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~ ~~ j){v~r ðoú~N, grantor(s) of County of~,
State of (1 )110r1 i ~ ' hereby acknowledge, CONVEY (S) AND WARRANT (S) to
SILVER STAR TE PHONE COMPANY, INC., grantee of Freedom, Wyoming, an
easement for the benefit of the Grantee on the following described real estate situate in the
County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, for the following purposes and under the
following conditions:
1. Purpose of Easement. This easement shall be for the purpose of Right- of-
Way for utilities and construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and
replace thereon underground cable/conduit or above ground equipment as
stated below. Including above ground pedestals and hand holes and
equipment. The grantee may trim or remove trees or other objects that
pose a threat of damage to the utilities. Grantor reserves the right to use
the property subject to the easement for any purpose whatsoever which
does not interfere with the operation and maintenance of the underground
telecommunication lines, conduit or equipment.
Description of Easement:
Cable Route
A 15 foot wide under ground utility easement described on the following centerline.
Starting at the North East comer of Lot 13 of Salt River Ranch Subdivision of record in
the office ofthe Clerk of Lincoln County as Instrument No. 922287 Section 35 T34N
R119W being the true point of beginning, and running S20038'10"E 10 feet, Thence
S68°14'38"W 74.64 feet, Thence S9°14'49"E 97.68 feet to end point.
Equipment easement
A 20X20 easement for above ground utility equipment described as follows. Starting in
the North East comer of Lot 13 in Salt River Ranch Subdivision Section 35 T34N
R119W, and running S17°59'49"W 129.78 feet to true point of beginning, Thence South
20 feet, Thence West 20 feet, Thence North 20 feet, Thence East 20 feet to point of
Access Easement
A 15 foot wide ingress egress easement described on the following center line. Starting at
~ the North East comer of Lot 13 of said Salt River Ranch Subdivision Section 35 T34N
~ R119W, and running S70017'38"W 127.15 feet to true point of beginning, Thence
SI5°55'16"E 37.79 feet, Thence S46°53'54" East 79.84 feet to equipment easement.
See "Exhibit A"
Binding Effect. The tenns and conditions of this easement shall be binding
upon the inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the
parties named in this instrument.
this 2>;..-- y of J..llt, L.
þr£Vi (" rJ"~ r ¿!c,l.f?
C) ct ~L/
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by C'r{~L\ F\-- 'CO(LCU)~
, this 23~'> dayof~\ 200[