HomeMy WebLinkAbout929592 000882 MINERAL DEED DATE: MA1 IS . 2007 GRANTOR: James S. Patterson and Frances L. Patterson GRANTOR'S MAILING ADDRESS: 1901 Goliad Drive, Garland, Texas 75042 GRANTEE: James S. Patterson and Frances L. Patterson, Trustees of the Patterson Family Living Trust, dated August 22, 2006, and any amendments thereto, as the sole and separate property of James S. Patterson. GRANTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS: 1901 Goliad Drive, Garland, Texas 75042 CONSIDERATION: TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS MINERAL INTEREST IN THE FOLLOWNG PROPERTY: My 1/3 interest in all of the following property, fully or partially described: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. RESERVATIONS FROM AND EXCEPTIONS TO CONVEYANCE AND WARRANTY: GRANTOR, for the consideration and subject to the reservations from and exceptions to this conveyance and warranty, hereby grants, sells and conveys to GRANTEE the oil, gas and other minerals, royalty, overriding royalty, rights of possession, and other rights, title and interests arising under or related to such mineral interests, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging to it, to have and to hold Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors to warrant and forever defend, all and singular the property to Grantee and Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof, except as to the reservations from and exceptions to this conveyance and warranty. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. .4_A"4Æ¿~ ~mes S. Patterson d-~~ ¥ I~,v Frances L. Patterson RECEIVED 5/22/2007 at 10:23 AM RECEIVING # 929592 BOOK: 658 PAGE: 882 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Page I û9295.:·)2 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS This instrument was acknowledged before me on James S. Patterson and Frances L. Patterson. JL' /, t!i -1J. Ç({Y./vt.tl~ Notary Public, State of Texas AFTER FILING, PLEASE RETURN COPY TO: Mr. and Mrs. James S. Patterson 1901 Goliad Drive Garland, Texas 75042 Mineral Deed íì15 000883 / ),2007 NELBA R. BARRæRA MNotary Public. Stale of TexIs y Comm. Expires Oct. 19, 2010 Page 2 PropertylDOI: ASI 048/000 1.3 State: WYOMING Effective Date: 01/01/1980 Product: Oil, Condensates Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; W/2 NW/4 AND SW/4 FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE HOGSBACK UNIT PARTICIPATING AREA "A" OWNERS FOR TRACT 14: FJ2 SW/4 SE/4 NW/4 LOTS 3 4 S 6 7 OF SECTION 6 AND NE/4 FJ2 NW/4 LOTS 1 2 OF SECTION 30 127N-RI13W 6TII P.M. Property Name: S HOGSBACK SEC 8 FRNTR TR County/Parish: LINCOLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION Û~2~i5'9~~ PropertylDOI: A49079/00041 State: WYOMING Effective Date: 01/01/1980 Product: Gas/NUL'S Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; E/2 SW/4, SE/4 NW/4 LOTS 3 4 S 6 7 OF SECTION 6 A ND NE/4 FJ2 NW/4 LOTS 1 2 OF SECTION 30 127N -RI13W 6TIIP.M. , , -; ':. -,',.-. , _ , ". . --. .':::" -', ':-"'.: :,';': ,:: : :':':'«::;:'.'~',.-::.:!._,.\:'>,;':' "c"-:'C: '~-'--"~",:r.J,~~\ ¡·?_';;~':':'~;'\!n~?·j_:?,~\.:::': ¡.::::;:.~!:>:,,:,.: ¡:;/'~:'i, ~.}';~,Y"r: " Property Namé: HOGSBACK UNl't ATR14 County/Parbh:LINCOLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION ***************.*************************************.** Owner Name -- ******************************************************** Owner Name PropertylDOI: A51048/00001 State: WYOMING Effective Date: 0110111980 Product: Oil, Co~densates Legal Description: PRIMARy DESCRIPTION' , W/2 NW/4 AND SW/4 FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE HOGSBACK UNIT PARTICIPATING AREA "A" OWNERS FOR TRACT I: E/2 W/2 LOTS 1 2 3 4 OF SECTI ON 7; FJ2 W/2 LOTS 1 2 3 4 OF SECTION 18; ALL OF S ECTION 19 127N-RI13W 6TH P.M. **********..*.*...***..**..*.**.**....*.********...***.. Property Name: County/Parish: LINCOLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION Owner Name JAMES S PATTERSON ----------------- Interest Type Decimal Interest OR n nnn.c¡nnnn Pl'op~rtYiDÔî~'A.5i648ìöÖÔ30'·'· . . State: WYOMING Effective Date: 0110111980 Product: GaslNGL'S Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; W/2 NW/4 AND SW/4 FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE HOGSBACK UNIT PARTICIPATING AREA "A" OWNERS FOR TRACT 1: EI2 W/2 LOTS 1 2 3 4 OF SECTI ON 7; E/2 W/2 LOTS I 2 3 4 OF SECTION 18; ALL OF S ECTION 19 T27N-R1l3W 6TII P.M. . , ·,..