HomeMy WebLinkAbout929970 60106 RECEIVING # 92997ll' q J.qq70 BOOK: 660 PAGE:: 44H) JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRESENTS, That Howard W. Woods mid Gretchen L. Woods, does hereby certify that mortgage bearing the date of May 23, 2006 made and executed by Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner, Trustees ofthe Deon F. Heiner and Cheryl V. Heiner Family Revocable Trust dated May 16, 1997 and Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner, Trustees of the Quinn R. Heiner and Hyesoon H. Heiner Family Revocable Tr4ust dated January 8,2004, as mortgagor(s) to Howard W.Woods and Gretchen L. Woods as mortgagee(s) conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment of$2,857,267.92 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in the office ofthe County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, on June 2,2006 in Book 622PR, Page 177 and rerecorded on June 30,2006 in Book 625PR on page 160 mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to wit: See attached Exhibit "A" Is, released, and discharged as to the aforementioned premises, and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises described herein. It being expressly understood and agreed that this release shall not affect the said mortgage ofthe security thereof, in any manner or form whatsoever, as to the remainder of the real estate mortgaged therein and thereby. ~itness my hand this ~ day of ~ ,2007: .cY~~~W~ A/~ ¿ :L. ú9~ Howard W. Woods Gretchen L. Woods State of Wyoming County of Lincoln J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Howard W. Woods and Gretchen L. Woods \, This I ST day of ~ ,2007. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: .-Att~aJ,;ý' ~Ø?¿e./ 9-/6-07 GLORIA K. BYERS· NOTARY PUBLIC County 01 ~ State of Uncoln W Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 15, 2007 03Z9970, Description: Willow Creek Ranch 3 Parcel 2 ", A portion of the Heiner ETAL prop.r~y, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Sook 493PR, on Page 384, the Jurgensen property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 290PR, on Page 336, and the Heiner ETAL property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 622, on Page 176, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within Section 17, T33N, R11SN, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Nyominq, the boundary being more particularly described 8S followa: BEGINNING at the Lloyd B. Baker PEILS 698, 2001 location for the Northwest corner of the $W1/4NW1/4 of Section 16, of said T33N RllSK¡ thence S0024'SO"E, along the Nest line of said Section 16, 1,618.00 feet; thence N87°58'41"W 1,065.66 feet) thence NOo14'42"W 1,476.69 feet to a Point in the Center Thread Line of Willow Creek; thence Ea~terly, along said Thread Line the following: 52S024'05"E 94.68 feet,553"07'J6"E 66.09 feet, 52S007'07"E 28.41 feet, 542°08'41"E 105.66 feet, N87°08'30"E 34.29 feet, N74°42'51"E 32.27 feet, N46°14'19"E 41.80 feet, N57°00'37"E 33.90 feet, N76°20'46"E 24.23 feet, N49°S1'OO"E 105.73 feet, 575042'44"E 47.52 feet, 535°26'26"E 37.09 feet, 575°20'18"E 31.21 feet, N69°41'29"E 36.04 feet, N36°34'42"E 28.58 feet,' N12°Z1'S9"W 28.81 feet, N1So21'53"E 38.62 feët, N66°34'16"E 15.97 feet, N70011'47"E 61.23 feet, N31°01'48"E 35.85 feet, N24°44'38"1ìl 31.97 feet, N73°34'37"W 6.98 feet, N16°45'24"W 27.56 feet, N62°06'41"E 132.96 feet, 542°42'34"E 72.03 feet, 543°55'59"E 69.21 feet, NaS·03'31"E 28.21 feet, 52°41'27"" 21.14 feet, 564°59'23"E 53.69 feet, N58°03'42"E '52.'75 feet, N47°55'49"W 41.62 feet, N60"33'45"E 31.59 feet, Nlg034'46"W 58.59 feets and N4°17'12"E 3S.34 feet to a point in the South line of the NE1/4NE1/4 of said Section 17; thence Saao39'48"E, along said South l1ne, 103.9B feet, to the Point of Beginning, Encompassing 35.00± Acres of land. GRANTING