HomeMy WebLinkAbout930334 RELEASE OF £ALE A .. Y 0fP011I on '~93 . ~ ,.,,, . KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS.'I'hßt - WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS - a corporation. of thg County of KING , and St3te of WASHINGTON , does hereby certify that a certain mortgage. be.aring date !;be.. 17TH day of MAY .A.D. 2006 . made and executtKl by 'SALT RIVER HOMES. LLC A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY u ~nga~__ ~ WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS as mortgagee. convoying certaiJt real estate therein mentioned as security for the payment or $ 207.167.00 . illS therein stated. which mortgage WWJ recorded hi the olnce of the County Clørk and Ex.officio Register of, Dei!ds of LINCOLN County. Stute of Wyoming. on .the 19TH dn;r of MAY - 2illl6. in BoolL 620 of Mortgages, at par 649 . and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County. to·wit: '.' ~ LOT 215 OF NORDIC RANCHES DIVISION NO 13 LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF : RECEIVED 6/13/2007 at 12:02 PM RECEIVING # 930334 BOOK: 661 PAGE: 893 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I ; I I ! is.. with n note secured thereby, nnd the a.forementioned debt. fuUy paid. satisfied. released. and discharged ann in consideration thereof the snid mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises lhereby convnyP.d and rnort· gaged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS -- has caused these Presents to be signed by i~ V it! 'REGIONi\L MANAGER .TF.FF' JIA,RRTS I and its corporate seal to be affixed.. this 8TH day of JUNE .A.D. 2007. Signed, Sealed Gnd Delh'ered in the prCSeIlCC or At1:êst Seal: NO SEAL AVAILABLE By '1 TD-i~ ¡\~ : I~9 VIP REGIONAL MANAGER , - Secretary. Note: If it is not desired to describe lands in space therefor. insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage." "- THE $T A TE OF IDAHO r SS. County of BONNEVILLE On this--ª.!l}_ day of JUNE .lQQ1. before me per$unaJly appeared . to me personally known. who. being by me duly swQrn.did say that he is the V Ip REGIONAL MAN~GER _of WASHING$~NlliFr1WÆRAL SAVINGS . :\'{\' ... ·q/~ ... . . - - and that }~9~~.af.Ei.xe1i.~~instrument is the corporate seal òf said corporalion. and that said instnlment was sign~ and sealed o.!'~ølf.)f saiclSPrp~~~ by authority or i~ Board of Directors and slÛd acknoi~ ~d ~sWmerif~ the froo act and dl;lßd of said corporation. Gi~.$~nd~yr@an1~,gäriu1sealt1US 8th day of June .A.D. 2007. ~4.." 0 . Q .'~~ ""-'Q'"1" .... ,. ~ ?b.... ..' 0 ~ Notary Public. ~. 7···· .. ~ \ My c;~5si~n'èxpire~øð' the 9th " 11 dayoL June , A.D. 20lJ, '/(f'.1I1/ IIlIn\~·\~'\~ - ~ . THE STATE OF WYOMING, } 55. County of This instrument was filed for record at. o·clock--..M.. on thl" .day of . A.D. _. and duly recorded in Book on Page Counry Clork and Ex.()Wcjl) Rt'ßister of DKod5 No. By - F~,$ Deput, CIC!rk I - R 5T IE MORTe. . (D C II ) 000