HomeMy WebLinkAbout929965 NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN RECEIVED 6/4/2007 at 11: 14 AM STATE OF WYOMING ) RECEIVING # 929965 ) 55. BOOK: 660 PAGE: 435 COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I, JACK D. EDWARDS, of LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC, counsel tor STAR VALLbY ELECTRIC, a Wyoming limited liability company, being first duly sworn, hereby state as follows: 1. That Plaintiff STAR VALLEY ELECTRIC, in a civil action against Defendant SEAN P. COONEY AND MELISSA LYNN COONEY D/B/A GRAND TETON BUILDING, in STAR VALLEY ELECTRIC. LLC v. COONEY, Civil No. SC-2007-70 in the Circuit Court of the Third Judicial District, Lincoln County, Wyoming, received a small claims judgment against Defendants SEAN P. COONEY AND MELISSA LYNN COONEY D/B/A GRAND TETON BUILDING in the amount of $4,727.50, plus interest at the rate of ten percent (10%) accruing from the date of judgment, May 30, 2007, until paid in full pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 1-16-102(a). A certified copy of said Judgment is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. (¡ 2. That said judgment, plus accrued interest, remains unsatisfied. 3. That pursuant to Wyoming Statutes §§ 1-17-301 et seq., I hereby provide notice of the judgment as lien on real property owned by Defendants, said real property being that described in the Warranty Deed recorded in Book 471 at Page 803 on August 30, 2001, as Document No. 875607 in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, Kemmerer, Wyoming. A copy of said Warranty Deed is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. DATED this 31st day of May, 2007. LJ;i];fkß-- BY: JACK D. EDWARDS SUBSCRIBED, SWORN TO, AND ACKNOWLEDGED before me by JACK D. EDWARDS, who acknowledged further that he signed the foregoing Notice of Judgment Lien as counsel for STAR VALLEY ELECTRIC, this 31 st day of May, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF . STATE OF LINCOLN '" WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 04/30/2009 C~L~ -X (}{JlüJ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: 4 - ,3") -()~ STAR V ALLEY ELECTRIC, LLC v. COONEY NOTICE OF JUDGMENT LIEN ~lATb UÞ W YUMll\l0 ) )SS )OB2936S IN THH CUL,l\jTY Uþ'LlNCULN LINCOLN COUNTY COUNTY OF LINCOLN Star Valley Electric, LLC PLAINTIFF, JUDGMENT 000436, F ~ifLÐ VS. BY Sean P. Cooney, Melissa Lynn Cooney dba Grand Teton Building DEFENDANT. JUDGMENT DOCKET NO. SC-2007-0000070 MAY 3 0 2007 SANDRA L. HAWKES CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY. STATE OF WYOMING SMALL CLAIMS JUDGMENT , . ~ ~ The above matter came before the Court for tnal on the )0 day of ..--L , 20 0 7 . Evidence was introduced and considered. PLAINT~ Appeared in Person. Did not Appear. .. DEFENDANT(S): . _ ~ Appeared in Person. 'f..f1-../ Did not Appear. Based upon the evidence presented the Court finds in accordance with the judgment stated below: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, CONSIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED as follows: -1/ifL Plaintiff has judgment against the Defendant as follows: In the Principal amount of......................................................$ L( ( (? Sõ Prejudgment interest of............ .......... ................................... ~$ ._ Attorney's fees..................................................................... ::$ "f10. (Y() Costs....................................................................................... $ 70 . 00 Other......................................................................................$ . TOTAL ..................................................................................$ t{ 7 J... 7.Io Defepdant has judgment against the Plaintiff as follows: In the Principal amount of........fHE.51;A.fE.OFWYOMING)............$ Prejudgment interest of ........................................... .)SS........$ Attorney's fees........................ .CQUNT.Y. OF. LlNCOlN.....~............$ Costs.........................................! .~.~.NP.RA 1.1;I.~.WKJ; ~. .ç.UflJU)F.~H E C I R CU.lT Other ........................................