HomeMy WebLinkAbout930329 Mailing Aadress For Tax Purposes: ~ECEIVED 6/13/2007 at 11:54 AM RECEIVING # 930329 BOOK: 661 PAGE: 870 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1646 Calho;¡n Country Rd. 323 Opal, WY83124 WARRANTY DEED -. KIRK MILLER, a s\ngle person, of LIncoln County, Wyoming, and RHONDA MILJ..ER, a singh:" person, of Springville, Utah, Grantors, for and in considerùtion of Ten ':lnd No /100 Dollars [$10.00] and for other good and valuable. (:onsideraÜ:~n, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, COl\'VEY AND \V ARRANT TO KURT OLSON and KIM OLSON, husband arId wife, Lincoln County, Wyoming, Grantees, as Tenants by the Entb'eties, the folli~wing described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, WyoITling, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the horaestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: I' - \ :J LOT 2 OF THE LOZIER RANCH SUBDIVISION, LINCOLN COVNTY, WYOMING. LESS AND EXCEF'!' THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LAND; A PORTION OF LAi\"D, BEING A PART OF THE WESTERLY .PORTIO.N OF LOT .~ OF LOZIER RANCH SUBDIVISION l~INCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEO AS FOLLOWS: EEGINNING _'\T A POIN':\~ THAT IS ON THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY ÜF SAID LO'i. 2 FROM WHICH THE EAST 1/4 CORNER OF S¡':~CTION 21, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 119 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, BEARS SOUTH 80°23'29" EAST, 1792.2 FEET, (SAID POINT Ul!.~S ON A CIRCVLAR CURVE TÒ THE RIGHT THE RADIUS OF WHICH BEARS NORTH 7°39'42" EAST) A DISTANCE 6 OF 2234.97 FEET; THI~NCE ALONG SAID CURVE TG THE RIGHT AN ARC DIS'.R."'ANCE OF .379.53 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST COR1~TER OF SAID ,LOT 2; THENCE ALONG TIXE WESTERLY LOT UiVE OF SAID LOT .'2, SOU1'H 0°02'05:" EAST, 2111.29 f"E~T TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNE:;? OF SAID WT 2; . 'j'''HENCE SOUTH 80°52':35" EAST, ALONG THE U.P.R.R. ¡i'IGHT OF ß'AYS AND THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE OF SAID LOT 2, A DISTANCE OF 374.8 FEET TO A POINT, (SAID POINT L¡TES NORTH 60°52'35" EAST, 3,76.00 FEET FROM THE SOFTHEAST CORiVER OF SAID LOT 2); THENCE NORTH 0°02'06" WEST, 2088.50 FEET TO THE POINT OJ4~ BEGINNING; Together with i:.\ny improvements thereon, and easements, apptu"Lenances and incid·'.'nts belonging or appertaining thereto, or used Miller/Olson ....nly Ueed I'lIlnll'1" I'< I.lIiJudll. \ C. ^tLurner~ al La\\ 510 Suuth Mlllu Hock Spl"lr.~s, ~ry h29!11 II II I. :'~/\~ ,,:l)'{~.\ <'rJ.. ~4.T""'~ V ~I."..;¡¡ U >.J¡.'.~.:J 0008'7j" in connection therewith: '3ubject, however, to :-111 mining, rnineral and other exceptions, reservations, conditions and rights ~f way of record. 'iVITNESS OUR HANDS THIS ----1-_ DAY OF -11'l 0..1 , 200(f. t _ I¡~~:t ?¥¿1~ KIRK MILLER ~ð11Cj~~r2.'-1 RHONDA MILL R STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF Swe. cdwo.1~ ) } ss ) The foregoing instrumenl was acknowledged before me by Kirk Miller this Lday of <yY\CJ..j ,200t¡:. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ....¿:/ ~ ,-fh,.,L ~~,.é, ~-n-7'-lrR--Y R, I' B L I C f~~""''''''''''''''''''''-''';¡;'''''''''''''''II' -tÞ-....".u.~.......u-~<I/I"...,.. LCJ,slie f e DlJ;'~,_ Nol¿JIY ~ C t f /¡.<";.~..,~. S ~ OUll,V () '~':,;.'. !"It'! uf . . I~ j¡. '.'", ':,1 Sweet\'iéller '\i~.~~~t/ '/VYOlllillg: : My Com:llìslOll Ex¡mcs /1-29-/rJ ~ ...........,......",..,....~~~...~~ /1'..2q~ /0 STATE.OIJj:J,~ 11ss COUN'"(Y 0 '((J.jJf, . rt1v The f9;;~ing n1JfllPent wns .,ckhowledged before me by Rhonda Miller this.Giãay oL ,20OV (f .. Witness my hand and official seal. ~~~~¿-~ My commission expires: r¡ÑõR"ËÃjõÑÉs-:-ÑõTÃRŸ;üâûé ¡ COUNTY OF STATE OF I SWEETWATER WYOMING L.~:~~~~~:~~~~~- --. MiUer/OIson arranty D""d Palmer & LaHarla, p,c. tlorneys ;11 L1;V 510 SOUlh Mai" Itock Springs, \W ;',:001 Page 2