- - ~ / ' ! . '
2. T~.r.a~n`sf~er~ce~esasfo~ows.(a~T~ansfereeIsacmzenoftheUmtedSlates;anassociationofsuchcitizens;amuni¢i ali ,oraco' fa' '
°[meumtedStatesorofanyStateorterritorythereo£ For the transfer ofNUU_A , ............. Plty; . ?. UonorganlzedUnderth. laws
associations of such citizens ' lo ~:a~, .,: ...... _.. . -..f, ,.,,..~, uens[eree Is a cmzen, national, or rcsldent alien of the United r. -. ....
........... 7 na. Uona ................. . ut private, public or mumcipal corporations; (b) Transferee:is not co-o;a,...~ ~ --: ............ Slat~.o _ . .
m wmcn me lanes covereo ~y this Wansfer are located. (c) Transferee's ch .......... .... . ........ ,. ,, ,,,mu~ mmcr me laws .of thc :slate · -:
., _ . . , argeame interests, infect ana malrect, in each public domain and ui
_me same Slate, an not exceed 246,080 acres m oil and gas leases (of which n tn 700 naa ............ h. . acq red lands separately in : .
D/strict of Alaska of which un to 9no nan ....... ' .... u~ __ ___,~ ~c~ may vcm GU ano'gas apuons), or 300,000 acres in ]eanen in ,~.h
· . . .,- ..... ,,~ ~:, cs may ne In opnolls, I/this is an oll and gas lease issued in accordance wi --- ........... ,.,~ :~.
acres ~n any one Slate Ifth~s ts a geothcrmal lease, and (d) All ,~,~ics holdin- ~-: ..... -' ...... th thc.Mineral Leasing Act of 1920,-or 51,200 - ' ·
3100 · . ' ,--- ~ ,~, -,,~,~t m me transzer are omerwise in corn Ii ' ·
_ _ o.r.3. 200) and the authorizing Acts; (c) Tnmsfereo is in compliance with reclamation ~uire ................ .p anco w,th thc regulatmns (43 CFR Group .
ot the Mineral Leasing Act; and m transfe---: ............. ..-.t ....,,,a tut au rcocra~ GU ana gas lease holdings as ~uired ~-
. . },! ~t'~ m not In ViOlation olsec. 41 olthe Mineral Leasing Act. ,. . . ,-,t uy ~cc. ~/~g) ..
ransferee s s~gnalure to this assignment constltotes acccplance of all applicable terms conditions sti-ulalions and ---'-~ ': ........
.A, pp. bcable terms:and eondltions include, but are not limited to, an obligation'to conduit all o--rat~;~n -' e ,~cuons .perta,mn.g m me lease described herein. -.
me lease to condition all wells for ..... ~...a~.; ................ l~, . _ m lcasenom m accordance w~th the terms and condi6ons f. .
· · v,~ ......... ,,~.,, ~,~ ~cs~on: me [easea lanns upon completion ot any operations as described in the lease, and to furnish and ~21ntain: -.
such bond as may be required by the lessor pursuant to regulations 43 CFR 3104, 3134, or 3206.
For geothermal transfers, au overriding royalty may not be less than one-fourth nZ, x of one --teen' ' ........
· · t / ~ t o~ me vame o~ output, nor greater than 50
due~th~Umte~$lateswhenth~str~nsferisaddedtoa~previ~us~ycreated~ve~ridingr~wa~ties(43CFu~.~'~ .. percent of thc rate of royalty '..
.I certify that the statements made herein by mc arc true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.and are made in good faith. '... ,: ~.. . ::..
Name of Transferor Toni Browrl, loc,
· Please type or print _~
odney G~. l~llott. Vice President La~d Transfe
555 17th Street, Suite :ll~J'0
(Tnmst'e~u['s Address) .., -
Denver, Colorado 80302
(City) (Slate) (Zip Code) '" · '
Public reportin§ burden for this form is estimated to avcmsc 30 minutes r rcs n '
eom letm a pc po se, mcludm the ~me for rewe
P ' g nd revJewing the form Direct comments re-- din the§urd .... g ' . ' wing instructions, gathering and mainlainin
' '. .............. ~'~, ~.,,~,'*-u~a'U. washington, D.C. 20503 .......... ~.,o ou~z~-utm/an(! the umce of Management and ·
Title 18 U'.S C. Sec. 1001 ~aakes ~t a crime for any I;~son knowi'-~g{y and willfully to make to any Department or agency of the United States any false, fictitiousor fi'audulent
3~%ns as to an matter within its 'u~isdiction. · .