HomeMy WebLinkAbout929686 ~ AFFIDAVIT CERTIFICATE OF OWNER RECEIVED 5/24/2007 at 3:59 PM RECEIVING # 929686 BOOK: 659 PAGE: 302 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY State of Arizona ) County of Maricopa) In accordance with Statutes W.S. 34-12-102 and W.S. 34-12-103, Sharon K. Hinkle, whose address is 2423 E Main St Lot 6, Mesa, AZ 85213, being duly sworn on oath according to law do hereby make the following statement of facts and affirm: That I am part owner and proprietor of real property shown hereon and referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 626PR, on Page 99, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, being Lot 155, of Nordic Ranches Division 11, within the E 1/2 of Section 26, T36N, R119W, of the 6th. P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. That the Subdivision from this property is with my free consent and desire. That the name of the subdivision shall be Nordic Ranches Division No. 11 Second Filing, the Metes and Bounds being more particularly described as follows: . , BEGINNING 'ata Point itl the west line of Nordic ranches 'Division No.6, said p'ointqf' , ", d,' ".- " ..:! .- :.:' " '., :,.._, , . - ,., . :. . ow' .," ..... ._",', Beginning being 2, 1 '10~53 feet N88°48113'W, along the North line of the S1/2 of said Sectio.n 26, ,fro.rn the. M~rlowe I~. i $çh,erbel p~S~3e8, 1 ~ª~, !q~tiOIJJor the Northeast Cor-riarof sai;d'SE1/4;'ålso' '".. . ", '." " :', , ' ,..., said' Poiht of beginning being:~3,1~11:83 feeH:~8ào48'1'3"E, alon'g'said North line, from the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1990 location for the Northwest Corner of said S1/2; thence Soo37'56'W, along said West line, 329.31 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 154, of said Nordic Ranches Division No. '11 ; thence N88°48'09IW, along said North line, 495.18 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 158, of said Nordic Ranches Division No. 11; thence Noo25'58"E, along the East line of said Lot 158 and the East line of Lot 157, of said Nordic Ranches Division No. 11,389.55 feet to a Point in the South line of Nordic Ranches Division No.5; , . . thence N89°33'01"E, along said South line, 496.60 feet to the Northwest corner of said Nordic Ranches Division No.6; thence Soo37'56'W, along'said West line of said Nordic Ranches Division No.6, 74.51 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing two lots, encompassing 4.36± Acres of land. SUBJECT TO: Tony Circle, as shown on the Nordic Ranches Division No. 11 Subdivision Plat, recordeo with Document No. 875287, on Map No. 194:-D, with said Office.' . " '. "~Ii"~ . I I,:: . _ _ '.. _ "', ,-':. . ,": .' ": . . .', ' '. ~:~'. ~ . ,¡ _ " .. ''::.- J :, .,- ,~,., TOGËTHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements;' Exceptions, Reservations, RestridiO'nš, :Rights~of:-WayanO..lmp.r.ovements of sight tand or reçqrd;,.. '",' . :.,.; " .. " . i " ; ~' '. ,', .: ", } . ' ; ,: '",,' .-,.; . _,.' , -. '" ....' -: -: . '. , . . . _. ~ '.;.'. . THðt in 'åcoorda;,ce with',Settihn:34-12-1 Ò6 of thewýbn,Ú~g':Stat~t~s :2ô6·1·,:as~mended we hereby requestths Clerk to Vacate said Lots 155 and 156 as shown on the Nordic Ranches Division No.11, recorded with Document No. 875287, with said Office. 09Z9686 000303 That the Utilities Right-of-Ways, as shown hereon, shall be granted to the owners successors and assigns of each lot created. That all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming are hereby released. " ~~J<.fJ~ Sharon K. Hinkle JURRATT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Sharon K. Hinkle, this / ß day of ~2007. ~b? No(Íy Public ~ __w= -,~~ 5-3/-129 My commission expires: ~. ~~~~ :~~i~~ AriZona .. Pinal County Expires 05131/09 ' Witnessed my hand and official seal: