HomeMy WebLinkAbout929964 : ss. RECEIVED 6/4/2007 at 11:11 AM RECEIVING # 929964 BOOK: 660 PAGE: 422 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY The State of Wyoming ) County of Lincoln ) CERTIFICATE OF SALE ON MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE ~~ X'--;f;;t<..V-it/¿l¡,¡, oflawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, d os s and says: 1. He is now, and was at all times herein mentioned, a duly appointed, qualified and acting Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming. 2. The Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, Todd Smith, and the mortgagee caused a notice of the following described mortgage foreclosure sale to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks, in the Kemmerer Gazette, a newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the said publication having been made on April 26 and May 3, 10 and 17, 2007; that said Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale was given in the manner and for the time required by law; that all acts had and done hereunder were in accordance with and confonnity to the requirements of law in such case made and provided; and that an Affidavit of Publication of said Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale, together with a true copy of said Notice, is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by this reference made a part hereof. ft. o 3. On the 29th day of May, 2007, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m., at the :&ont door of the Courthouse of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Kemmerer, Wyoming, the same being also the place of holding the District Court in said County, and at public venue, to the highest bidder for cash, he offered for sale the following described lands, premises and collateral being sold in bulk as one lot, Wd sold the same for the sum of $ -¡ ð~ OOl) to P () ()L...f. 11 fJlUC~ ¿t-ì/.1 -tSa1 ,I i~ the owner and holder of said mortgage and promissory note secured tlÍereby, and having bid fairly and in good faith therefor, and being the highest and best bidder, and that being the highest sum bid for same, all of said lands and premises being particularly described as follows, to-wit: .-' ) LOTS 30 AND 31 VIOLA SUBDIVISION PHASE NO.1, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF KNOWN AS 43 BIG SPRING DRIVE, LABARGE, WY. 4. The lands and premises were sold pursuant to the provisions of the Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale hereinabove described, and under and by virtue of the power of sale and authority contained in that certain Mortgage dated September 20, 2005, made, executed and delivered by Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey, as mortgagors to American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank (Rocky Mountain Bank"), as mortgagee, which mortgage deed was filed for record in the office ofthe County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the 10th day of October, 2006, as record entry 912460; and that the debt secured by said mortgage deed, at the time of said sale, including principal, interest, advances, fees, costs and expenses of foreclosure was the actual sum of$411,591.80 as follows: Amount due on Principal and Interest as of 4/16/07 $407,243.53 Interest to Date of Sale :&om 4/16/07 $4,252.27 Publication of Notice $96.00 TOTAL $411,591.80 AMOUNT BID $ I ~9. tX)(J I..ÇÞ- I DEFICIENCY $ 222, 5q I,~O 1 032936'1' 000423 5. Prior to the aforesaid sale of the within-described lands premises and collateral, there was also duly filed with said Deputy Sheriff affiant herein, by Julie Z. Waters, secretary for Clark D. Stith, the attorney representing mortgagee, an affidavit of mailing of notice of intent to foreclose mortgage by advertisement and sale, said affidavit being duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions ofW.S. § 34-4-103, 1977, an executed true copy of which affidavit is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit B", and by this reference made a part hereof. 6. Rocky Mountain Bank, being the purchaser of all the above-described lands and premises as aforesaid, Rocky Mountain Bank, its successors and assigns, will be entitled to a deed for said lands, premises and collateral on and after September 28,2007, said date being after the expiration of three months and thirty days from the date of sale, unless the same shall be redeemed prior to that date as provided by law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, he has hereunto signed his name this ,J1-A day of d4c;;r , 2007. The State of Wyoming ) : ss. County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by :r û ~ ;.¡ Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, this -;;2 Q-f41ay of m ~ 'j Witness my hand and official seal. Yao/<:'tn ¿¡#, ,2007. My commission expires: "..}ft':'~:~-.1'Î""'(':';~""""~~~~~r.:-:,:!... _ i' \:, ?'a~¡\ Stith, Notary PubJIè ~ íi =:1& ~.' I, ~'. . . f:;'/.", J",-l \; IIC'(~IONEXPIRES ~ '" ;~~"""'''''''-----........---------""",---~_......'