~A~~TÄ~6~~~ AN;9D~9~tS~~~yÇ.OtyRN AND IN T~i- TOTAL .................................. "OOIHtH'(1 B' ULt' . . .' a SIGNED BY OTHER: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, CONSIDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED THAT THE Plaintiff shall have interest at the rate of 10% per annum from and after th¢;J;lät~'of Judgment, and is entitled to accruing costs of execution and garnishment. ,..;,...;~.~.;;,... 'u..I \,1;)';) J~I ) ¡;....:.. /?7 " ,,'.,.. # DATED this .)0 day of "~ ,2oa:ì'" ',', , INI '~n, BY THE COURT" ~ \. ~ \ JUDGb 09Z9965 000437 TO THE JUDGMENT DEBTOR NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CLAIM EXEMPTIONS AND TO HEARING You are informed that since a judgment has been entered the JUDGMENT CREDITOR may proceed to seize your property, funds or wages by execution or gamishment. You may be entitled to have the property, funds or wages seized retumed to you as exempt from execution or gamishment. Following are possible claimed exemptions to which you may be entitled: 1. Social Security Benefits pursua~t to 42 U.S.C. 407 and supplemental security income; 2. Veteran's Benefits; 3. Black Lung Benefits; 4. Aid to families with dependent children and general assistance payments; 5. Federal Civil Service and State Retirement System Benefits as provided in 5 U.S.C. and W.S. Section 9-3-426 and 9-3-620; 6. Worker's Compensation Benefits; 7. Unemployment Compensation Benefits; 8. A portion of wages as provided in W.S. Section 1-15-408, or in the case of consumer credit sale, leases or loans as provided by W.S. Section 40-14-505; 9. Homestead, personal articles and articles used for carrying on a trade or business to the extent provided by W.S. Section 1-20-101 through Section t-20-109; 10. Other exemptions as provided by law. IF PROPERTY, FUNDS, OR WAGES ARE EXECUTED ON OR GARNISHED, THEN AND ONLY THEN Y YOU assert your right to any of the foregoing exemptions and to do so YQU must file a written request for a hearing with the Clerk of this Court within ten (10) days after seizure of your property, funds or wages. If you fail to make a written request for a hearing and claim on one (1) or more ofthe foregoing exemptions within ten (10) days after seizure of your property you may waive or lose your right to claim the exemptions. IF NO PROPERTY IS SEIZED OR GARNISHED, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO A HEARING! ) PAGE 2 - SMALL CLAWS JUDGMENT ~ / u V.l.....JVL. .o929~~5 000438 ;-ìECEIVED UNCGUi COUNTY CLERK 875607 o M,IG:1 0 I\r'ì 10: 5:> WARRANTY DEED \JE/J\NI'.\E~ W/-,GNEH I(ËMMH~EH. WYOMING BOOK 47.1..m PAo&--º.L___ NORMAN R. OVERACKER and ELAINE J. OVERACKER, husband and wife Grantors of Thayne, County of Lincoln, hereby CONVEY and WARRANT TO: State of Wyoming SEAN P. COONEY and MELISSA COONEY, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties Grantees of PO Box 1080 Thayne, WY 83127 for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration--------- the following described tract ,of land in Lincoln County, State of wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state." to-wit: Lot 9, Star Valley Ranch plat 11, according to the official plat of record as 'platted and filed in the Office of the County Clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. ~ubject to that Mortgage reco~ded February 76, 1999 Book 426 P.R., Page 583. Subject to reservations and restrictions contai.ned in the united States Patent and to easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. Together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said grantors, this 28th day of August, A.D. 2001 '~ ¡(. '{4~~ Norman R. Overacker ~(\,Q)\W\~~ , - e J. Overacker --------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATE OF WYOMING :ss County of Teton , On the 28th day of August, A.D. 2001, personally appeared before me, Norman R. Overacker and Elaine J. Overacker, known or identified to me to be the persons whose, names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. ~1liL~ Notary blic My commission expires "t"J~';/' '~ ~~ on ,./.pr...~ I.... j.' ~,1~~~;,~;";' LAND TITLE COMPANY