HomeMy WebLinkAbout929902 ~vJ\ ~o~ \\ü~~~ RECEIVED 6/1/2001 at lU:;¿U AIVI RECEIVING # 929902 BOOK: 660 PAGE: 187 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY --V.lLO' QUITCLAIM DEED GEOFFREY T.IMLAY. SDouse of Grantee as GRANTOR, for good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby release, remise, and forever QUITCLAIM unto DEBORAH L. IMLAY. a married woman deallrtJl with her .01.' and seD. rate øruperty. as GRANT!:E, whoseaddre&sis 67216150 Rd Olatha CO 81425 and Grantee's successors and assigns. all of the following described real property, to-wit; Part of Section 1, Township 33 North. Range 119 West, 8.M.. Lincoln County, Wyoming, deSCl'lbed as follows; -( j ü Beginning at a point that is S89°35'55"E 736.86 feet along the Section line from the Northwest Comer of said Section 1 snd running thence S89°3ð'65"E 582.60 feet along the Section line; thence S34°49'18"E 34.53 feet; thence S59°33'03"E 110.52 feet; thence S60"14'Q4"E 57.73 feet; thence S61°10'46"E 74.52 feet; thence S39°53'41"e 185.47 feet; thence S48-38'15'W 17,50 feet; thence S62°1T44"W 44.30 feet; thence S4S-26'12"W 18.24 feet; thence S88"SO'34'W 521.70 feet; thence N44°47'24"W 406.17 feet along U.S. highway 89 right of way; thence N43-15'53"W 148.62 fee! along said right of way to the point of beginning. TOGETHER WITH any and all improvemenl$. water and ditch rights, easements, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belònging or in anywise appertaining, and any reversion, remainder, rents, issues, and profits thereof. In construing this Deed and where the context so requires, the singular includes the plural, and the masculine, th~ femi/'jd neuter. , Doled, ~ I~fç) GE~ &\c::n::0-0 STATJj: OJ!' -W¥OMINQ ~ COUNTY OF De.1-t:a ) ) 55. ) ON I BEFORE ME, TIm UNDBRSrGN~n, PERSONALLY APPEARED G I KNOWN OR IDENTIFIED TO ME TO DB THE PERSON WHOSE N~ rr"sossceiB ."o/)6::..THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT, AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY E~Er~;p, ~.\ u. -: --: 4Í. · ::) :0= ;~\ ~o \ Q. ¡ = .- - '0 'J!. : f:!: .:- , , 'ù e. ~v .- ~ .... ~ 'Jy ..... ..... ~ ~ ',. Ô'.¡ ........ " "I, \", """",,\\\ Uta o I NOTARY FOR THE STA COMMISSION ExPIRES: ë./2 oa002vsa02 AOH~S3 GNV 3ï¡I¡ ¡Sam NIV¡NfiOW Wd VO:¡O ¿002-a¡-lOW