HomeMy WebLinkAbout930260 r, ~1"'\4 i~ :iI ' ,J ~. 'I., "{ ,. /',1 .... ...... . ... ,-,I .J NOTICE OF SATISFACTION OF PROMISSORY NOTE AND RELEASE OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CHART LANE, LLC and HAMID NOORANI, do hereby certify that the obligations created by way of the Promissory Note and Mortgage described below have been SATISFIED AND PAID IN FULL. The real property described therein is fully released from . said from any and all obligations created by said instruments. DATE OF INSTRUMENTS: Promissory Note: April 15, 2006 Mortgage: June 6, 2006 EXECUTED BY: TOM LEWIS, MDL PROPERTIES, LLC, TOM LEWIS, SUE LEWIS TO I IN FAVOR OF: CHART LANE, LLC and HAMID NOORANI FILED OF RECORD: Promissory Note: Book 623 PR Page 763 - Instrument No. 919481 Mortgage: Book 623 PR Page 765 - Instrument No. 919482 PROPERTY: Plat 13, Lot 16 Star Valley Ranch, Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming GIVEN TO SECURE: Promissory Note Dated April 15, 2006 $50,000.00 WITNESS my hand this ----k- day of June, 2007. RECEIVED 6/12/2007 at 9:31 AM RECEIVING # 930260 BOOK: 661 PAGE: 684 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~.~ . u.........., ~ y: AMID NO RA CHART LANE, LLC ~ÀA":.& ~~, HAMID NOORANI STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Pl-ltc..ER. ) SS. COUNTY OF.:s-Þ"CAAl\1ENTO- ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the ~ day of June, 2007, by HAMID NOORANI, CHART LANE, LLC. ")TTl\lF..sS. n:;¡y....hand and ofticw1yseal. 0,.. AILEEN FARINHA ':1 COMM. # 1734333 :.. CI -NOTARY PUBLIC. CAlIFORNIA G) ~PI.ACER COUNTY .·,0 COMM. EXPIRES APRIL 23, 2Q,t,t- /J" //', C. ~/~'3( -' ~ Tà/ΕΎ//,t¿/'t?L ./ Notice of Satisfaction of Promissory Note - Release of Mortgage Page 1 of2 June 7, 2007 \ : ")' . -;.' I; k\ :'t), ,f~,I' .,) '..,J" '-d' \J~ ....... ".....~ NOTARY PUBLIC ... '·0 i"J H . ~ rv.t::: -.. - I ,..~; I..... ,. If.t...j"l My Commission expires: q~'h'éJ ..i3, ~Ô II STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) PLItC.ER ) SS. COUNTY OF nCR.:\.1\¡fIlNTO· ) THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED before me on this, the.-k.. day of June, 2007, by HAMID NOORANI. WITNESS my hand and official seal. t-.J'\...A.~.A..'-'.A..'-'.A..A....Ã..At...........A... Ó AILEEN FARINHA , In COMM. # 1734333 ~ v . NOTARY PUBlIC . CALIFORNIA III ~ PLACER COUNTY 0 COMM, EXPIR!S APRIL 23 2011 "'" My Commission expires: " a~/-kJ ~ÞLd¿J NOTARY PUBLIC ~c;)I/ Notice of Satisfaction of Promissory Note - Release of Mortgage Page 2 of2 June 7, 2007