HomeMy WebLinkAbout930068 000,814 AFFIDAVIT OF V ACA TION OF PART OF HALFMOON DRIVE WITHIN INDIAN CREEK SUBDIVISION STATE OF ARIZONA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF MARICOPA) RECEIVED 6/6/2007 at 10:32 AM RECEIVING # 930068 BOOK: 660 PAGE: 814 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY COMES NOW S. MICHAEL POLLOCK, TRUSTEE of THE POLLOCK- PFIZENMAIER FAMILY TRUST dated the 21st of June, 2005,555 East Carefree Highway, Phoenix, Arizona 85085, who, being duly sworn on oath according to law, does hereby make the following statements of fact and affirms: 1. That The Pollock-Pfizenmaier Family Trust is the owner of Lots 6 and 8 of Indian Creek Subdivision, a subdivision of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat filed September 22, 1994 as Plat No. 105-A. 2. That said recorded plat depicts a sixty (60) foot right-of-way for a road named "HALFMOON DRIVE" that runs along the common boundary of Lots 2 and 3 of said Indian Creek Subdivision. 3. That the owner of Lots 2 and 3 of said Indian Creek Subdivision desires to vacate that part of said "HALFMOON DRIVE" that runs along the common boundary of said Lots 2 and 3, as depicted on the attached "Exhibit A"and in accordance with Wyoming Statutes §§ 34-12-108 through 34-12-111. 4. That upon the filing of the said Exhibit A, and this Affidavit and those of the other owners of lots representing eighty percent (80%) of the ten (10) lots comprising Indian Creek Subdivision, the Lincoln County Clerk is hereby respectfully requested to write the word "vacated" across the face of the referenced plat for the vacated part of said "HALFMOON DRIVE" in accordance with Wyoming Statutes § 34-12-110. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. THE POLLOCK-PFIZENMAIER F dated the 21st of June, 2005 I BY: S. MU;O~OCK, TRUSTEE ACKNOWLEDGED before me by S. Michael Pollock, who acknowledged further that he signed the foregoing instrument for and on behalf of The Pollock-Pfizenmaier Family Trust pursuant to authority provided to him in said Trust, on this .-.L.!:I- day of March, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary PublIC Slalll d A/IZOII8 (I Maric0P8 CoUntY MaryAMMcLaughl!n ExpinII M11d123, 2008 ìniU'fÇLuLm~ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission expires: {Y}CÙ1A!...h Z 3. ZDO ~ The foregoIng Instrument was acknowledged before me by t \p~~rerbel this 13 AMBER D. THOMAS - NOTARY PUBt/ of 2007. County of State ~t ss my hand and offlclal seal. Lincoln Wyoming My Commission Expires August 9, 2010 Iw I~. ~ It:~ ~ lOci ~ Im~ IX I I ~I ..; I lei øl XI ~I ~ LOT 3 :( . 't! GROSS Ac - 2.30 In ~ NET Ac _ 1.64 3: . p; o ~ 38.41' ëo o ..; co ~I , ~ ...,1 ~ ~ .... . c:¡ ~ .... o f/) ) o . Q . ----- / / LENGTH 114.44 197.20 311.63 CUR'VS TABI.B CURVE C1 C2 C3 o . .100 ' ~..... . , ROO' .~ SCALE- .I N. =: .I()()' ey¡-III3¡f A f. 300' I QA 7£.. OHAHN 8~ CALctIl.Al/!1J 8~ .t:A 1FGtJHY/Þ(;wT.: ~ ~V.B'YO.R SCHBRB.~T<>~ L:L:LJ. -~ ~ I jf AWJIZWtwAL LAllI) S//RJ£fl.K'S ~ CBR])ff'JeA7E OP st1RVBYOR STATE OF WYOMING hf!.O~15 );t"O ~ .J.. f~ ... COUNTY OF UNCOLN ) I. Scott A. Scherbel- of Big PIney, Wyoming, hereby certIfy ttiat thfs plat was made from notes taken durIng an actual survey made by persons under my supervtston during August and September 2006 and from records In the Office of the Clerk of Un coin County and that It correctly represents that survey. r RQJl1ttlD Indicates a Comer Record flied or to be flied In the Offlce of the Cieri< of .Uncoln County. Indicates a 5/8" x 24" steel. reInforcIng rod with a 2" aluminum cap InscrIbed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL . LTD PLS 5368 BIG PINEY WY". wIth approprIate details. found or of record. IndIcates a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum ca~ Inscribed. "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD PLS 5368 AFTON WY". with appropriate details, se Indicates a calculated posItion, no monument found or set. Indicates 0 ten (10) foot drainage and utility easement line. . IndIcates a right-of-way line. The BasIs of Bearing for thIs survey is the west line of the W1/2SE1/4SW1/4 Section 17, T37N R119W. Lincoln County. Wyommg. being NOO'0'39"W. DELTA 109"1639- 188"1841- 297"35'19 RADIUS CHORD BEARING CHORD TANGENT 60.00 563"27 34 W 97.86' 84.55' 60.00' N32"1514 E 119.68' 60.00 522"23'05 E 62.17 BXBlBrr TO ACCOMPANY APPlDA VlT OPVACA770N OPPART OF BALFMOON DRIVE Wl'ImN INDIAN CRBBK SUBDIVISION PARTOP W1.l2SB1I4SW1I4 SBCTION 17 137N Rl18W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING Cop)'l'lght <C) 2007 by SuMlyor Scherb... L ro. All rfghbl reaerwd.