HomeMy WebLinkAbout929971 !'f 6010715087 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) SS. RECEIVED 6/4/2007 at 11 :43 AM RECEIVING # 929971 BOOK: 660 PAGE: 448 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE I, Linford Taylor, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: ' 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of ACton. Wvomine, and the Affiant herein. \'\ 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 213PR on page 647 is recorded a Warranty Deed. The Warranty Deed, dated the 7th day of Mav. 1984 conveys unto Vernal Tavlor. Wilda L. Tavlor and Kav L. Robinson. Trustees. of the Vernal Tavlor and Wilda L. Tavlor Trust dated Julv 27. 1981 , the following described property, to-wit: ~/ See attached Exhibit" A" 3. That said Vernal Tavlor died on the 4th day of February, 2004, and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 4. That by reason of death of said Vernal Tavlor and by reason of 2-9-102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Wilda L. Tavlor and Kav L. Robinson. Trustees of the Vernal Tavlor and Wilda L. Tavlor Trust dated July 27. 1981 continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT. Dated 5- 3/-D7 ~7+- Linford Taylor State of Wyoming ) )ss. County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Linford Taylor this 3/ day of -n?CV¡ , 2007 Witness my hand and official seal. ~o.-u:aJ Jr! ~ Notary Public My Commission Expires: '9 ~ '¡deS seJ!.?X3 UO!SSIWwoo Á~ 6u!WOÁM ~ u/oou!1 JO a¡e¡S ~ JO Á¡unOO 0l18nd AI:IVION . SI:I3A8 ')f VII:I01Ð 0929971 ,. EXHIBIT "A" 000449' LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR VERNAL TAYLOR AND WILDA TAYLOR TRUST HOl\1E SALE A Tract of land lying within the NE1/4SEl/4 of Section 25, also within the incorporated limits of the Town of Afton, being part ofthat tract of record in the Office ofthe Lincoln County Clerk in Book 213PR, Page 647, with boundaries more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast comer of Lot 11 of the Hale Addition to the Tov\ln of Afton, of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk as Plat No. 305; and running THENCE S 01 °45'56" W, along the west boundary of Lincoln Street, a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; THENCE N 88°57'40" W a distance of 66.95 feet to a point; THENCE N 01 °45'56" E a distance of 5.88 feet to a point; THENCE N 88°41'39" W a distance of68.33 feet to a point; THENCE N 01 °47'44"E a distance of 120.86 feet to a point; THEN CE continuing N 01 °47'44 "E a distance of 0.55 feet to an intersection with the south boundary line of Lot 10 of the said Hale Addition; THENCE S 87°51 '30" E, along boundary line, a distance of 30.38 feet to the south lot comer common to Lots 10 and 11 of the Hale Addition; THENCE continuing S 87°51 '30" E, along the south boundary line of Lot 11, to the comer of beginning; ENCLOSING an area of 0.383 acres, more or less; each "comer" being marked by a T-shaped steel stake with metal cap inscribed "RLS 164", and each "point" being marked by a 5/8" steel reinforcing bar yvith aluminum cap inscribed "ROSS TURNER PE&LS 3514 SURVEY POINT"