.' CÄ4_~ Notary Public 2 09Z9964 \ . EXHIBIT" A" 000424 3 09Z936Lt .' NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE WHEREAS, the power of sale in the following-described Mortgage, duly recorded as hereinafter specified, having become operative by default as a condition of such Mortgage by the Mortgagor, and no suit or proceeding having been instituted to recover the debt thereby secured, òr any part thereof, American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank, the mortgagee therein, hereby states and gives notice that: 1. The aforesaid Construction Mortgage, given and executed by Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey, on September 20,2005, and recorded on October 10, 2005 as record entry 912460 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, to American Bank a Division of Rocky Mountain Bank, to secure a promissory note dated September 20, 2005, from Paul M. Mahaffey, as modified by a Change In Terms Agreement dated July 18, 2006 and a further Change In Terms Agreement dated January 2, 2007,which mortgage and promissory note are presently in default under the terms and provisions of said mortgage and promissory note, occurring as a result of non -payment of the promissory note plus accrued interest 2. The name of the Mortgagors in said Construction Mortgage are Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey, and the name of the Mortgagee in said Mortgage is American Bank a Division of Rocky Mountain Bank. ' 3. ' A written notice of intent to foreclose the aforesaid Mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey, the record owners, by certified mail with return receipt, mailed to the last known address of said record owners on the 3rd day of Apri~ 2007, and to the person(s) in possession on the 3rd day of April, 2007. 4. The amount claimed to be due thereon as of the date hereof, principal balance, plus accruing interest at the rate of9.25% as of April 16, 2007, is $407,243.53 for a total due of$407,243.53, together with accruing interest from April 16, 2007, at the rate of $98.89 per diem, along with the costs of foreclosure. 5. The mortgaged premises is known as 43 Big Spring Drive, La Barge, Lincoln County, Wyoming, otherwise more particularly described as follows: LOTS 30 AND 31 VIOLA SUBDIVISION PHASE NO.1, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF KNOWN AS 43 BIG SPRING DRIVE, LABARGE, WY The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. 6. That by virtue of the power of sale contained therein, said Mortgage will be foreclosed by sale of the above-described mortgaged premises, or so much thereof as may be necessary, at public venue by the Sheriff or Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, on the stairs of the Courthouse in Kemmerer, Wyoming at 925 Sage Avenue, Kemmerer, Wyoming, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on Tuesday, the 29th day of May, 2007, to satisfy the aforesaid amount, and accruing interest, advances, costs, attorney fees and expenses of foreclosure. 1 000425 DATED the 17th day of April, 2007. 092936'1 " \ American Bank a Division of Rocky Mountain Bank, Mortgagee , CL~.STf~ Attorney for Mortgagee PUBLISH: April 26 and May 3, 10, and 17,2007. 2 000426 KE~RER'GAZETTE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Kemmerer Gazette Kemmerer, Wyoming ROXANNE RUDY - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF ,UNCOLN WVCMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 1131/09 U~~~~üq; ~......,.,.. ......... .. Kemmerer VJyoming - STATE OF V1YOMJNG ) ss. County of Lincoln I, Michael Jensen, do solemnly swear that I am the publisher of the ' Kemmerer Gazette, a weekly. paper '. of generål circulation, published once a .week at Kemmerer, Linèoln County, Wyoming; that the notice attached hereto, and which , is part of the affidavit, was published in said newspaper for ~nserdons, the first publication having been made on the ~ day of Ap;u.Þ- 0 A.D., 20..Q:J, and the last ppblication Qn the 11'1'1.- day of ,YY\~. A.D., 20~;, that said notice was published in a regular and entire issue of the paper(s) in which it was published; and that said notice was· published in the newspaper proper" and nol In a supplement. ~se~. Publisher -: Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me ~~ 'fu.¿-~ on this J ~~ day of A.D., 20..Q:L. ~~ 0929964 ' EXHIBIT "B" 000428 : ss. O~Z936'1' 000'129 The State of Wyoming ) County of Sweetwater ) AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING Julie Z. Waters, oflawful age, being first duly sworn upon her oath according to law, deposes and says: 1. I am the secretary for Clark D. Stith, who represents American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank ("Rocky Mountain Bank"), in its foreclosure ofthat certain mortgage dated September 20,2005, recorded October 10,2005, as record entry 912460 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, wherein Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey are mortgagors and Rocky Mountain Bank is mortgagee. 2. On the 3rd day of April, 2007, I deposited in the United States Post Office at Rock Springs, Wyoming, a Notice of Intent to Foreclose Mortgage, postage prepaid and addressed and sent by certified mail, to the following named persons, at their last known addresses, and the owners of record and persons in possession, of the mortgaged premises: Paul Mahaffey 43 Big Springs Drive La Barge, WY 83123 Paul Mahaffey P.O. Box 423 La Barge, WY 83123 Tara Mahaffey 43 Big Springs Drive La Barge, WY 83123 Tara Mahaffey P.O. Box 423 La Barge, WY 83123 3. A true and correct copy of said Notice of Intent to Foreclose Mortgage is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A", and by this reference made a part hereof. QuJ1.l~ Julie~. Waters ~ ~u Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25th day of May, 2007, by Julie Z. Waters. My commission expires: ~ ~¡dMttf~,,~:- .,....,_ L/ / " _'''~I::'..rt~''{fµ1''.j.'';'Ir...,,",~~ ~ ~S~t Notary~;;--' -'~Notary Public - æ SWEETWATER = I p. , ',~, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES QII~ZO'J I .,,'.......