HomeMy WebLinkAbout929723 RPTT: APN: QUIT CLAIM DEED is (if applicable): ;? 7)- ¡/ úJ V' I h F- 0 .ý' e ..J T of,s T;,) -r- ¡/d. / le y' f( d. ,-v c ¿ County of 1- I' .V C B / rV bounded and described as follows: (Selforth/ege/description) J-. 0 T S ~ ¡/ ~ A/ T eo<:' rV (í? J tA ;-I.'," ¡via. I (]HJSINDENTUREWlTNESSThattl1.~RANTOR(S): d II T 1. J -r S. .ß d ,.. L ,'" "'-?-< J Is.... d. yYt ,1l IV è1 (.)", h d -r C I .d for and in consideration of r vJ D ·r I, 0 vi 5 .) tV '¿Dollars ($ d-O 0 CJ ~ do hereby QUIT CLAIM the right, title and interest, if any, which GRANTOR may have in all)J;1at real property, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, to the GRANTEE(S): ~VV'l .e f ¡( . k I I <:: e.. whose street address , situate in the City , State of t.-V}' 0 ~ ,'..-v cr t/ ,..- tJ F p,rd T t.. e___ Ca;v yo ,1,./ I.::: S Î<.J'lø Together with all and singular hereditament and appurtenances thereunto belon ing or in any way appertaining to. In Witness Wh eOf, I/We have hereunto set my hand/our hands on 5 I 0 . ~ ~tu~ '\1 ,,4 /Vt ð tt/ 4- G;:q- ¿; c: v::t Print or type name here STATE OF N.vJ'ctrJo- COUNTY OF C ltt./ý K. ) ) ) ublic Cì Jo I mission expires: V('./ ~,.. J lei) r I This instrument was acknowledged before me on (date) By (pelS ) appearing before nota'YpUblic +-h.u. ( S·. ' Notary Public· Slale of Nevada COUNTY OF CL.ARt( (Notstlfé'r'e\.IAS No. 03·854!J9.1My AppoIntment expires oct. 1. 2007 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND MAIL TAX STATEMENT TO THIS SPACE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY Name: Address: City/State/Zip: RECEIVED 5/25/2007 at 11 :38 AM RECEIVING # 929723 BOOK: 659 PAGE: 404 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY DED104 Nevada Legal Forms and Books, Inc. (702) 870-8977 3020 W. Chs~e8ton Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89102 www.leaalfonnanJa.com e 1998 Consult an attorney If you doubt this forms fitness roryour purpose.