and RESERVING: A 40 feet wide Non-Exclusive Right-of-Way Easement, for Ingress, Egress, and utilities, the Center Line being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNLN~ at a Point in the Center Line of the 30 feet wide Right-of-"ay Easement, as referred to in the Affidavit Certificate of Owner, recorded in Book 460PR, on Page 738, with said Office, said Point of Beginning, being 1,599.87 feet 561°37'34"E from the U.S. Department of the Interior _ Bureau of Land Management, 1978 location for the Northwest Corner ot said Section 17, also said Point of Beginning, being 1,413.42 feet S59"3S'20"W from the u.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, 1999 location for the Northeast Corner of the NW1/4 of said Section 17; thence 515°25'02"E 131.69 feet; thence 56°39'lBuE 104.47 feet to the beglnning of a 160.00 feet Radius Curve to the Leftl thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Left, through a Central Angle of 72e50'48~, an arc length of 203.43 feet, said curve having a chord of S43°04~42"E 190.00 feet; thence S79030'06KE 76.80 feet¡· . 'thence S55°38"23"E 570.04 feet to the beginning of an 80.00 feet Radius Curve to the Left; theRce Northeasterly, along . 6"Xf./I16 IrA 000446 III O~299?O said Curve to the Left, through a central angle of 53°06'03", an arc length of 74.14 feet, said curve having a chord of S70·S0'1S"E 71.52 feet; thence N82°36'44"E 84.59 feet; thence N81°0S'S9"E 376.02 teet; thence Sa0032'Ol"E 369.62 feet to the beginning of a 90.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 71°01'14", an arc length of 111.56 feet, said curve having a chord of S53.01'24"E 104.55 feet; thence S17°30'47"g 121.82 feet; thence S23°20'42"E 155.10 faet; thènce S31°51'2J"E 141.97 feet; thence S37°15'40"E 56.07 feet I thence N52°44'20"E 11.74 feet to the beginning of a 40.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Northeasterly, along Baid Curve to the Right, through. a Central Angle of 34°23'16", an arc length of 24.01 feGt, said curve having a chord of N69 ° 55' 58"E 23.65 feet; thence N76°03'15"E 278.38 feet to the beginning of a 135.00 feet Radius Curve to the Right; thence Southeasterly, along said Curve to the Right, through a Central Angle of 30°36'59", an arc length of 72.14 feet, said curve having a chord of N88°S3'26"E 71.28 feet; thence S75°40'04"E 143.49 feet; thence N89056'34"E 425.58 feet to a POint in the West boundary of the above described Parcel. 000447 GRANTING and RESERVING: A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive ACCGSS Eoad and Utility Right-of-Way Easement, being 15 feet Southerly and 45 feet Northerly of the fOllowing described line: BEGINNING at a Point in the West line óf the SW1/4SEl/4 of Section 7, sAid,Point of Beginning being 738.29 feet No042'47"E, along said West line from the a.L.M. Type Monument markinq the Llovd B. Baker FElLS 698, 1998 location for the Southwest Corner of said SW1/4SE1/4; thence N82°34'05"E 297.57 feet; thence S89°06'20"E 98.76 feet; thence S7Bo09'45"E 122.63 feet; thence S74.09'29"E 157.44 feet; thenèe S66°33'22''E 911.56 feet; thence SSOo12'50"E 248.47 feet; thence S57°04'11"E 198.96 feet; thence S57°33'19"E 371.24.feet; thence S46°30'39"E 144.52 feet; thence S12°41'39"E 419.46 feet, thGnce S69036'33"E 294.80 feet; thence S72°46'57"E 540.30 fGet; thGnce S66°42'53"E 382.40 feet; thence S82~34'll"E 135.18 feet; thence N85°S8'25"E 78.37 feet to the Beginning of the above described 40 feet wide Right-oi-Way. TOGETHER WITH: The 60 feet wida Easement, as referred to in the Easement recordQd in Book 493PR, on Page 386, with said Office. GRANT:tNG and RESERVING: An 80 feet wide access E:asemGnt, along Hillow Creek, through Willow Creek Ranch. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT 7.'0: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record.