~"""'_....._ -4.'_ ~ ~}~ ~-"WII\td....._..... ......~~~;, OSZ9S6,*> EXHIBIT "A" 000430 09Z9S64 000431 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE RLE COPY-RIiC""1iD APR 0 3 21)07 TO: Paul M. Mahaffey P.O. Box 423 43 Big Spring Drive La Barge, WY 83123 TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to applicable Wyoming Statutes, and in particular W.S. § 34-4-103 (1977), you are hereby notified that American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank, mortgag<?e, intends to foreclose by advertisement and sale that certain construction mortgage given and executed by Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey, on September 20, 200, and recorded on October 10,2005 as record entry 912460 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, to American Bank a division of Rocky Mountain Bank, to secure a promissory note dated September 20,2005, from Paul M. Mahaffey, as modified by a Change In Terms Agreement dated July 18,2006 and a further Change In Terms Agreement dated January 2, 2007,which mortgage and promissory note are presently ill default under the terms and provisions of said mortgage and promissory note, occurring as a result of non-payment of the promissory note plus accrued interest. The principal balance, plus accruing interest at the rate of9.25% as of April 3, 2007, is $405,957.96 for a total due of $ 405,957.96, tøgether with accruing interest from April 4, 2007, at the rate of$ 98.89 per diem, and costs and expeÌ1ses offoreclosure. Rocky Mountain Bank elects and hereby declares all sums secured by the mortgage to be immediately due and payable without further demand, and invokes the power of sale under the mortgage and any other remedies provided by law. The real property covered by said Mortgage, and which will be sold, pursuant to said foreclosure, by advertisement and sale to satisfy the Mortgage indebtedness hereinabove set forth, is described as follows: ' 1 000432 LOTS 30 AND 31 VIOLA SUBDIVISION PHASE NO.1, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF KNOWN AS 43 BIG SPRING DRIVE, LABARGE, WY. ------ -- THIS NOTICE is sent to the record owner and mortgagor of the mortgaged premises hereinabove described, by certified mail, with return receipt requested, mailed to your last known address or posted at the premises at least ten (10) days before the commencement of the publication of the notice of sale. Pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 34-4-103, Rocky Mountain Bank may, and intends, to commence foreclosure after ten days (10) ófthe mailing of this notice. DATED this 3rd day of April, 2007. American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank By: ~~ Clark D. Stith r Attorney for Mortgagee 505 Broadway Rock Springs, WY 82901 Office: 307-382-5565 Fax: 307-382-5552 2 · ._ __~ ¡....OIlYID At-I< U J Z007 NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE 092996£1 000433 TO: Tara L. Mahaffey P.O. Box 423 43 Big Spring Drive La Barge, WY 83123 TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to applicable Wyoming Statutes, and in particular W.S. § 34-4-103 (1977), you are hereby notified that American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank, mortgagee, intends to foreclose by advertisement and sale that certain construction mortgage given and executed by Paul M. Mahaffey and Tara L. Mahaffey, on September 20, 200, and recorded on October 10,2005 as record entry 912460 in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, to American Bank a division of Rocky Mountain Bank, to secure a promissory note dated September 20,2005, from Paul M. Mahaffey, as modified by a Change In Terms Agreement dated July 18,2006 and a further Change hi Terms Agreement dated January 2,2007 ,which mortgage and promissory note are presently in default under the terms and provisions of said, mortgage and promissory note, occurring as a result of non-payment of the promissory note plus accrued interest. The principal balance, plus accruing interest at the rate of9.25% as of April 3, 2007, is $405,957.96 for a total due of $ 405,957.96, together with accruing interest from April 4, 2007, at the rate of$ 98.89 per diem, and costs and expenses of foreclosure. Rocky Mountain Bank elects and hereby déclares all sums secured by the mortgage to be immediately due and payable without further demand, and invokes the power of sale under , the mortgage and any other remedies provided by law. The real property covered by said Mortgage, and which will be sold, pursuant to said foreclosure, by advertisement and sale to satisfy the Mortgage indebtedness hereinabove set forth, is described as follows: 1 VUV~~fj: LOTS 30 AND 31 VIOLA SUBDMSION PHASE NO.1, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF KNOWN AS 43 BIG SPRING DRIVE, LABARGE, WY; TillS NOTICE is sent to the record owner and mortgagor of the mortgaged premises hereinabove described, by certified mail, with return receipt requested, mailed to your last . mown address or posted at the premises at least ten (10) days before the commencement of the publication of the notice of sale. Pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 34-4-103, Rocky Mountain Bank may, and intends, to commence foreclosure after ten days (l0) of the mailing of this notice. DATED this 3rd day of April, 2007. American Bank, a division of Rocky Mountain Bank By: ~A ~ Clark D. Stith.....~ Attorney for Mortgagee 505 Broadway Rock Springs, WY 82901 Office: 307-382-5565 Fax: 307-382-5552 2 -----,