·...·.·.i""'pi¡;p~rl;N~ì'íí~~ŠHÖGSBAêK'sÊê'8F:RNTRTi'(ðÎ CountylParish: LINCOLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION û~295g2 Pr~IJ~rtYmOI£A5i04g/00042 State: WYOMING Effective Date: 0110111980 Product: GaslNGL'S Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; W/2 NW/4 AND SW/4 FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE HOGSBACK UNIT PARTICIPATING AREA "A" OWNERS FOR TRACT 14: EI2 SW/4 SE/4 NW/4 LOTS 3 4 5 6 7 OF SECTION 6 AND NE/4 E/2 NW/4 LOTS I 2 OF SECTION 30 T27N-R1l3W 6TIIP.M. "·····p~p~rlý.N~fuè':"š~·fìOGŠBÞi:êì<);sÊC')8'PRNTR Tii.ïì"'··'·· CountylParbh:LINCOLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION *********************************************:t:***"'******'. Owner Nmne .....,:.::'....:..,'.:::;. ".: . ,. ' ",~ ::,:'.;. .":" .,;,..::.:" .....':. ..;:.:::......;,'-, "',:;i:':.,: ....,.'¡'. ">::,"::, :,'::.::.' :f><:/::':)i;:';~: .., "...'..;:.,........."'-.; :..:....-..:.:,:;:...;..-:.,.. ,;'n:: ":,,:':.,.,:,:.:...:"f,i ':, ".- ::::.:.<:~.,'-'.,,::,~':{; ....".:." ******************************************************** ....'..": .:'..:,?'::: InterestType u. , _ _ ." ',Decittlallötërest .... ,.,... "':-.' ...';......,-.::. .:-:..~., :' "... .:,'....::::,>",.., .... ':," ".:..:::,:.-'::,:"":",:::{ ..':: ·.·_··:':,·,:,:··,::::·':':'::'\i'::" . ... ..............-. :,..:,".: '.::..:,::'.':::,'::,,',.,::.,'.::.:.';':':'-'. .... .'-"'. ,'....:.,' .,.:.".-.' ",,", .. .-..... -.'.""..'.'''.''-'. :":----':.-.--:. 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DeciImùtntt:teSt '.. ******************************************************** Owner Name ------------- ",..~ ' JAMES S PATTERSON OR 0.0005000{) û~23S~;~ PropertylDOI: AS1060/00013 Property Name: HOGSBACK UNIT A TR 14 State: WYOMING CountylParish: LINCOLN Effective Date: 01/01/1980 Operator: EXXONMOBn.. OIL CORPORATION Product: Oil, Condensates ,'LegalDescription: 'PRIMARYDESCRIPTION; SE/4NWI4 LOTS34 56TOFSEC;T'I0'0\6.A NDNE/4E12 NW/4LOtS 1 20F.SECTION30127N : ,2Rl13W6THP.M. 000886 " .. , .. .. . , ' . . .. . ,.,' ., ' '.,.." c- ,",' , ..***.*"..**.*....*.**...*_.********.**..*...~..**"'..*.'" . ." '_H .. .. ... .... ,"" ,. -'._, ... _.. .... 0' Effective Date: 01/01/1980 Product: Oil, Condensates Legal Description: PR].MARY DESCRIPTION; F.I2 W¡Z LOTS 1 2 3 4 OF SECTION 7; EI2 WI2 LOTS 1 ,2 34ÖF SECTION 18; ALL OF SECTION 19 127N-RI13W 6IHPJ\1~ ..***...",*****...******..****.***************** ********** PropertyÑ:~~;iì6GsnACï<.~ A'TiO¡ CountylParish:L~COLN Operator: EXXO'NMOBn.. On.. CORPORATION 'C 'f'i, , " - ,.....' ".""",,'" ,_. ,:' ,---' .' ,', ", ,M:et'Nanie . '.:' - -'. ' " ~' , ;-,. - , . . '.- . ," .,-",:":,',',,, -,.;.'--:" '.: ",- ... ,.......'..- . '" JAMESSPATtERSON Interest Type Decimal Interest OR /(tOP05ÔOQO .,'-' ~"...-' . ·-·;,··-,:,";':-":':"·¡;;ë'''-'''·''·' '....,... ,.,.... ,', ':':":':"~;"" ·t/, PropertylDOI: A49079/00013 State: WYOMING Effective Date: 01/01/1980 Product: Oil, Condensates Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; EI2 SW/4, SE/4 NW/4 LOTS 3 4 5 6 7 OF SECTION 6 A ND NE/4 ~ NW/4 LOTS 1 2 OF SECTION 30 127N -R113W 6TH P.M. Proper~y Name: HOGSBACK UNIT A TR 14 CountylParish:L~COLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL On.. CORPORATION ,¡,j' ", :[ """ ., ******************************************************** Owner Name Interest Type Decimal Interest JAMES S PATTERSON OR 0.00050000 ¡::". n 1'. u ULJ!¡ .. J\..' .- v__~9S:~";·_·- --. PropertylDOI: A49079/00029 State: WYOMING Effective Date: 01/0111980 Product: GaslNGL'S Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; . FJ2 W/2 LOTS 1 2 3 4 OF SECTION 7; E/2 W/2 LOTS 1 2 3 4 OF SECTION 18; ALL OF SECTION 19 T27N-R1l3W 6TH P.M. __ _ ~~4 __ ___ _. Prtl.,erty Name: HOGSBACK UNIT A TR 01 CountylParish: LINCOLN Operator: EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION .******...........................**.*........*.......... Owner Name -------------- JAMES S PAITERSON PSGREEN 3851/A49079/00029 04/24/2007 Interest Type . ---_.~. ._. 000887 Decimal Interest 0.00050000 OR